
Chapter 17: Leaving the town

After the young wendigo's finish their feast which settled their hunger, for now. They all enter their homes. Only a few Wendigo children were left after their eating frenzy, they received a new order to protect each other and kill any passers-by for food. With that, they left the small town on the Pearl-like elephant back.

Blackstone Clan count: 10 (+1)

Clan Members Ranking: Lowest Grade Wendigo

After checking her clan status she was quite embarrassed by the low amount of there is of them but if she remembers right she can get some exp from her clan members since she is the family head even though it a low amount of exp it will still help in a long run.

They did make a few stops to give the pearl elephant a rest since it had been running for a long time now. Dyllis laid on the cold ground as she stared at the campfire as it crackled and burn, Tobca sat cross-legged with her eyes closed. The moonlight shined on the very spot she sat upon, making any who see this thinking she was a moon fairy instead of a water fae.

Dyllis got off the cold ground and made her way towards Tobca wanting cuddles from her. She starts poking the water fae cheek to get her attention, the water fae felt slightly annoyed but she gave up her meditation and turn her focus to her lover.

The Wendigo burst with smiles when she finally got the other attention, sparkles glimmering in her eyes "What do you want Dyllis?" Tobca asked a bit annoyed, Dyllis pointed to Tobca lap "You want to sit on my lap but why?" she asked confused. Tobca uncrossed her legs and laid them straight only to have Dyllis to sit on her lap sideways.

Dyllis wraps her arms around Tobca neck as she nuzzled her face into the fae shoulder not long after she fell asleep, leaving the fae puzzled. Toba thought to herself with a complex look on her face, after a while her legs started to go numb making her want to push Dyllis off her lap but she didn't have the heart to.

Tobca played with Dyllis hair having nothing else to do besides being Dyllis body pillow. The two of them stayed like that all night till the break of dawn, the orange circle peaked out saying hello to the once covered in darkness world.

Its beams of warmth spread throughout the forest as it slowly came out of hiding. Dyllis open her eyes tiredly blinking a few times trying to get used to light up surroundings "Good morning sleepy head" Tobca said as she flicked Dyllis forehead causing the other to winced slightly.

Dyllis got off the water fae lap and stretched her body while Tobca waited for the feeling in her legs to come back to her. After a good twenty minutes of stretching, Dyllis went to wake up the giant magical beast, the beast just rooted its trunk at her before rolling over.

'Come on you oversize elephant get your lazy arse up we got to go before I eat all my rations!' Dyllis yelled in her head as she continued to bug the giant pearl elephant. Tobca watched the funny scene before her as she got up from the ground, trying her best not to break out in laughter.

Dyllis lifted one of its huge ears and blown-in it causing the large elephant made of pearls toot loudly as it jumped six feet up into the sky, Tobca finally couldn't hold it in and started waves of crackling laughter, wheezing as she does so.

Dyllis moved out of the way to avoid being crushed half to death as the elephant landed on the ground with its back legs as it tries to regain its balance only to fall on its back, it tooted its trunk for help at getting back up. It remained Dyllis of a turtle stuck on its back.

Dyllis sighed while thinking 'This damn magical beast is so troublesome' with that though she tries to push it over to its side, it couldn't roll itself over since the impact of it falling onto the earthy ground cause a dent to be made.

Tobca laughter even harder to the point her face was turning purple as she gasps for air, holding her aching sides as she continued chuckling away. After a few minutes of trying to move the stupid elephant herself, she finally stopped to pull out her book to ask Tobca.

"Tobca can you stop giggling like a little school girl for a second and help me get this overgrown Pearl Elephant to its side?" The book spoke plainly, Tobca tried to calm herself down which took her a good ten minutes. "Sure" with her simple answer she struts her way over and been pushing on the huge elephant with dyllis, after an hour they finally pushed the elephant to its side.

"For the love of Aizza, I am glad this is over," Tobca said out loud as she leaned on a tree for a rest, Dyllis nodded her head in agreement breathing heavily. Dyllis got the saddle off the ground and approach the pearl elephant to put on the saddle only for it to doge her when she tried to put the saddle on it.

Dyllis landed face-first into the dirt while she still holds the giant saddle, after the fifth time of trying to put the saddle on the stubborn elephant she finally got it on the pearl elephant. It tooted its trunk in displeasure, Dyllis and Tobca got on and the elephant started moving down the road at a slow paste as Tobca went for a shut-eye.

The wendigo took out an arm and started munching away on it without a care in the world, it was a very quiet ride there were no bandits and barely any carriages would pass by them. Dyllis kept her red cloak on so that she wouldn't get a bounty place on her as a new monster.