
See you soon

Akash exploded the garden and it was really spectacular. Dhvani didn't know about it till it happened.

Ajay had sensed it just a moment before and managed to put shields on himself and Akash. It was great that no one was injured except the plants.

The plants were often nourished with magic elements so they had stubborn vitality and they held on despite the destruction. The plants were shaken and then slowly, they moved the branches as if tentatively stretching out.

Ajay then got up to check on Akash. He was stunned by the explosion and stood there pale. He was as white as a ghost and that was saying something as they had seen real ghosts.

How could he do this? This question was circling Akash's mind.

"It's okay," Ajay patted his shoulders extending support.

Dhvani also felt the same. The explosions were common to them because they exploded quite a lot of stuff while practicing exercises knowingly and unknowingly.