
Chapter 1

"Host the higher ups called you to go to world 13200 there seems to be a problem with the characters your job is to fix this." Here we go again "*Sigh ok then system transfer me to the world." Its been awhile since they called me "Ok host but an error happened and something kind of gone wrong so be careful host this might be dangerous." Im actually happy since i have just been here not doing anything for the past 150 years "Ok then thanks system for the warning." The system nodded and said "Get ready for it host."






Code Error





Code temporary fixed

Transferring soul







"Ah." My head hurts i guess thats a bad dream again, lately i have been getting weird dreams , I guess it nothing.




"Young master your food is here ,does young master want me to leave it here."Seems the foods right on time "Yes just leave it there."It has been so long since im here im unable to go out because of some surtain problem my body is really weak and sickly so i can only look by the window, when i get sad i just write songs and sing them ,my favorite is "Will be forgetting this." Its kind of my only memory left of my big sister she almost sang always with me but now she's not i miss her so much.My heart hurt's "*pant *pant *pant ok calm down you can do this." i sit up and walked to the door and took my food and ate, i opened the T.V then my sister showed up "We are now celebrating our anniversary of Stacy Margaret's death on her death the scar she left in our hearts will never heal since she no-."

They act like they didn't do anything her death was connected to all of them they killed her they were the reason if i didn't let her go she wouldn't be gone by my side but because of them she died, 丨 山卂几ㄒ ㄒ卄乇爪 ⅅ乇卂ⅅ.

But first I'll eliminate that damn woman who betrayed my sister.

Third Person P.O.V

As some hours past the sound you can hear is just Alan typing fast at his laptop *tak *tak *tak *tak *tak "Heh you going to be done."

as he finished his first plan he closed his laptop and got tired and went to sleep.

The next morning some maids suddenly burst down the door and took Alan out the room and into the bathroom they woke up Alan and bathe him then got him into some clothes and placed him at the dining table "So son im sorry but even if you have a weak body ,me and your mother decided for you to go to school but don't worry there will be bodyguard's around you at all times so it's alright son we are only doing this for your own sake."As shocked as Alan was he can't say anything but just stare at them he then got back and said "Ok, but i want to be in **** University."He wasn't going to go if he didn't looked up the girl who betrayed his sister he wouldn't go there anyway but he had a plan and this was a opportunity for him to expose her.His plan was set and was ready to go he knew ever since his sister got an accident his parents wouldn't be security maniacs at their sons life so that it won't happen to their son so that was known by Alan since they didn't know that Alan has been The Hacker most genaraly known as the top 1 hacker of the mafia community his known for his mystery and skills in instatly getting any information you need that is guarded very well but he can gibe it to you in a flash but he only serves you only once he does what you want then goes to another client he never stays on one client many of his past clients tried to get him to work with them by giving him money and everything he asks for be he still doesn't stay ,One client once tried to take him by force but then it was revealed that the Hacker that they thought was physically with them is actually a hologram that client putted a handkerchief on his face but his hand passed through so how'd he interact with the iteams well he actually was only putting up a video that actually he did it like moment's ago and that made the mafia community try to know who this The Hacker really is bit they got no lead they tried to chase the signal but only lead them to dead ends that had nothing to do with The Hacker.But one man actually in The Hacker's trail for awhile now and started getting a lead on who The Hacker is but isn't sure if it is him...

The protagonist's P.O.V

I have been in this world for awhile now and i have been taking The Hacker's Identity but its not actually mine i got it from an old man that was on the original plot that is the real hacker i got this identity because i now that in the original plot The Hacker will encounter the male lead and they would become enemies but if i play the part and im already going to be the male leads wife he will be shocked and will be happy that his wife is actually very great tho at the original plot the identity of The Hacker is unknown but the old man that i took this from is the nearest lead to making me look like im The Hacker hehehehe then my plan will go successfully and i will get kidnapped because they thought i was The Hacker then the vilian will fight with the male lead then the male lead wins he then finds out why i got kidnapped because i was The Hacker then he'll fall inlove and we will live a happy life together in riches.

But little does she know that the male lead is also the male lead but he knew that the protagonist wasn't the real Hacker whom he was looking for since at the last time the protagonist was captured easily he lived a life full of questions until he got another chance this time he will find out who the real The Hacker is since the protagonist was caught easily but The Hacker was the hardest one to capture since no one knew who he really is, he knew that the protagonist ended up lying to the whole world that she was The Hacker but ever since he defeated the villain he never once seen his face and on the day he defeated him there were no signs of The Hacker ever again but The Hacker was with him unless she was never the real hacker since he knew that at his last life the protagonist was slow at typing let alone being a hacker even amateur hackers are faster than her so there he was he knew that he was the one who actually killed the hacker he got to the villains grave and looked at him he even made a background check and when he did he saw that the villian was actually very pretty he had red big cute eyes that can lighten your day hair as soft as a furball it looks so fluffy that makes you want to touch it and white porcelain face and long eyelashes but then he looked further and found out he got to in the same university as the protagonist and his sister died in an accident then triggering the villians sickness and due to that he wasn't able to go out until he got to school in the protagonist's school it seems like he was a very sickly but a smart child then disappeared at the day he killed the villian then the villain's parent were devastated since their children are gone and wasn't coming back they both got depressed and died by not eating.... then it ended bit now the male lead now knows what to do and won't mess up and be manipulated by the protagonist and he will take the villain as his instead of the protagonist...


How's the story im kinda got really bored and wrote this so i hope you like it bye and thanks for reading im 2% btw