
System of a Devil

What would you give to fulfill your greatest desire? Would you throw away your humanity for your dreams? Even if your doing everything for the good of humanity as they threaten your life and the ones you love? This is the story of Ivan and his path he forged.

BlockedChain · Fantasy
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04: Geschichte vom Teufelshund

'What the fuck is with this place? Crops never grew that fast in my previous life but we didn't have this mana bullshit either.' Quill thought as he began to debate on the best way to store the Korn.

'Maybe a silo but I don't think they will be able to make one that's gonna be decent enough to stop animals and bugs from getting in. Maybe a cellar? Some sharpened sticks and a decent group of people should be able to have one dig out and then line the walls with the same thatch they used for their roofs. Maybe use more thatch as a roof and cover with some soil and that should work as long as they dump their wastes over at the farm or it'll fill in with shit and piss.' Quill walked through the village to the awaiting elders and saw the villagers attempt to make repairs but still ended up with gaps in their walls from the unmilled logs that allowed the cold wind in at night.

"Another thing on the to do list" Quill spoke to no one as he walked into the hut that belonged to the elders.

"Any progress Quill?" Elder Gwen asked as she raised from a wicker chair.

"Yes, I just witnessed a crop grow and bear in front of my eyes. Are crops supposed to grow that fast? I need a group of people and a lot of sharpened sticks, length doesn't matter as long as they are sturdy. With the way things are going we need a place to store everything or it's just gonna waste away." Quill said as he thought of all the progress he is going to force the village through.

"They grew? They grew instantly? I have something to give you that should help with your tasks."Elder Gwen said as she went to the back of the hut and dug into a crudely made bin and retrieved an old worn tome.

"This was left by the old Chiefs, passed down from the original founder of the village.This may provide you with the history of our village and aid you in helping the village." Elder Gwen said as she passed Quill the tome.

"Thank you elder, I have work to do." Quill said as he left the hut.

"Gather around. I need a group of people with anything they can use to dig. We are going to be making a place to store the Korn they are growing. Whoever assists will be awarded with fresh Korn that is being grown." Quill yelled out to the villagers near him as they passed his task among themselves and slowly a group formed around him with a random assortment of sharpened sticks and stones.

"We are going to be digging a pit and lining the walls with thatch, then we are going to grab some study logs and insert them into the roof and cover with thatch and then soil on top. Then after making sure theirs a decent layer of thatch for insulation we are going to fill it with Korn to store for winter." Quill said to the group as he tried to dumb the plan down as much as possible.

"How deep are we going to dig?" One of the villagers asked.

"As deep as possible, preferably deep enough to fit two men standing atop each other and wide enough to go fit several huts inside." Quill said as he thought of the best way to describe the pit.

"Where are we digging?" The same villager spoke up again.

"On the opposite side of the village of the farm. We don't want any waste to seep into our Korn. The thatch should stop the rain and the soil should help seal it from the weather and the deeper it is then the cooler it's going to be." Quill said as he addressed the villagers.

"Aye, sir." The same villager replied as he took charge of the group and led them a distance close to the village opposite of the farm.

"Time to see what we got here." Quill said as he headed to his crumby hut and pulled out the tome he was given.

'Geschichte vom Teufelshund? Interesting title. Maybe this village has more to it than it seems.' Quill thought as he sat against one of the walls in his hut and began to read the about the village and soon to be known to him, his heritage.


" Did you have to bring him back here? His family sacrificed everything to get him away from this world, even sensed his soul to a planet devoid of any energy. He's reincarnated an unfathomable amount of times their. Hasn't his linage gave enough?" An ancient feminine voice spoke aloud to another, all while Quill was oblivious to the entire conversation concerning his very existence.

"They may have everything. His ancestors have been by my side since before my ascent to divinity. I know it's selfish of me but a threat grows, it may not appear in another eon but it's growing and I don't know if we are going to be able to do anything. We need allies, if being a devil is what it takes to protect the one thing that fueled my ascent then so be it." Another ancient voice replied to the first, growing more intense as it continued.

"I agree, but we owe him and his line more than anything we can ever repay." The first voice replied with almost a whisper.


Unbeknownst to Quill his entire fate was decide before his soul even came into existence. Will his rise be one of glory? Or will it be one of doom to the ones who seek to use him? May fate be ever a vision as you continue to forge your own destiny and imprint it upon reality. Never give in to the the endless river of destinies of others trying to imprint onto you. Break your shackles and rise!