
System in Martial Universe

History about a guy that died and reincarnated with a system in the world of Martial Universe as his wish follow instagram: geo_richard7

Heavens_Sovereign · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Qing Tan’s Chilling Cold

"Lin Feng-ge, please don't!"

Qing Tan hurriedly replied as she felt Lin Feng's embrace. Even though Qing Tan was nearly unconscious from the chilling cold, Lin Feng's movement caused her to regain some of her senses. She clearly knew how potent the chilling cold in her body was, as even Lin Xiao, who was at Earthly Yuan level, had a difficult time dealing with it and then would Lin Feng a Tempered Body 8th Layer would be able to supress, she just didn't want him to be hurt because of her.

"Be good, don't worry about me, I'll be fine..." Clenching his jaw," Lin Feng tenaciously held on to Qing Tan tightly. Even though they were separated by the blanket, he felt as though he were hugging a piece of millennial ice. The bone piercing chill was akin to thousands of razor-sharp needles relentlessly stabbing into his body. But as time passed they started to melt.

Qing Tan rested her tiny head on Lin Feng's chest, her eyes gazing at the constantly at Lin Feng, who was now smiling as his Heavenly Phœnix Samsara Body heat started to melt the chilling Cold around Qing Tan's body. Tears began to flow as she felt a warmth blossom and begin to spread to her entire body.

"Thank you, Lin Feng-ge." Qing Tan lightly mumbled as she slowly lost consciousness, her eyelids slowly falling in response.

As the layer of frost on Qing Tan's body begin to decrease, the bone-chilling cold swiftly left her body, while Lin Feng was keeping smiling at her cute face.

While Lin Dong was still in awe at this turn of events, Qing Tan, who had originally fainted, let out a soft cry. Her eyes slowly opened, immediately detecting the changes in her body and exclaiming: "The chilling cold has subsided?"

"It's Seems like." Lin Feng replied with a smile, as he scratched his head. Then, he let go of Qing Tan and said: "Now that it has subsided, it's all good. Get some rest."

"Yes, Lin Feng-ge, thank you." Qing Tan softly muttered, her cheeks turning a light pink as she looked at Lin Feng's handsome smiling face.

"You're my girfriend, so there's no need for you to say these words." Lin Feng patted his chest, smiling as he said in a manly manner. Seeing that it was late, he decided not to linger any further and waved goodbye to Qing Tan before turning to walk out of her room with the surprised Lin Dong.

Gazing at Lin Feng's leaving figure, Qing Tan looked like a little belle as she laid on her bed, her languid self appearing somewhat charming and lovely. Her cheek rested on her tiny hands and her little feet, which were as white as jade, slowly swayed over her back. On her lips, a sweet smile hung, brightening her angelic face.

After leaving Qing Tan's room, Lin Feng and Lin Dong rushed to their room at lightning speed. He quickly locked his door before and asked: "What was that?"

"It's my body, my body it's especial because of my bloodline, so I'm immune to Ice and Fire." Said Lin Feng.

"So it was your body, I have heard that there a people with specials tipes of bodys, I didn't expect that brother Lin Feng was one of them." Said Lin Dong with a suprised face.

"So Lin Dong what's is that Stone in your chest?" Asked Ling Feng knowing, but choosed to ask to avoid suspicion.

Lin Dong was startled, but he didn't know what to say, because the stone talisman is a treasure, he sighed and said. "This the stone talisman it's the treusure that helped me to Advance to Tempered body 4th Layer."

Lin Feng was startled as he didn't expect Lin Dong to trust him to tell him his secret, and asked."Can I see?"

Lin Dong just nodded and threw it. When Lin Feng caught it and suddenly he fell his Yuan Power being absorbed.

"The stone talisman is absorbing up his Yuan Power , I didn't know it can do that!?" Lin Dong blinked as a disbelieving smile surfaced on his face. He did not expect the stone talisman absorb Lin Feng's Yuan Power, Lin Dong thought 'if the stone talisman can absorve Yuan Power Then it can also absorb the chilling Cold which had stumped father.' this discovery let Lin Dong happy so that now he can help Qing Tan.

Lin Feng quickly taked out out the stone talisman on his palm that was absorbing his Yuan Power of his palm. Under the lights, three milky orange red bean-sized crystals appeared from the small crevice in the middle of the stone talisman.

Lin Feng carefully removed the three milky-orange red bean-sized crystals. As they rolled onto the palm of his hand, he felt a heating sensation which reached into the very marrow of his bones. The heat within these pearls was almost the same as the Phoenix fire within Lin Feng's body, except that the heat from the crystals seemed much more gentle.

"This should have been condensed from the fire that was sucked out from Heavenly Phœnix Samsara Body...." Lin Feng uttered as he closed his fingers on the three orange red pearls, gripping them in his hand.

The Ying and Yang Energy contained within these pearls did not have the fierce nature like the one observed in Lin Feng's Phœnix Flame. In fact, it could even be possible for one to absorb the Ying and Yang Energy from the pearls into one's body.

Lin Feng looked at the three pills in his hand, and threw it at Lin Dong with the stone talisman and said. "Here, Lin Dong!"

Lin Dong looked suprised that Lin Feng give him the three pills, he caughted and reculantly said: "I can't aceppet such precious pearls."

"Just aceppet, it was no use for me and the competition is near you are going to need it to defeat Lin Hong, I don't him marry Qing Tan, I'm not from the Lin family, so I can't participate in the competition so my hopes are placed in you, so just train so you can defeat him, were are brothers right?" Said Lin Feng as he already told him about Lin Hong's plans of propose to Qing Tan when he win the competition.

"Yes you are right brother Lin Feng, thank you." Said Lin Dong in a excited tone, as he can grow strong with the help of these pills.

Although Lin Dong was far from reaching the Earthly Yuan level, Lin Dong knew that after advancing to Earthly Yuan level, the most vital step was to absorb Yin Energy, that existed between Heaven and Earth, into one's body. After which, the Yin Energy will merge with the Yuan Power that lies in one's body, greatly enhancing the attacking potential of one's Yuan Power. Subsequently, when one advances to Heavenly Yuan level, one must absorb the Yang Energy, that exists between Heaven and Earth, into one's body. Eventually, when the Yin and Yang Energy within one's body synergizes, a Yuan Dan will be formed.

Hence, this way of training was termed as 'Stealing Yin and Yang'.

Thus for the Earth Yuan and Heavenly Yuan stages, Yin and Yang Energy could be considered the most important components. However, within Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang Energy can be classified into different grades and categories, with each possessing their own advantages and disadvantages. Most people would however, choose to absorb Yin Yang energy directly from Heaven and Earth because it was the most convenient method. After all, special Yin Yang Energy is not so easily chanced upon. Naturally though, this method would result in them being slightly weaker.

Of course, some wealthy people would rather choose to absorb special Yin Yang Energy. This way, they will end up distinctly stronger than a practitioner on the same level as them.

Besides, the higher the quality of Yin Yang Energy absorbed during the Earthly and Heavenly Yuan stages, the stronger the Yuan Dan formed will be!

Thus, some wealthier people will expend vast resources in order to find various kinds of special Yin Yang Energy to allow their Yuan Dan formed to be of a higher quality.

Obviously, though Lin Dong had never come into contact with Yin Energy before, he was very certain that the orange red Yin Pearl in his hand was definitely much higher in quality than the natural Yin Energy found between Heaven and Earth.

Perhaps, the Yin and Yang Energy contained within can be classified as 5rd Grade or even higher.

And to expert practitioners at Earthly Yuan level and Heavenly Yuan Level these are highly prized treasures one would kill to obtain!

"These Yin Pearls and Yang Pearls could be secretly given to Father for his usage…"

As Lin Dong licked his lips, a fire lit up in his eyes as he gazed intensely at the three Yin Pearls in his palm. Since Lin Xiao had fallen to Earthly Yuan level, if he could absorb the Yin Energy in these pearls, his strength would definitely be greatly enhanced.

However, treating Lin Xiao's internal injuries still took priority because, the longer it dragged on, the worse it became for him.

"Sometime in the next few days, I will find an opportunity to feed Father the red-liquid from the stone talisman. Lets see if it will help to heal the injuries in his body."

The current Lin Xiao suffered from grave internal injuries. After so many years of dragging himself around even with these injuries, a tremendous amount of damage had been done to his body. If these injuries are not treated, Lin Xiao will likely be unable to safely absorb the Yin Energy in these pearls.

"If Father can recover his previous strength, our status within the Lin Family will be immediately reinstated. After all, even after all these years, only three people from the Lin Family have advanced to Heavenly Yuan level."

Even within Qingyang Town, those who reached Heavenly Yuan level could be considered as elite practitioners. In this town, the strength of one's faction largely depends on the number of Heavenly Yuan users that they have. Therefore, if Lin Xiao was able to recover his Heavenly Yuan strength, not only will his position be restored, but any impediment towards his progress should disappear as well. This was a future that Lin Dong, Liu Yan and Qing Tan had long dreamed of.

Lin Feng who saw Lin Dong day dreaming, went to sleep. In the morning the first thing that he did was to check his status and buy a manual of the basics of mental energy.


[Host]: Lin Feng

[Experience Points]: 15.800

[Cultivation Realm]: Tempering Body 8th Layer( exp: 0/ 11200)(+)

[Body Cultivation Realm]: Middle Earthly Yuan Stage( exp: 0 / 16.000) (+)

[Bloodlines]: Heavenly Phœnix

[Talent]: Symbol Mastery

[Cultivation Techniques]: The Heavenly Shallowing Technique, Ancient Elemental Blood Dragon Tempering Art

[Martial Arts]: Dragon-Elephant Pranja, Illusory Sword Art

[Equipament]: Black Fire Phœnix Sword

[Physique]: Heavenly Phœnix Samsara Body

[Bloodline Abilities]: [Sunshine], [Phoenix transformation], [Phoenix tears], [Immortality], [Phoenix fire]

[System Points]: 14.900


"System, I want to integrate the sharingan." Said Lin Feng excited, as he thought how strong he'll be after having the sharingan.

DING* ["Integrating the Sharingan the host will feel a pain in the eyes but the host have to bear it."]

Lin Feng feel his eyes burning and iching, it was so uncomfortable that he had to grit his teet and resist the the feeling of scratching his eyes, at same time his eyes begin to bleed.

DING*["Integration Complete showing status


[Host]: Lin Feng

[Experience Points]: 15.800

[Cultivation Realm]: Tempering Body 8th Layer( exp: 0/ 11200)(+)

[Body Cultivation Realm]: Middle Earthly Yuan Stage( exp: 0 / 16.000) (+)

[Bloodlines]: Heavenly Phœnix

[Talent]: Symbol Mastery

[Cultivation Techniques]: The Heavenly Shallowing Technique, Ancient Elemental Blood Dragon Tempering Art

[Martial Arts]: Dragon-Elephant Pranja, Illusory Sword Art

[Skills]: Sharingan

[Equipament]: Black Fire Phœnix Sword

[Physique]: Heavenly Phœnix Samsara Body

[Bloodline Abilities]: [Sunshine], [Phoenix transformation], [Phoenix tears], [Immortality], [Phoenix fire]

[System Points]: 14.900



'System Buy a manual of mental energy.' Said Lin Feng.

DING*["purchased/ Primordial Chaos Spiritual Energy Scripture."]

DING*[The host has used 5,000 SP. Remaining SP: 9900.]

[Primordial Chaos Spiritual Energy Scripture]: a High Grade Heaven Rank Mental Energy cultivation method, a It's a manual to know how to train mental energy, praticing to perfection one can create weapons, armors, etc with Mental Energy.

Seal Masters were practitioners who utilize a different method of exerting Yuan Power. This method needed Mental Energy to propel Yuan Power. A Symbol Master could condense Yuan Power from Heaven and Earth into special Mystical Symbols.

One not only needed a certain level of strength in the physical body as support but it also placed a heavy and strict demand on one's mental capacity. In order to become a 1st Seal Symbol Master one is required to be at least Earthly Yuan Early Stage Therefore, Symbol Master was considered a scarce vocation. A 2nd Seal Symbol Master would be lavishly welcomed by any major faction in Yan City. Symbol Masters are split by Seals and there were a total of 5 Seals: 1st Seal being the lowest, while 5th Seal being the highest.

Becoming a Symbol Master is not only about inscribing Mystical Symbols on objects. A Symbol Master can easily shake mountains and move rivers. Only when one was able to condense his Mental Energy into a Destiny Symbol, could he be called a true Symbol Master.

Lin Feng attentively flipped through this "Primordial Chaos Spiritual Energy Scripture". After a long time, he started to nod his head gently. Simply put, the instructions written on this manual were very cryptic, however, for some reason, Lin Feng was able to comprehend it rapidly. It's was clear that he possessed natural talent for training in these arts because of his wish.

This was a talent that was a part of him, but now that he train mental energy he is going use it to fullest.

Hesitating for a moment before he slowly shut his eyes, directing his five senses towards the heavens, eyes to nose, nose to heart.

"Spirit is split into Ying and Yang, Spiritual Movement begins with Life…"

As Lin Feng began to recite this mysterious chant in his heart, his thoughts gradually condensed together. Like a statue, he continued in this state for nearly half an hour before his Mental Energy was suddenly dazzled as bit by bit, his Mental Energy began to seep out from his mind and slowly spread itself.

As his Mental Energy slowly extended, even though Lin Feng 's eyes were tightly shut, he could clearly "see" his the interior of the room. Then, his vision once again expanded and he found his formless Mental Energy floating in the sky as every movement in nearly half of the entire manor was reflected clearly in his mind.

Mental Energy was able to penetrate through every surface and most people were oblivious with regards to the existence of this formless Mental Energy. Therefore, many of them did not know that their every movement was being spied on now.

This magical scene was a totally new and exciting experience for Lin Feng now he know it how Lin Dong felt the first time he trained mental energy. Compared to Yuan Power, Mental Energy was faintly discernable like mist, however this form of energy truly existed.

Lin Zhentian sat peacefully in one of the rooms in the manor as streams of Yuan Power continuously rushed into his body. He remain in this calm state as both of his eyes.

After Lin Feng existed Lin Zhentian room, and entered his body.

Lin Dong POV*


After I finished talking with brother Lin Feng, I finally heaved a sigh of relief. Suddenly, an aching sensation emerged from his body. Even though Lin Feng neutralized the chilling cold from Qing Tan's body, his body was still affected by the Yin-nature chill.

The aching sensation in his body caused Lin Dong's complexion to change. Moments later, he felt as though the aching sensation had stuck itself to the marrow in his bones. It felt as if something was attempting to drill it's way into his bones.

"Bone refining?"

At this sudden realization, My's eyelids blinked rapidly. Bone refining was a key step to achieving Tempered Body 5th Layer, which would greatly enhance the toughness of one's bones, resulting in an enormous upgrade in both power and speed. However, I had only just advanced to Tempered Body 4th Layer. Based on his calculations, even if I had the aid of the liquid from the stone talisman, it would take up to ten days before he should reach this step. How did it appear now?

"It must be due to the chilling cold within Qing Tan's body!"

After pondering for a while, I finally guessed the answer to his question. Instantly a look of amazement surfaced on his face. Did the chilling cold in Qing Tan's body really have such a miraculous effect on Tempered Body practitioners?

"The chilling cold in Qing Tan's body was too savage. The stone talisman must have filtered out all of the savageness and left only the beneficial parts in my body." I frowned as he recalled that even Lin Xiao, who was at Earthly Yuan level, had a devastating time dealing with the chilling cold and had to recuperate for half a month and Chen Fan neutralized because of his special body. Therefore, compared to myself who is only at Tempered Body 4th Layer, my ability to handle the chilling cold would be a joke. In the end, In the end I would need the help from the stone talisman.

"I did not expect the chilling cold in Qing Tan's body to possess this kind of effect. However, it will still be a while before the chilling cold flares up again…"

Upon muttering these words, Lin Dong hastily spat in disgust. Every time the chilling cold flared up, it caused Qing Tan an immense suffering. If this is the price to pay for these Yin Pearls, Lin Dong would rather not have them.