
System in Release that witch! [AU]

Fan-fic based on Release That Witch. A little warning: I am writing this only out of boredom so don't expect consistent updates. My English also isn't top-notch. Don't expect big plot changes, as I said before, I am just writing this out of boredom. This is also AU so there might be changes completely out of the original plot (for example new witches from other series etc.) You have been warned, now it's up to you whether you want to give it a try or not.

aadw · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

New ally or enemy?

It's already been a few days since Karl took over the project of building the wall between river and mountain. Karl himself was quite amazed at the speed at which the construction was progressing and he even asked how Roland created cement but Roland said that he would only reveal it if he can build the wall in time.

Roland also has met a new witch Karl mentioned, Nana Pine is her name and she is also a daughter of noble which slightly complicated things for Roland. Despite the complications, her power is completely essential for Roland. She can heal almost any type of wound and even reattach cut-off limbs.

In Roland's plans, she could be essential help during the months of the demon and not only during that. And not only her magic would be great help...even her appearance can be used in favor of witches. She is only 14 years old and her entire appearance just contradicts the words devil or demon, adding the fact that she can heal people...she can become the key to change people's opinion about witches in general.

'The only thing I fear is what her father will do once he discovers the truth. Even Anna's father was very protective of her but in the end, he sold her out for 25 Gold royals. It is unknown whether he did it because he truly thought that Anna was possessed by evil or because he simply wanted money because 25 Gold royals are nothing to scoff at even as a noble, not to mention a miner. However, something isn't right here...Something simply feels off to me, why would Church pay anyone 25 Gold royals for a witch? It's simply too much money just for one girl, just to kill one girl...' Roland thought while sitting at his desk in his office.

"Your Highness, an ambassador sent from Longsong Stronghold has arrived." It was Barov's voice behind the door.

"Lead him to the dining hall and prepare some snacks, I will be there shortly" Roland ordered and started gathering the drawings of several things and among them were primitive sewers, locations where he could build composter bins, and lastly, musket, however, something was interfering with its completion. Roland never built neither he cared about such an old firearm but he could understand how some parts work however that wasn't enough.

'My plan was to buy one musket from the shop and disassemble it, thus gaining a higher understanding of each part. After a few tries, I believed that I could create a few of them before the demonic beasts make their appearance but almost every time I am alone, I feel like I am being watched. Am I just being paranoid? No...I have been in this field of work for too long and I know when someone is watching me. Because of that, I barely could use Shop to purchase anything in these past few days, no one must know that I can just "summon" items out of nothingness.' Roland thought while walking towards the dining hall.


"Mister ambassador, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope my maids provided you with everything you desired." Roland immediately greeted a man sitting at the large table with his businessman-like smile.

"Your Highness, there is no way I could complain about your hospitality." The man raised to his feet to greet Roland before sitting down when Roland took his seat.



"Very well, let's ignore pleasantries for a while and let's talk business. I am sure you are a busy man and you don't want to waste your time." Roland said after one of his maids brought him a piece of cake with a faint smile on her face.

Roland was attentively observing the changes in people around him and he discovered that maids no longer were behaving so strangely around him. He knew that previously it was due to the prince's past reputation but now that he started working hard almost every day and stopped being handsy, his maids were working even harder, always trying to get rid of any excessive stress from his shoulders.

"Understood...Then let me get right to the point. According to the past customs, the batch of ores should have been placed in the pier ready for transport but I didn't see any, how come?" The man asked, genuinely looking confused.

"Ah...Well, you see, an accident happened and we don't have enough ores to exchange for food that would last over the entire months of the demon. I think you still remember the tragedy that happened to the locals a few years ago. A lot of people starved to the death that winter, we can't have that happening again..." Roland nodded with a small smile towards the maid that remained standing next to him as a signal that she may leave before he started speaking.

"I deeply express my regret but I believe we can come up with an idea that would ensure that your people are well fed. How about I talk with the 6 noble families and convince them to lend out supplies and Your Highness may repay us after the months of the demon?"

"And how would mister ambassador who is part of one of the 6 noble families convince Duke Ryan who has the final say? I can trade with Wilow Town where they stated that they are willing to buy ores and gems for Gold royals at market price and at the same time provide us supplies that can last us up one whole year. Tell me now, mister ambassador, what is your bargaining chip?" Roland explained and then asked with narrowed eyes and a cold smile hanging on his lips.

"I...We will use a price of 30 % lower than the market price. I will do my best to convince the other noble families and bring the new agreement here as soon as possible. Plus Willow Town is simply too far away for your people to take refuge there. Your Highness, the months of the demon can get pretty dangerous and..." The man said, hesitating a bit to continue.

"and?" Roland wished for him to continue with a curious smile.

"-and anything dangerous can happen during that time." The man said with a serious expression but right after finishing his sentence, it looked like started panicking a bit. Seemingly, he didn't really realize that his phrase could be considered a threat until he said it.

"Haha. It certainly is a good bargaining chip, after all, protection also costs something but you don't have to worry about mine or my people's safety, mister ambassador. "




'I have no idea what is His Highness thinking...' The ambassador shook his head while getting ready to leave Border Town.

It was already getting late and Roland finished all the work he wanted so he went back to his room to get some rest.

'This thing with someone watching me must instantly stop. I can't do anything in that state aside from governing duties and making plans for later, however, none of these plans can be realized while I am having that feeling.' Roland thought and sighed as he entered his room and closed the door while facing it.

It was at that exact moment he felt someone being together with him inside the room.

He calmly turned around and saw a hooded figure sitting on his bed with crossed legs.

"And who are you, lady?" Roland asked with his right hand behind his back in form as if he was holding a gun with his finger on the trigger.


[Colt Detective Special - 700 Gold Coins]

'Witch for sure...the question is, with good, neutral or bad intentions towards me? I hope she means well because I don't want to waste my money right now'

"Oh? How come you knew that I am a woman?" The hooded figure asked with both a slightly surprised and playful tone before pulling their hood down, revealing a very beautiful woman in her twenties.

'Want to play a game? Fine with me.'

"Who else should I expect on my bed so late at night? Still, I deeply regret to tell you that this room and bed are already occupied and I certainly did not wish for any company." Roland said with an apologetic smile.

"Hehe, Your Highness is indeed funny and brave. To be so calm despite me being possibly an assassin, truly commendable or maybe foolish." Despite her playful tone, she sounded genuinely impressed.

"I already have one assassin among my people. Seeing another one would not have exactly surprised me even if she were to be a witch." Roland shrugged his shoulders with a light smile.

Hearing his words, a woman frowned and raised to her feet.

"Why do you think I am a witch? Did you think that right from the beginning thus guessing that I am a woman?" This time, the woman sounded a bit more serious with her question.

"When I walked in, no one was inside. As for your second question...maybe."

'I don't like how she keeps questioning me...it's as if she is interrogating me but she can't possibly know if I am being honest...or can she? Either way, I should be careful what I say.' Roland thought and for some reason felt uncomfortable in front of the woman's eyes, as if she could see through him.

"Very well, I apologize for the late introduction. My name is Nightingale and I wish to have just a talk with you, Your Highness." The woman suddenly kneeled and said with a genuine smile, unlike her previous playful smile.

"If it's a talk you want and not my comfy bed, I believe we can come up with something." Roland said in his nonchalant manner despite her not denying being a witch, causing Nightingale to release suppressed but genuine giggle.