
System Of Gene Apocalypse

It is the story of Jack, a scientist. He was in the central prison of Gettykark, for killing his girlfriend. In this prison, a new prisoner came after 2 years named Stanik Mever. He was a time traveller, who had come from the past, not from the future. He explained to Jack the concept of timeline which was completely different than Jack had thought. But Stanik came to that jail to meet, Jack and his girlfriend Jasmin. Because jasmine and Jack together can make the machine that will save the earth from the apocalypse in the past. That destruction was the reason why dinosaurs died and not only that so many advanced civilizations had destroyed completely. Stanik was one of them, they had that advanced technology for time travelling and they came to know that after millions of years later, 2 scientists named Jack and Jasmin become successful in designing the machine that will save the earth from this destruction. But Stanik came to know that Jack had killed his girlfriend Jasmin. Jack will explain the reason which bound him to do so. But the problem is, the device Stanik was using for time travelling, can help only one person to teleport in time. Even after facing so many problems. Can they find their way to save the earth without the help of Jasmin? Or Jasmine will arise again? A new world of gene apocalypse. An alien gene !

Aniket_Mandal · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Few things left unsaid

"What will I do?" Jack shout at Stanik

"I have done what is right at that moment, and apart from all I have already make her understand everything".

"I warned her before, she bound me to do" Jack was screaming but he was in tears.

" And have no interest in saving the world, I have once tried. I lost my girlfriend and I'm spending the rest of my life in this jail.

Just get lost from my room" yelled Jack

Stanik kicked the iron bar door so hard.

And stepped out.

Jack moved his face opposite and laid down. His eyes were running. Tears were his only companion. he lost into the past when there was someone who cares for him.

With the sliding tears from his cheeks, the memories of the past flashed back.

The morning was fine just like all other days. The boys were busy making fun and laughing at their loudest. The sound of their laughter faded when their practical professor entered into the laboratory. However, the boys at the corner weren't aware of the professor's presence. They were still hanging out in their own world. Jack was one of those boys.

Although they never intended to disrespect the professor and his presence by their indiscipline behaviour, they committed the blunder unknowingly. The professor was an angry man who used to use harsh words while scolding. This is why, no one ventured to do any such mistake in the laboratory atleast in his presence.

The sounds of laughter grew louder as silence overtook the rest of the class. The boys were awakened by this loud voice of their own. By this time, the laboratory professor was standing before them along with the director. Silence dominated the atmosphere for about 5 minutes.

The director looked red with anger. The boys were confident to defend themselves. However, the fear and nervousness in Jack's face was clearly noticeable. Hence, both the professor and director decided to hunt him first.

Jack was badly scolded by the principal. The professor kept mum because of the presence of the director. They scolded him much because Jack was a hard-working and dedicated student. They had really high hopes from him. But, this behaviour of his lowered their expectations.

After scolding him for his indulgence in nuisance, he even started scolding him for not being responsible. The director was aware of Jack's financial condition. He disclosed it before everyone that his parents were no more and he ought to be responsible atleast for himself. This personal attack on his emotions brought him into tears.

With tear-filled eyes, he left the classroom. Jasmin, whose eyes were tear filled from the beginning of the whole incident, couldn't tolerate these harsh words on Jack's personal life. While nobody dared to break the silence which was left by the retreating foot steps of Jack was broken by Jasmin.

Holding back her tears, Jasmin stood up bold before the entire class and spoke out daringly, "Sir, I accept that the boys were indulged in mischief which was an act of disrespect for our noble professor. However, the boys, being present on the last row, weren't aware of the sudden arrival of the professor. Scolding them was right on your part. However, disclosing someone's personal problems and indicating their financial problems wasn't correct on your part. It has hurt the feelings of somebody."

The director along with all others were shocked at this reaction from Jasmin. Jasmin was known to be a shy girl who didn't spoke in useless matters. However, the director ignored her words and moved out. But, before the director could move out of the class, she moved out of the class to find Jack.

The director grew suspicious of this behaviour of Jasmin and decided to talk to them. He sent two other students to find them and bring them back to the classroom. After about 10 minutes, the two classmates arrived along with Jack and Jasmin.

The director spoke out, "Jasmin, I hadn't spoke anything to you. The matter of talk was completely between me and the boys, especially Jack. Why did you speak up in between?" The director's question bombarded seriously at Jasmin. Jasmin didn't know how to answer the question.

At first, her face lacked all expressions. Her face was terrified. In a staggering voice, she spoke, "Sir, I spoke it generally. It really hurt me when you spoke such words related to Jack's personal life."p

"Why did my words to Jack hurt you?" asked the angry director with his eyebrows stretched upwards. Tear drops ran down her cheeks and her face turned red. She didn't know what to speak out.

But, her inner soul mustered up her courage and spoke out, "Sir, it's not correct to hurt somebody's feelings. As a human, we don't own the rights to do that."

The instigated director spoke, "Can I know why are you standing up for Jack when he himself is quiet?" The brave Jasmin sp

oke, "Because he doesn't have the courage to speak." She was boldly looking into the director's eyes.

The Director's suspicion reached heights and he again questioned, "So, are you his courage?" Jasmine replied, "Not just his courage, I'm everything he is."

Jack was staring at Jasmin with his widened eyes. He was stunned by her words. The Director again spoke, "This time, you are behaving indecently. Jasmin, stop being Jack's unpaid lawyer. He accepts his fault and is quiet. You need not meddle in his matters." While the director was walking away with these final words, Jasmin spoke daringly, "I'm not just his unpaid lawyer. I'm everything to him and so is he to me. I just spoke what was correct. If it was somebody else's case, I would have stopped myself. However, to clear all confusions, let me confess that I stood up for him because I love him. He is far more responsible than his irresponsible acts portrait him as. Just because he was ignorant of the professor's presence doesn't mean he is irresponsible. He is responsible, studious, hardworking and all perfect as a man. And yes, I will stand up for him always because he is my first true love."

The professor was gone from the laboratory. But, the loud voice of Jasmin must have reached his ears because the entire classroom was stunned at her words. She herself didn't know what she had said. But, she felt relieved of all those emotions she had preserved within her since a long time. They both stood in the middle of the classroom looking at each other's face while everyone were looking at them.

The professor even went way after this scene. Nobody had nothing to say. The silence spoke all the words. The world may not have accepted that version of Jasmin. However, it wasn't unreal. It was Jasmin, who couldn't stand up for herself but was always ready to stand up for her first love, Jack. After few minutes, even Jack went away without speaking anything. They had nothing to speak because Jasmin's silence had already spoke everything.

Every memories are still alive inside the heart of Jack. She was my first love. Tears roll down his eyes. Eyes were finally get closed to take a peaceful nap.

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