
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The pierce family fighters (2)

{Switching all previous chapters to third person soon, I realized I switched views after coming back from an extended break. I feel that the story will run more smoothly when done.}

Akio retreated back too my white line completely unharmed and still in shape, besides a small bloody nose front the impact of the ground. Leaving his face covered with dust.

The showman returned to the battle side as he bowed once more.

"The challenged party has succeeded in the first match and will now continue to the second match." he bowed towards the crowd, his suit was dusted with dust from the constant shuffling of feet in combat.

"And with that begin!"

'What a boring showman.' Akio thought as he looked forward at his opponent. he found this fight too be absolutely pointless, we both had no reason to fight. But Akio found it fun and a reason to train, but he found it ironic how they are an alleged best sword family yet one of them is wielding an axe.

he looked around into the crowd, looking too see if Nell or Milda was there, Akio saw them sitting on the second floor waving down at him with giant smiles on there faces. Croutching over the small fence preventing them from falling down. he waved back but was cut short by a punch to the gut.

"I'm right here man "Cole said while grinning.

His punch hurt, Akio could tell that this guy put maybe all of his extra points into strength as he was blown away a couple of feet. Akio laid there gasping for air as he struggled too stand upright. Cole took light of the opportunity and rushed forward with relatively slow speed. He used his body weight to swing his large blade. Aiming for Akios neck as the large blade came forward like a bullet

Akio looked at the oncoming swing and ducked quickly down pulling out his dagger. Before he could move to strike back a giant blade slammed into his left shoulder. Causing him to fly across the stadium and landing against the wall with a huge explosion.

Akio felt his head blared in warning as he fell to the ground, he couldn't even think with all of the ringing inside of his head. It was as if a giant explosion happened right in front of him, shortly deafening him. He stood up slowly with the world around him spinning, he could only see the blurred figure in front of him as he jumped sideways to dodge what he could only think of as an oncoming strike.

The crowds cheering boomed as he stood up once more taking deep breaths as the environment around him cleared up very slowly. his surroundings slowly returning to one image. Cole was walking towards me with immense confidence, his grin plastered on his face full of smug.

"I told you that you were too dumb too fight me. You may be faster, maybe even stronger. But you can never face me with that brain of yours." Cole mocked as he walked forward raising his sword above his head.

Akio didn't have anytime to think so he dove right in hopes of dodging once more and getting towards the center so he could have more room to dodge. Coles blade hit the ground where he was previously, cleanly cutting into the ground.

Akios gaze sharpened up a bit as he regained his composure, Becoming more focused he can now see normally. He gripped his dagger and watched as Cole started running at him once again. Akio remembered what Fuyoko had taught him and ran forward towards Cole. Cole could barely see Akio as he binked forward. He stopped and swiped upwards, the dagger connecting with the top of coles. Using the momentum of coles swing He directed the swing to the left. Allowing him free range for attacks.

"Tch" Cole clicked his tongue in frustration.

Akio saw the opportunity and punched him in the stomach as hard as he could. The blow knocked all the air out of Cole and launched him back a couple of meters, the difference in strength was apparent. The only thing keeping cole in the fight was his sword.

Akios left shoulder started to ring out in pain as the shock wore off. Causing his movements to be more restrained than free. Akio used the chance given the worn out Cole to grab his dagger and slice Coles thigh.

"GAH, I'll get you for that." Cole screamed at him with anger as he tried to scramble off the ground.

Akio wasn't going to let him get up easy as he kicked him down to the ground once again. His arm let out a splurge of blood to the strained effort of the kick.

Cole lay on the ground breathing heavily in effort. Akio used this chance to knock him out, throwing a punch to the side of his head.

Cole let out a grunt as he is Ollie's over a couple of times. He lay still on the ground.

Akio grinned in victory, but the showman didn't come and announce victory. He then saw Cole push himself up slowly, falling once on the way up. The crowd was cheering him on to get up, and Akio felt that if he pushed him out now his public life would be over. One of those underdog scenes perhaps.But akio soon became worried as he saw fire around Coles hands as he stood up slowly hunched over. Blood pooling out of his thigh.

Cole thrusted his arm forward, causing a fireball too be thrown at Akio. He responded by bending backwards to dodge it with a look of surprise.

"When did you get that?" Akio called out to him. But he realized the stupid question. After all he had a stockpile of things he could use against Cole.

He opened up his stats and looked through it once more.


Name: Akio Sano

age: 15 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:0





Mana: 7700/7700

Skills: [appraisal (LVL 3)], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)] [lightning control(2nd grade) LVL 1][Ice glare LVL1]

Equipment: Leopards boots (+2 con, +20 dex) , Yamii's Dedication (1.4x all basic stats)


His gaze landed on Ice glare, he was rather surprised at a spell having ice properties as it wasnt an element known in the world.

[Ice is a subcategory of water, so spells exist of it. However your version of ice is more pure, making it stronger. Like a fire mage using earth spells compared to fire. But since yours truly influenced the system, you can transfer nearly every spell you want.]

He thanked the strange voice once more as he ducked another fireball, leading into a small jump to avoid a second one. This was getting rather annoying. Akio turned towards Cole and started to move forward, dodging left and right twisting his body to the onslaught of fire.

"Stop being slippery dude, your only delaying it." Cole laughed out as the speed of which the fireballs launched were increased.

Akio felt the fireballs barely graze him as he blinked around the field, managing to avoid all of them. Albeit very closely. He snapped his head towards Cole with a serious gaze.

'Ice glare'

he felt his eyes itch as he stared at Cole grimly, while still moving to avoid the fireballs. He saw Coles face weaken in freight.

"What are you doing!?" He yelled as I continuously glared at him. His movements getting slower and slower, not noticeable to the crowd but it was too him and Cole. The showman saw the slowing moves of Cole and glance in Akios direction. His eyes widened in horror, but forced himself to remain calm.

eventually the constant expense of mana was getting to be too much for Cole as he stopped and started to charge up one big spell. Akio kept staring at him as he thought to himself about the upcoming attack.

'think i can use my ice flare to counter his attack?' he asked his system while he stared into Coles eyes, his panic face becoming more and more prominent.

[one second...] Akio heard the deep voice state in a very analytical voice

[Yes you can, everyone else here is probably too weak to understand what will happen except for the Showman. Who I assume to be not much more than a showman.]

'LETS GOOO' he thought to himself as he started to walk forward at a faster pace. Starting to feel the coldness in his throat as he cast it in the place that felt the most natural. His eyes were a deep icy blue as the ice gaze was active, his pale skin around his neck started to turn a neon blue as his attack grew in power.

"HHAAAHHH" Cole let out a scream as a firewall that spanned the arena was summoned, sweeping forward like an enclosing wall.

Akio let out a small breath towards the wall as it neared, Blue flames briefly flying outwards as his teeth froze solid. instead of the usual shivers he got from chewing on the ice from the water hed drink from the inn. He got a warm welcoming feeling from the cold, as if it was embracing his mouth with gentleness.

The flare spit out formed into a small ball, actively spewing out sparks as it slammed into the firewall causing a massive smoke bomb to occur.

[water quenches fire, lava slays water, nothing can slay lava, except your ice] The voice deep inside of him squirmed in excitement for the first time in his life.

The smoke fell down to reveal Akio standing unharmed, and Cole on the ground.

knocked out