
System of Power

This is a word where everyone can have systems through hard work or by money. This world is based on 3901 . Ather is the main protagonist of the story he and his friend will discover the truth about this world .

Bharati_Singha · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

how the world work in this universe

In this world, everyone had the ability to obtain a system, but they were incredibly expensive, so only the wealthy could afford them. These systems were a combination of advanced technology and magical power, which allowed the user to perform incredible feats and enhance their physical abilities.

There were four superpowers in the world: India, China, America, and Europe. Each had their own strengths and weaknesses, and they were constantly vying for power and influence. India was known for promoting peace, and as a result, its citizens were generally more peaceful and empathetic.

Despite the emphasis on peace, there were still conflicts between the superpowers. These often played out through the use of systems, as powerful individuals would be hired by their respective governments to engage in combat or espionage. These individuals were often referred to as "system users" or simply "users."