

Alex our protagonist reflects how he woke up in the void. He remembers how he ended up there, theres no hope for him to live a normal life of a child from there. But he was given a second chance by the multiverse as a devil of a new universe. He decides to save this mew world from the invasion of outers who were responsible for the destruction of his universe, his transformation from an innocent child to a heartless devil. The novel is about he overcomes the diffrent trials. To build a modern society from a midevial society. Making diffrent intellectual species live together like vampires, warewolves, mermaids, humans, demons, angels, gods, zombie, undead etc. Join Alex in his journey to become a character who has the potential to become the most overpowered character. [Author note: • So basically viewers let me say this “This is my personal project to create an overpowered character who has an absolute authority even in front of all gods and evil. I wanted to create a character who was not bonded by a single world, species or any possible thing. I know that the story is slow and the chapters are late but please bear with it. I can just guarantee that you will at least enjoy the whole story once it reaches 500 chapters. •Also do remember that I only own the right to the characters in the main world of the book and other characters rights are owned by their respective owners and I am only using them to make my project interesting I don't own any of those characters from diffrent worlds which will be shown in the future. I don't intend to offend anyone by using those characters this is only for fun. ]

NOTE_97 · Urban
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48 Chs


[ A/N : So yeah, hi readers since writing names before the statements of the characters was becoming hectic I decides to remove names unless necessary. The rest of the chapters will be updated accordingly.]

"I feel nothing its going to be a disaster if I failed the task."he replied

Amber went near Alex and hugged him, she patted him.

Alex was so emmersed in his feelings that he didn't notice a drop of tear trailing its path on his face.

He didn't notice Amber and just sat there hoping to get past his traumas.

That day he cried for hours hugging his mother and then fell asleep into his mothers embrace.

The next morning Alex was woken up by Amber.


"Wake up!! Its not good to keep the king and queen waiting"said mother.

I was feeling sleepy the only reply which came out of my mouth was mhm...

I woke up five minutes later and was summoned by mom to fix my hair.

"Mom you know I can fix my hair myself" I stated.

" Come down here sit down" she said with a frown on her face.

I sat sat on the chair with a stiff face.

I was worried about mom asking questions which I didn't wanted to answer as they reminded me of something which was locked deep inside my heart.

"Alex how much knowledge do you have of this world." mother asked.

I explained to her about all I knew about this world while compairing to my previous world.

" It seems the system granted to you is quite a unique system granted only to you, but you are not the only one having a system. There is a system which each one of adventurer or hunted gets when he/she slays their first beast. But I think this system is granted to you for growing fast and strong so you can help others during the apocalypse." she said.

" Is there any other functions in your system?" I asked.

" No infact your system is more advanced than ours. But lets talk about it after meeting the elven royalty" she answered.

"Okay mom" I said.

" Also as you converted the princess into someone like you what are your plans for her?" she asked.

" Either I will take her with us or help her control the urges she will have." I answered.

"Are you planing to introduce the technology ,magic and knowledge of your world to this world." she asked.

"I do intend to do that but I will not impart all of my knowledge as in that world people discovered some dangerous methods which were very dangerous and humans are not ready for that kind of thing for now." I answered.

"Good because human greed is something very dangerous child remember that." she warned me.

she paused and then again said.

"Also do remember Alex what you were what you did, does not matters anymore after your rebirth you are now my son and that is your only identity use those knowledge to save what is precious to you but don't keep sinking in the guilt." she advised.

I smiled and said.

"Thanks for the motivation mom"

Mom came near me and started combing my hair, I felt a little embarrassed as I was not very used to this kind of treatment.

After about three minutes I was ready wearing a formal black dress as I needed to meet the king and queen.

Just as I entered the royal palace my system blinked.