
System: Lord of Gluttony

On a world full of magic, wonders, secret, and various danger. A girl will reach the top and dominate all. ________________________________________________________________ On a regular and ordinary day. Something weird appeared in front of Evaline, that change her life. Meeting new type of people, forming relationships, uncovering secrets, and facing danger. ________________________________________________________________ Note: This is my first novel, so don't expect much. Also, constructive criticism is helpful, so please comment them.

Dao_Boredom · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2 Months Later

June 10.

[12:45 AM]

In the middle of the night, Silvia slowly woke up and stood up from the bed.

".....Mm....? I remember the lights being turned on...."

Upon waking up, Silvia noticed the lights turned off, causing the room to be dark, she also turned to her computer and noticed it was turned off.

"Even the computer is turned off..." She commented seeing the peculiar moment.

Seeing her reaction, a message from the System abruptly popped up.

[Due to great fatigue, you forgot to turn them off, so I did it for you]

"...I see.... Thanks!"

Silvia turned on the light and head to the bathroom.

"I feel so sticky!" Silvia commented, feeling the disgusting stickiness in her clothes.

10 minutes later.

Silvia walked out from the bathroom after a quick shower, she walked to her closet and grabbed an underwear and a pair of a shirt and short.

After a while, Silvia finished wearing the clothes and sat on the bed on a lotus position, she continued her practice in manipulating Mana.

3 hours later, Silvia stopped her practice manipulating Mana after feeling tired.

She turned to the System and asked, "System, what do you think is my level in controlling Mana?"

[Compared to the people who just started, you are ahead of them by a mile, but in actually controlling Mana easily, you are still significantly far from it] The System honestly said.

"....I see..." Silvia muttered, feeling a bit discouraged.

[Do you want to show me your progress?] The System asked.

"....Sure..." Silvia nodded absent-mindedly.

[Beginner: {10/100} Required To Reach Novice Level Mana Control]

The reason the System showed it like this was to motivate Silvia, after all. People would stop on what their doing if they have not seen any progress, so showing them their fruit of labor may motivate them.

Seeing the message, Silvia felt a sliver of motivation.

Silvia looked at the time, it was [4: 01 AM], then said, "I'm currently tired, before I fully recover. I'll study Magic for a while."

She sat in front of her computer and searched online for Magic study's for the years she missed.

At first, Silvia find it hard, so she searched for any videos related to the topic she is currently struggling, after doing that many time, her progress with Magic Study increased.

The topic she was currently studying was 'Elements and Affinity' 'Magic History' 'Magic Theories' those in Magic School also studied other subjects in normal school, but they mainly study the listed three.

Magic School also teaches Mana Control, she was already on it, so its useless in studying it online.

Suddenly, the phone beside the computer vibrated, following it was a loud ringing sound.

Silvia's concentration broke as the alarm rang, she looked at the time in her monitor and noticed it was [6:00 AM].

She turned off the alarm and got back on studying Magic online.

After two hours of studying, someone suddenly knocked on the door of her room.

Silvia turned to the door and walked towards it.

Opening the door, Jack came into view.

"What is it?" Silvia asked.

Jack looked behind her and asked, "Breakfast in nearly done cooking, also. What are you doing just now?"

"I'm studying, I'll come downstairs later." Silvia said.

"Okay, mom said were heading into the hospital after eating breakfast, so take a bath and changed." Jack said and head downstairs.

"Okay." Silvia nodded and closed the door.

She looked at herself and noticed she was covered in sweat.

Silvia sighed and walked to the bathroom.

While taking her clothes off, Silvia turned to the System and asked, "System, why did you not tell me I'm sweating?"

[You didn't ask]

Reading that, Silvia sighed and entered the shower, she turned it on and let the water fell on her body.

After 10 minutes later, Silvia left the bathroom covered in a towel.

She walked to the closet and grabbed a pair of clothes.

After a while, Silvia stood in front of a large mirror, she was wearing a pair of blue cardigan and white blouse on top and gray jeans.

She twirled around and asked the System, "Do I look good?"

[Yes, you look gorgeous as a goddess!] The System praised.

Silvia smiled in return, instantly her smile vanished and she walked out of the room.

She arrived at the table and saw the rest of her family already seated, and food laid on top of the table.

She sat on the seat beside Jack and across her parents.

Seeing this, the rest of them started eating.

"So how's your progress in studying Magic? After all, without a teacher its pretty hard." Evaline asked.

"It's good." Silvia answered.

"Good!" Evaline nodded in satisfaction.

After that, the family had a nice and warm breakfast.


10 Minutes Later.

They were currently outside their house seating inside their car.

"Alright, let's leave!" Alex who was driving, held the steering wheel and pressed the gas.

"Let's have some music." Evaline turned on the radio and blast some music.

While the other where enjoying themselves, Silvia was leaning on the seat with eyes closed, no one know what she's doing.

Currently, Silvia was practicing on her control to Mana.

After practicing for hours yesterday, Silvia slowly got the hang on controlling Mana.

If Jack were to see her progress, he would be shocked and shout to the heavens on how unfair it was. It was not to say he was not talented, in fact he has high amount of talent with Magic. It only due to his laziness that he was behind others.

Evaline, who was observing Silvia, noticed on what she's doing and was shocked seeing her progress, the progress that Silvia has reached is equal to others days of practice.

'....The fuck....!? She's more talented than me!' Evaline could only smile wryly seeing her daughters progress.

30 minutes later, the family of four arrived at the hospital.

Silvia got out of the car and stretched for a bit, she turned to the System and looked at her progress.

[Beginner: {15/100} Required To Reach Novice Level Mana Control]

'Sweet!' Seeing her progress, Silvia rejoiced.


Unknown to her, deep inside her soul. An unknown seed planted itself on her soul.

The color of her soul was transparent, but deep inside it was a small seedling of light.

Near her soul, an unknown figure watched this happening with a small gentle smile on its face.


[8:52 AM]

They walked inside the hospital, with Alex walking to the receptionist that was beautiful.

"Sir, what are you here for?" The female receptionist asked, seeing Alex approaching

"Hello, I'm Alex Wenston, we have an appointment with Doctor. Maxwell, is he available?" He asked the beautiful receptionist.

The female receptionist nodded and looked at the computer next to her, then she said, "Yes sir, Doctor. Maxwell is available, do you already know his office sir?"

"Yes! Thank you." Alex nodded then head to the doctors office.

They walked to the second floor and walked to a room with a sign that said [Doctor Maxwell's Office]

Once entering, they saw a handsome middle-aged man sitting in a large chair in front of a computer, wearing a large white coat.

Doctor Maxwell noticed their arrival and looked at their direction, and said, "Its been a while, how have you guys been?"

"It's going well." Alex reply and sat on of the seat.

The others greeted him as well and sat on one of the seats.

Doctor Maxwell looked at the computer and turned to the family and said, "Its your family's yearly check-up, so let's start!"

Doctor Maxwell stood up and entered a room inside his office, the others followed suit.


3 hours or so later.

They finished their yearly check-up and was seating inside their car.

"Didn't I told you, I'm okay." Silvia giggled while browsing through her phone.

"Better safe than sorry." Alex started the car and replied.

"That's right!" Evaline added.

Hearing what they said, Silvia could only smile wryly and continue her practice in controlling Mana.


Again, like earlier. A unknown seed planted itself on her soul.


2 Months later.

August 6.

[8:21 AM]

To enroll in a Magic School, one must passed a entrance exam.

The time for the test was [1:00 PM].

Currently, Silvia was on her bed sitting on a lotus position, her eyes closed, practicing her Mana control.

She abruptly opened her eyes and looked at her progress.

[Novice: {223/1000} Required To Reach Intermediate Level Mana Control]

It took her a month to achieve the Novice-Level of Mana Control.

Seeing her progress, a small smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Silvia stood up from the bed and started exercising.

One month prior to this day, the System suggested exercising, saying it was good for her when she create her own Mana Core.

Naturally, Silvia listened and started some light exercise.

After she started exercising, Silvia found out it can increase her stat, being VIT Stat.

Finding this out, Silvia started experimenting.

And the result of her experiment was:

Studying or doing anything with her brain can increase her INT Stat.

Doing things with her hands can increase her DEX Stat.

Running or jogging can increase her AGI Stat.

For now, she doesn't know how to increase her STR and DEF Stat.

Her Stats look like this:

[Name: Silvia Rose Wenston

Sex: Female

Age: 16 Years old

Race: Half-Human/Half-Angel

Soul Points: 0

Mana Core Rank:

EXP: 0/10

Level: 1

STR: 30

DEF: 25

AGI: 43 (Previously: 40)

DEX: 40 (Previously: 35)

VIT: 43 (Previously: 40)

INT: 60 (Previously: 50)

Elemental Affinity: {Light} {Dark} {Lightning} {Fire} {Water}

Equipment: None

Skills: None]

The INT Stat has the most drastic increase among the other Stats, due to her constant studying in the past two months.

3 hours later, Silvia stopped exercising, she checked the time and it was [11:35].

She glanced at her Stats and saw the VIT Stat increase by one point going from [43] to [44].

Seeing that, a small smile appeared on her face before disappearing immediately.

She entered the bathroom and took a shower.


After 20 minutes later, Silvia walked out from the bathroom covered in a towel.

She walked to the closet and grabbed a pair of clothers.

After a while, Silvia stood in front of a mirror, wearing a beautiful white dress that goes well with her hair, and a gray cardigan on top, and a white socks that reach her knee.

On the entrance exam of the Magic School she was currently enrolling, a person is not restricted on what type to clothes they can choose to wear, so they can basically wear what they all want.

[Beautiful!] The System commented.

"Thanks!" Silvia said, she grabbed a Rubik's Cube beside the computer and walked downstairs, while playing the Rubik's Cube.

It was Jack's Rubik's Cube, she decided to use for a while after discovering it can help her increase her DEX and INT Stat.

She arrived downstairs and walked to the kitchen to eat lunch, she didn't eat breakfast ealier because she didn't feel hungry, but now she's hungry.

Arriving at the kitchen, Silvia saw a plate of sandwiches on top of the table.

Currently, Evaline and Jack was on the living room watching movies together, while Jack was on his room playing games, so she was all alone in the kitchen.

She sat on one of the free seat, and started eating the sandwiches on one hand, while the other was playing the Rubiks Cube.

This was also a great way to increase her DEX Stat, as solving a Rubiks Cube with one hand is quite difficult, at first she struggled but after few tries, she got the hang of it.

After finishing the sandwiches, she checked the time on her phone and noticed it was [12:01 PM].

Silvia walked to the living room, and said to Alex who was watching a movie with Evaline, "Dad, can we go there right now?"

Hearing her daughters voice, Alex looked at Silvia direction and said, "Okay."

He turned to Evaline and said, "Don't finish the movie without me!"

"Okay." Evaline nodded and change the movie on screen with a romance genre one.

"Wait for me, I'm going to change clothes!" Alex said before walking to the bedroom he shared with Evaline.

He was currently wearing a white shirt and black shorts.

Silvia could only wait and pass time by solving the Rubik's Cube in her hand.


5 minutes later.

Alex came back wearing a gray jacket and white shirt on top, and black jeans.

"Looks good!" Evaline praised, seeing Alex coming back.

"Thanks!" Alex smiled gently and walked to the door.

"See you later!" He said to Evaline.

"See you later, mom!" Silvia said and followed Alex.

Leaving the house, Alex entered their car that was parked in front of their house, he sat on the driver seat, while Silvia sat beside him.

"You ready?" Alex turned to Silvia and asked.

"Yes!" Silvia replied in a calm tone.

Hearing that, Alex grinned and start the car.

He pressed on the gas and entered the road, he also turned on the radio for some music.

".....Dad....." Silvia hesitantly called out.

"Mm? What is it?" Alex asked.

Silvia opened her mouth and slowly asked, "...Mom.... Isn't a Human....Right?"

Hearing what Silvia said, Alex frozed in shocked, nearly causing the car to crash into another car in the road, fortunately. Alex was able to control the car and avoid the crash.

After that, the car descended into an uncomfortable silence.

He turned to Silvia and met her calm eyes, asking while stuttering, breaking the silence in the car, "H-how did you know?"

Silvia looked back at her Rubik's Cube and calmly stated, "It's related to how I want to go to a Magic School."

Alex turned back to the road, while asking, "Did you tell your brother?"

Silvia replied, "I'll let you guys tell it to Jack."

Alex didn't say anything further, and didn't ask on how she known this fact.

People may consider this a bad thing, but this is his way to respecting her daughters privacy. He know his daughter well, she will not do anything that can cause any harm to her family or anything dangerous.

Alex tapped his phone and said, "Alexis, call Evaline!"

A voice replied from the phone in a monotone voice, [Calling, Evaline!]

Before long, a ringing sound echoed in the car, before Evaline's came up.

[Alex? What is it?] She asked.

Alex hesitated before saying; "Silvia... Knows that you are not Human..."

Hearing that, Evaline on the other side of the phone stayed silent.

The silence persist, before getting broken by Silvia's abrupt shout.

"Ha! It's finally solved!"

Alex turned to Silvia and saw her holding the Rubik's Cube while smiling triumphantly.

Seeing that, Alex was confused but didn't question her daughters weird behavior, and return to driving.

It didn't take a while before her sense of victory and smile disappeared, before getting replaced by the usual emptiness.

Looking at the Rubik's Cube in her hand, Silvia fell into deep thought,

After a while, the Rubik's Cube suddenly floated from her hand and rearrange the colors by itself, albeit a little crudely.

What was currently happening right now is, Silvia was using the most basic forms of Magic, it was called [Telekinesis], a Magic that enables you to control thing from afar, by coating the said object with Mana and manipulating it with the said Mana.

Silvia saw Jack use it one week ago. After reaching Novice-Level Mana Control, so she asked Jack to teach it to her.

When she learned the Magic in a day, Jack reacted to it rather...Badly.

Remembering it, a wry smile appeared on her face before disappearing instantly.

This is what he said; "The fuck!? How did you learn it in a day!? It took me a week to learn the damn thing, and I had to stay up late studying it to! The world is so unfair!"

The reason Silvia was using Magic while solving a Rubik's Cube, is because she figured out that it will not help he much in the long run, so she thought of using the Magic [Telekinesis] while solving the Rubik's Cube, it will not increase her DEX Stat like it used to, but it will definitely increase her INT stat more, and increase her proficiency in Mana Control! So its a win-win situation regardless.

[What is happening?] Evaline worriedly asked, hearing Silvia suddenly shouted.

"....How should I say it...." Alex hesitated before getting interrupted by Silvia.

"It's okay, I just solved the Rubik's Cube I've been solving for a while. Also, I'm using the Magic [Telekinesis] on playing with it, it helps with my Mana Control practice."

Hearing what Silvia said, Evaline was shocked and dumbfounded.

[...How did you know that I'm not a Human.....?] Evaline asked in the other side of the phone.

"It's a secret, but don't worry, it won't put me in danger or anything." Silvia replied and continued playing with the Rubik's Cube.

Seeing as Silvia was not budging, Evaline could only give up and sigh; [Okay, good luck on your test!]

"I'll do my best!" Silvia said.

[Alex, see you later! Love you!] Evaline said.

"Bye, love you too!" Alex smiled gently and ended the call.

After that, the car returned to the silence with the only sound of the Rubik's Cube could be heard.


20 minutes later.

The father and daughter duo has arrived at the venue!