
System in Release that witch! [AU]

Fan-fic based on Release That Witch. A little warning: I am writing this only out of boredom so don't expect consistent updates. My English also isn't top-notch. Don't expect big plot changes, as I said before, I am just writing this out of boredom. This is also AU so there might be changes completely out of the original plot (for example new witches from other series etc.) You have been warned, now it's up to you whether you want to give it a try or not.

aadw · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

The journey back

The group left the cave, getting ready for the way back to Border Town.

"Your Highness...don't you want to know our powers?" The twins asked timidly while holding hands which Roland found quite cute and easy on the eyes.

"That can wait until we get back or until our next stop since we won't make it back in 1 day." Roland said with a smile, honestly finding talking with the twins relaxing.

"I can carry 2 people to get there quickly!" Lightning said while flying beside Roland.

"No need, instead, you can act as our scout so we can avoid needless fighting with the demonic beasts. Especially we have to be careful of hybrids since even my weapon probably won't kill them instantly. In case Airy, Abby, or Wendy get tired, you can carry them." Roland said with a slightly forced smile, feeling like this girl will really bring him a lot of trouble.

"Understood! By the way, how come Your Highness's feet don't bury all the way down to the snow?" Lightning replied with an energetic tone before asking something no one paid any attention to, however, now that the question was asked...all looked at him except for Nightingale.

"Oh? Well...I guess I am really light, haha. Or maybe it's just the places I step on are not fully covered in several inches of snow." Roland scratched the back of his head and released an awkward laugh when he realized that he has been doing this without even thinking about it. He started pouring less and less magic into his feet which made his feet sink into the snow a bit more.

"Really? Can I try to carry Your Highness?!" Lightning asked, oddly excited.

"Lightning...He is still a prince, you shouldn't be so disrespectful" To Roland's luck, Wendy intervened before he had to come up with another excuse.

"W-wait!" The group suddenly heard someone's faint voice calling to them.

When Roland turned around, he noticed a young woman with long fiery red hair tied in a high ponytail running towards them.

"Red Pepper?" Wendy muttered with a surprised expression.

"*gasp* C-can I come with you? I can control flames so I can be useful in combat." Red Pepper said with a slightly ragged breath from running.

"You are free to join however I already mentioned that I don't give weight to the witches' powers. No matter your power, you will be welcomed as long as you don't just attack people out of nowhere. Anna also knows how to control flames so maybe you can give each other tips and improve." Roland said with a smile before turning around to continue walking, letting the newcomer join her sisters.

'Why would she join so late?' Roland had some suspicion about the witch's intentions and once he looked at Nightingale, she also looked back at him, most likely thinking the same.

They traveled for several hours in a harsh climate before they decided to get some rest and wait through the night inside the small cave.

"How about I and Nightingale take the first watch then we can switch a few hours later." Roland noticed that Wendy wasn't exactly comfortable and he thought it would be for the best if she sleeps while he is far away from her.

"How considerate of you, Your Highness..." Nightingale seemed to notice Roland's consideration so she teased him a bit but something in her tone also sounded slightly upset.

"I have no idea what you are talking about..." Roland said, going ahead towards the entrance of the cave.

'I have noticed that while I am away from my territory, I don't get any passive income. Once I come back, will I get the amount equaling the days I have been away, or will it just resume? It would also be nice if one of the twins had the power to create and control ice, however, that would be too optimistic to think that way.' Roland thought.

"Is this truly alright?" Wendy asked Nightingale as both of them were looking at Roland leaning against the wall of the cave while staring outside.

"You mean if it's appropriate for a prince to stand a night watch?" She asked back and Wendy nodded her head.

"Probably not...? But as I said before, he isn't like the others. Plus, he is doing this for you." Nightingale unknowingly explained with a slightly upset tone.

"? I see...Veronica...Are you perhaps- jealous?" Wendy finally understood what she meant before asking her with a confused expression.

"W-what? What do you mean? Why would I be jealous?" Nightingale stuttered a bit before calming down.

"...Veronica, you know that it's impossible. Even if it's mutual and honest, you can't give him what he needs..." Wendy said with a slightly guilty expression.

Hearing her words, Nightingale bit her lower lip while thinking how Roland just barged into the cave full of witches to save her from Cara. Even if he also had other goals for coming there, she could see his anger while he was dealing with Cara.

"?! Maybe it's not impossible." Nightingale's expression changed to surprised one as if she just realized something and replied, slowly walking towards Roland but Wendy stopped her for a few seconds.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a confused expression.

"I have already told you that he is not like the others and I didn't mean it only in his behavior." Nightingale replied before leaving, joining Roland on the night watch.



"How are they?" Roland asked, taking a glance towards the witches setting up a fireplace which was quite easy with Red Pepper's help.

"I don't know about the others but I think Wendy already trusts you a bit. I believe once she sees Border Town, she will completely change her view." Nightingale replied with a smile, leaning her shoulder against his.

"Are you cold?" Roland thought that she was cold so he started using his magic on her to keep her warm.

"Mm, I was but not anymore" Nightingale said with a smile and closed eyes, deciding to take advantage of this misunderstanding.

Due to being so close to her, as long as none of the witches can directly see his magic being used or even if they could feel magic, they would think it's from Nightingale.

The two of them talked for a bit, discussing many things and even Roland's worries over Red Pepper's intentions. During their conversations, Roland usually kept staring outside of the cave but he occasionally looked at Nightingale just to find her staring at him with a smile on her face.

Later, after a few hours passed, Wendy approached them while rubbing her eyes.

"Can't sleep anymore or have you perhaps came to take my place?" Nightingale asked with a smile while Roland just nodded his head at Wendy.

Wendy looked at how her friend was leaning against Roland who seemed to not put any weight to it.

"I came to take over your duty a bit earlier, I hope you don't mind." Wendy said but only the two women could understand the meaning of her words.

'Sorry for cutting your time short but I want to ask His Highness a few things, huh?' Nightingale thought with a smile.

"It's alright. Good night, Your Highness" Nightingale got up from the ground. Roland wished her a good night too before she left them alone.

'Hm? She never addressed me so respectfully. Usually, she used a teasing tone when using my title...did something happen? Is it because of what happened in that cave?' Roland noticed that her behavior was slightly different, even the way she was looking at him made him feel slightly uneasy like never before...as if she was expecting him to do something.

Wendy sat down some distance from Roland, fully wrapped in her coat.

"Please ask right away..." Roland didn't waste any time.

"...Are you truly a 4th prince? Why do you move like assassins? I thought that in case a prince was interested in martial arts, he would choose a knight's path of honor." Wendy asked before explaining the reason behind her question.

"I am the 4th prince of the Kingdom of Graycastle, a son of Ayling Wimbledon. And where is the honor in killing and fighting? A true idea behind being a knight is to protect the people from criminals and external threats. Why are the knights being used for the war and capturing the enemy's territories? Shouldn't they just stand tall and defend, spilling the minimum of blood? Today's knights usually bear the same dishonor as assassins. At least assassins aren't playing to be good people and know that they live in darkness and dishonor." Roland replied, turning his head to Wendy.

"..." His words left Wendy slightly speechless as she began to think about it in more depth.

"How did you come to such training? I doubt a royal court would approve of a prince trained as an assassin. That is if you don't mind to answer, Your Highness." Wendy asked, this time, her tone was a bit more gentle.

Roland tried to think of this body's past, trying to mix up his own and prince's past together.

"I have been bullied by my own siblings, no one was expecting anything out of me. I have been under constant watch therefore any achievement or anything I would do would immediately be known to others. The only way how I could escape those eyes was the darkness and slums of King City. There I have been taught the hardships of the world. Even though they thought of me as a coward and idiot who is only interested in brothels, my sister still planted an assassin into my ranks to kill me. Family...that term doesn't exist in the royal court." Roland said while staring outside the cave.

'The previous life and even the current life...I simply don't have luck for having a normal family. In the previous one, I had none. In the current one, they try to kill me. So be it, at least it will be easier for me to kill them since even a prince didn't consider them a family. Maybe I will also appease the prince's soul by torturing them a bit, who knows...' Roland thought, completely unaware of Wendy's guilty look on her face as she was sitting with her knees pressed to her chest.