
System: I can pick up attributes

Jiang Yu traveled through time. This is a world after a catastrophe. Humans, strange beasts, alien civilizations, Jiang Yu who traveled through time found that he could pick up the attributes, skills, martial arts, and abilities dropped by others. So Jiang Yu was excited. The long road of picking up attributes began. [Congratulations to the master for picking up the strength attribute, strength +100000. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the mental power attribute, mental power +1000, becoming a mentalist. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the law fragment x1, and obtaining three thousand laws! ] Tianjiao: Am I not a Tianjiao? Why can't I even catch his knife? School beauty: Jiang Yu, do you think I still have a chance?

Agan_Rolling · Urban
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80 Chs

Want to challenge!

Pah! Wei Wu slapped the little warrior in the face and said unhappily: "Are you a pig?" "If he doesn't take the initiative to go to the wilderness, won't you kidnap the people around him and force him to go?" "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. The reason why I want to kill Jiang Yu is not for my sister. Someone found me and hired me to kill Jiang Yu with an S-level earth dragon blood as a reward." "I'm old, nearly 50 years old. But I still have a long way to go before I can reach the martial god level. In a few years, my potential will be exhausted. If there is no external help, I will never reach the martial god level in my life." "So, Jiang Yu must die. Only when he dies can I obtain S-level earth dragon blood, enhance my own potential, and have the hope of breaking through to the martial god level." ... Warriors, powerful people, the main rock for humans to fight against strange beasts. Supernatural warriors, a special case among warriors, carry the power of natural elements. Strong ones can freeze three feet, burn mountains and boil seas. Psychic masters, the darlings of heaven and earth, can fly in the air and kill people without being seen.

In the room, Jiang Yu looked through the differences between the three.

There were six flying knives around him.

Each flying knife was as thin as a willow leaf.

"G-level willow leaf flying knife: weighing 2 kilograms, only for psychic masters, priced at 2 million Hanxia coins."

That's right.

The weapons of psychic masters, like combat uniforms, are much more expensive than ordinary weapons.

Ordinary G-level weapons will never exceed one million. But a willow leaf flying knife costs 2 million, and six will cost 12 million.

In addition to the willow leaf flying knife, Jiang Yu also bought the first level of the spiritual power method, which cost 9.9 million Hanxia coins.

This made him sigh how much money a warrior spends, and what it means to spend money like water.

1.1 billion Hanxia coins are not enough to spend.


"I must make money!"

Jiang Yu secretly made up his mind, got up from the bed, and walked out of the villa.

In the small courtyard of the villa, Lin Yue was planting some flowers and plants. Seeing Jiang Yu coming out, she put down the tools in her hand and asked with a smile:

"Xiao Yu, are you going out?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "Sister, I'm going to the martial arts hall. You don't have to wait for me to come back for dinner tonight."



After leaving the villa, Jiang Yu went straight to the inner hall of Longteng Martial Arts Hall.

He didn't come all day yesterday, and he didn't know how many practice bubbles fell in the martial arts hall.

[Congratulations to the host for picking up the elementary sword technique +1+1+1+1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for picking up the boxing technique +1+1. ]

[Congratulations... . ]

The system sounded as usual, and the practice bubbles were picked up one by one.

But Jiang Yu's eyebrows were not happy but frowned.

There were quite a few practice bubbles dropped in the martial arts hall, but not much compared to the previous ones. These bubbles were far from enough to meet his needs.

Three days later, he would go to the wilderness.

The mastery level of swordsmanship and boxing is enough for ordinary warriors. But it is far from enough in the wilderness.

The warriors who dare to go to the wilderness are at least high-level warriors and generals.

Some of them have been practicing for several years, even more than ten years. Who has not mastered a master-level martial arts?

If you accidentally clash with these warriors in the wilderness, and you don't have a set of skilled martial arts, it's easy to suffer.

So, he set a task for himself in these three days.

In three days, the speed and strength break through to the intermediate general, and the ice power and spiritual master break through to the primary general.

Also, at least master two skilled martial arts.

[Congratulations to the host... ]

[Congratulations to the host... ]

Jiang Yu wandered in the martial arts hall.

Unknowingly, he came to the door of Zhang Ming's office.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but after thinking about it, he pushed open the door of Zhang Ming's office.

"Hey, Jiang Yu, why are you here?"

Zhang Ming saw Jiang Yu's face and said in surprise.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, I came here this time to trouble you with something."

"I want to ask, do you know which martial arts hall has the most martial artists besides ours?

Huidu Base City has a population of nearly 200 million. According to the ratio of one thousand to one, the number of martial artists should be around 200,000.

Among these 200,000 martial artists, some have already served their country and joined the army, some have stayed in the wilderness, and some have practiced at home.

Except for them, most of the other martial artists are distributed in various martial arts halls.

Among them, Longteng Martial Arts Hall has the most martial artists.

But after a long time of picking, he has picked up all the practice bubbles in Longteng Martial Arts Hall.

He needs to go to other martial arts halls to pick up those practice bubbles that have never been picked up.

"Which martial arts hall has the most martial artists?" Zhang Ming frowned, thought for a while and said, "It should be Xinyang Martial Arts Hall in the north."

"Its owner is an old martial arts god, although he has retired. But with the name of martial arts god, it has also recruited many martial artists. ."

"Wait! "Zhang Ming's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Jiang Yu carefully and said in surprise: "Jiang Yu, don't tell me that you are asking this because you want to challenge the martial arts hall?" "Chasing the martial arts hall?" Jiang Yu's eyes lit up. This is a good idea. He has picked up all the cultivation bubbles in Longteng Martial Arts Hall. Why can't he go to other martial arts halls to pick up cultivation bubbles in the name of making friends through martial arts? Although doing so will easily cause dissatisfaction from other martial arts halls. But as long as he loses the competition, he will not cause dissatisfaction. Who doesn't want to step on the title of genius special recruit? In this way, the face of other martial arts halls is preserved, and a large number of cultivation bubbles can be picked up. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone! Jiang Yu's eyes became brighter and brighter. Seeing this, Zhang Ming immediately knew that he had guessed Jiang Yu's idea. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he smiled: "Jiang Yu, if you want to challenge the martial arts hall, I have a good place that can make you gain extraordinary results." "Where?" Jiang Yu asked hurriedly. "Xinyue Base City, Longteng Martial Arts Hall. "

Zhang Ming said without hesitation, with a sly smile in his eyes.

"New Moon Base City?"

Jiang Yu frowned.

If he remembered correctly, New Moon Base City was about 10,000 miles away from their Huidu Base City.

"Yes, it is New Moon Base City. There are many martial artists in the Longteng Martial Arts School branch there, and their strength is generally stronger than that of our Huidu Base City martial artists."

"It is the most suitable place for you to challenge the school. You will not offend the martial arts school in this base city, and you can see the talents of other base cities."

Zhang Ming said with a smile.

Jiang Yu thought for a while and asked: "Brother Zhang, how many martial artists are practicing in the Longteng Martial Arts School in New Moon Base City every day?"

"About 5,000 to 8,000!"

Zhang Ming said without hesitation.

"Five thousand to eight thousand."

"If you calculate it based on one practice bubble for every ten people. That is 500 to 800 practice bubbles. Adding the cultivation bubbles that dropped earlier, the number will be at least 1,000 to 1,600. " "Let's do it!" Jiang Yu pondered secretly, with a firm look in his eyes, and looked at Zhang Ming, nodding slightly: "Brother Zhang, let's go to the New Moon Base City now." "Okay!" Zhang Ming smiled.