

Meanwhile, Gerard's heart is beating too fast as he brings himself forward to the Kitchen.

He was shocked beyond relief when he read the text in the documents.

TV, bidets, air conditioner, cell phone, batteries, and many other gadgets and appliances which were widely known on Earth!

How did Count Alvis know all of it? Rather, how was he able to secure such documents for himself? It is impossible for them to know it at this stage of the game.

No, let's calm down. He told himself. There's definitely a logical reason why the elite NPC possessed it.

He then tried to remember what was written in the header of the document.

What is that? A key to the previous hero's wealth.

Gerard stop on his tract immediately when it dawned on him.

Could it be the document is related to the previous hero that defend the Edo Kingdom? Assuming he is correct, then those documents might contain how he can run the defense mechanism of the secret land. It might also contain the location of the secret land itself.

He knew where the amulet is, but not the location of the tomb that contained gold coins and artifacts which will lead him to the secret place.

Thinking of possibilities made him gasp. He needed to get that documents no matter what.

And as to how? He could only think of one. But it is risky because if it didn't work, then he might not be able to join the players in finding the missing amulet, or worse, he might forfeit his dear life. Though he cannot really die.

But if they learn he cannot, that's another trouble for him. He might be thrown into some underground research facilities and made his body a guinea pig.

There is no other, if he sits idly, he might miss a chance to get the document that will cost him not only coins for funding his travel expenses but time as well. In this game, time is the most important than anything else, aside from one's life.

While rehearsing of lines, he didn't realize he already reaches the kitchen.

Mel furrowed his brows and glance at the daze Payne Blanc.

"Brat. Every time you went out, you always come back in a dazed state."

Gerard returns to reality and massages his nape and thinks of an excuse.

"It is because when Count Alvis agreed, I realized how dangerous it is."

Mel snorted "See? What's your plan?"

"Well, I cannot back down now. I already give my word besides, Count Alvis will pay me half of the wages the heroes will receive during the mission."

Mel nodded his head and return to his work.

"Get the fresh ingredients and cut them so we can prepare to cook our next dishes for lunch."

"Wait up, Count Alvis told me to bring him some beverage with alcohol content."

Mel stop at his work and proceed to take out some fancy glasses and was about to pour one of the wines that were intended for the noble's consumption when Gerard stop him.

"Wait! He said beverages with alcohol content. I don't think the wine will do."

Mel furrowed his brows again and face Gerard.

"This is the only drink in the kitchen that contains alcohol."

"I know, but I was able to think of something. Let me."

Then Gerard does his work. He brought out a long plastic cup and a short one from the cabinet and tried to insert the short one into the long one.

Mel observes Gerard and finds himself curious as to what the latter is trying to do.

Don't tell me this brat is going to make another alcoholic beverage. Making one is difficult, besides he is not a vintner, isn't he?

And Mel somehow got it right.

Satisfied with the cups that look like cocktail shakers when combined, Gerard steals the fancy glass of wine from Mel and the vodka beside him. He then gets two oranges from the table along with a fruit grinder. And lastly, some ice.

After preparing, he then peels the two oranges and put them in the grinder. He then makes his way through and juices start to pour that fell in the basin.

He carefully measures and pours the ingredients such as the orange juice and vodka into his newly created cocktail shakers and added some ice.

Gerard takes a deep breath and starts to build, stir, and shake. And then repeat.

After a minute or two he put away the short cup that served as a cap.

He then pours it carefully into the glass of wine.

After emptying the cocktail shakers, he starts making a garnish. Which of course the orange and place it on the rim of the glass wine.

Satisfied with the results, he beam a smile and felt proud.

On the sideline, Mel was perplexed.

"Brat. What is that?"

"This?" Gerard raises the glass of wine and smiles at Mel. "This is called a fruit cocktail and as you can see, it is simple to make. But don't get carried away, simple as it seems but If you didn't know how to measure properly the ingredients, it will taste awful."

"Fruit cocktail? And that drink is what you called beverage with alcohol content?" Mel responded in shock.


Gerard saw Mel furrowed his brows "I didn't know that we can make such a beverage."


Gerard snaps his finger. That's right. The alcohol drink in this game is limited compared to Earth. They only have ale or beer, wine, and vodka. Rum is not yet around.

On the other hand, Mel is still shocked but he didn't let it show on his face. The young man in front of him is certainly a genius for creating a such drink that he never even heard about.

"How did you learn to make drinks like that?"

Gerard suddenly stop. Fortunately, he was prepared.

"From my hometown. It is loved in my place but the neighboring town is not pleased so we decided not to spread it, hence we will meet demise. If you ask me why? It is because the source of income of those towns is from brewing their own alcoholic beverages."

"I will make you one later after I give this to Count Alvis."

Hearing him say that, Mel becomes serious.

"Are you sure it will be to the liking of Count Alvis?"

"Yes, since the Count ask for a beverage with alcohol, I assumed he didn't want to drink the wine itself so I made this cocktail."

The majority of the people that do not want to get drunk always choose cocktails instead of vodka, rum, or brandy.

Mel gaze at him seriously and after a while, the former retracted his gaze and turn around to continue his work.

"Okay, leave. Don't cry if Count Alvis told you that it is not to his liking. Nobles have intricate taste palates regarding drinks and foods."

"Yes, yes."

Gerard places the glass on the small tray and carefully carries it toward the Count's office.

As he walks, Gerard constantly meets a few knights getting ready for something. They only give him a glace and continue walking.

He is happy that he knows how to make a cocktail, thanks to his former self. In his previous life, whenever he like to drink a cocktail, due to the busy and hectic schedule he has, he'd rather make one for himself instead of going to a bar.

Two potential results can benefit him.

First, since this is the first time in this world that the cocktail emerge, it can please the Count. And if it does, the latter might give him another reward

And lastly, if the Count likes it, perhaps the latter extend another offer for him. If that happened, he could pry on documents for more whenever the Count's attention is on another matter. He will work for the Count under the pretense of creating a cocktail.

Although it is a hassle, he had no other choice. He cannot bring himself to steal the document because if he is found out, the secret behind his existence might be discovered and spread. It won't only disturb the NPC but the players as well that will affect everything.

He will then be called a bug and the Superior System might be shut down for a while to fix the issue.

After all who will let an NPC be unkillable? Even the strongest villain in this game is designed to be killed. No one going to let it slide.

So he put all his hope through this orange cocktail.

After walking for another minute, Gerard finds himself in the familiar hallway with a familiar Captain guarding the door.

He took a deep breath and greeted the Captain.

"Count Alvis is asking for a beverage."

The Captain glanced at him and at the orange cocktail in a fancy glass that is placed on the tray. The former scrutinizes the beverage greatly and satisfied that there's no problem with the beverage, he let Gerard enter the Count's office.

Gerard saw Count Alvis profusely reading the familiar document.

"My Lord, here's your beverage with alcohol content."

Count Alvis only nodded his head without giving him any glance and instruct him to place the glass on the table near the door.

But Gerard didn't heed the instruction, instead, he put the glass directly on Count's table which made the latter furrow his brows and sharply gaze at him.

"My Lord, apologies if I offended you but I suggest that you must drink it now. This beverage is different from what you used to drink. And the best time to drink this is right now.

That is true, any cocktail should be drunk after it is made.

Count Alvis scrutinizes the fruit cocktail.

"What do you mean that this beverage is different from what I used to drink? Isn't this just juice? Besides, I told you I need a drink with some alcohol. Why did you bring orange juice only?"

Count Alvis frowned when he realized that there is even a slice of orange on the rim of the glass of wine.

Although his voice is calm, the tone is enough for Gerard to gulp.

This is one of the elite NPC, and his reaction is normal.

"If you would let this humble servant explain, I will be forever grateful My Lord. When you say you want a beverage with some alcohol, did you mean you want to juice and wine in a separate glass?"

Count Alvis massages his temple and finds himself losing his cool. He overestimated this Payne Blanc in front of him. He thought this young man is good enough to voluntarily participate in the mission but it seems Mel need to teach his apprentice more. Nonetheless, he still gives his response "Yes."

"Then I apologize. I thought you want an alcoholic beverage in a single wine that's why I made this orange cocktail. It contains freshly ripened orange, ice, and vodka."

"Did you say orange cocktail? What is that even mean?"

Count Alvis was confused. He is a noble and didn't lack in terms of education. But this is the first time he heard about cocktails.

"Well, My Lord. It is a combination of orange juice with vodka in it. Please taste it, you will like it for sure."

Count Alvis hesitantly takes the fancy glass and takes a little sip. He is hesitant not because he suspected that the cocktail whatever it is contain poison. People on his level can tell if food or a drink contains poison at a single glance. He is hesitant because he is distracted by the single slice of orange that is placed on the rim of the glass.

But since he is also quite curious about the taste, he takes a sip.

And he was shocked beyond compare when the orange cocktail flowed into his taste bud. He then gulped and felt the familiar streak in his throat but it is mild compared to what he had expected.

He is not a heavy drinker, that's why whenever he drinks strong alcoholic beverages like vodka, he has water or beverage to drink after he drinks a shot of vodka. That was why he only drink a little when in social gatherings of noble families in the Edo Kingdom. He didn't want to be a laughing stock.

But Count Alvis thought that it would change now. If he introduces this, he can drink openly without a chaser.

"Hey, you! You want to earn coins?"

Count Alvis told Gerard while grinning.