
System: I can pick up attributes

Jiang Yu traveled through time. This is a world after a catastrophe. Humans, strange beasts, alien civilizations, Jiang Yu who traveled through time found that he could pick up the attributes, skills, martial arts, and abilities dropped by others. So Jiang Yu was excited. The long road of picking up attributes began. [Congratulations to the master for picking up the strength attribute, strength +100000. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the mental power attribute, mental power +1000, becoming a mentalist. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the law fragment x1, and obtaining three thousand laws! ] Tianjiao: Am I not a Tianjiao? Why can't I even catch his knife? School beauty: Jiang Yu, do you think I still have a chance?

Agan_Rolling · Urban
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80 Chs

The killing continues

"OMG!...OMG!...In the live broadcast room, someone gave Jiang Yu a hundred rockets."

"Don't talk yet, three wild dogs are walking towards Jiang Yu."


The messages in the group kept coming.

Xu Weiwei opened the live broadcast link below and entered Jiang Yu's live broadcast room.


In the square.

The bloody smell from the head of the steel-haired pig successfully attracted the first batch of strange beasts.

These are three golden-haired-sized mouth-toothed dogs that exude a foul smell. As canine strange beasts, their sense of smell is more sensitive than that of ordinary dogs.

The three dogs just sniffed the air and found Jiang Yu hiding in the tree.

"Have you been discovered?"

Jiang Yu was not panicked. He jumped down from the road and stood opposite the three mouth-toothed dogs.


The three mouth-toothed dogs lowered their front paws, gnashed their teeth, and made an attacking gesture, with drops of fishy saliva dripping from their mouths.

"Get rid of you first."

Jiang Yu did not delay any more. He held a long knife and flashed in front of the three mouth-toothed dogs.

The speed of the mouth-toothed dog is not slow, and it can reach 25m/s when running at full speed, but it is not enough in front of Jiang Yu.

A stream of light flashed, and three dog heads flew into the sky. At this moment, the dog heads could not save their lives.

[Congratulations to the host for the bite force +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for the sense of smell +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for the bite force +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for the sense of smell +1. ]

The sudden prompt from the system made Jiang Yu, who was about to collect the corpses, stunned.

He looked at the ground, where several attribute bubbles were lying.

"Can alien beasts also drop attribute bubbles?"

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized. The system never said that only humans can drop attribute bubbles.

[Congratulations to the host for the sense of smell +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for the bite force +1. ]

After picking up the attribute bubbles on the ground, Jiang Yu threw the three mouth-toothed dog corpses and the head of the steel-haired pig together to attract other alien beasts, and then hid in the tree again.

This place is extremely wide. No matter how many strange beasts are besieged, he has the confidence to retreat unscathed.


There is a second wave of strange beasts smelling blood and coming. Jiang Yu killed them all and harvested several attribute bubbles again.


Time flies.

Every minute and every second passed.

Bloody battles are taking place in every corner of Jingtian Town. Some students who are adapted to strange beasts gradually stepped into the interior and began to hunt primary beast soldiers.

In a dilapidated residential building.

Three female students sat on the ground panting after killing a shadow cat together.

"Sister An, this shadow cat is really difficult to deal with. It is worthy of being the strange beast that students are most reluctant to face. If it weren't for the three of us besieging it today, I'm afraid we would really fall into its hands."

"Its moving speed is too fast. I really don't know how those lone students can kill it by themselves."

A petite female student said with lingering fear. While speaking, she didn't forget to pat her chest.

Another girl nodded in agreement: "Yes, this shadow cat is too difficult to deal with. I don't know how the other students are progressing?"

The petite female student's eyes lit up when she said this. She shook the communication device on her wrist and said:

"Let's go up and check it out, won't we know?"

Before the assessment begins, each student's communication watch will receive a map of Jingtian Town and the rankings of the students.

The former is to ensure that the students will not get lost, and the latter is to stimulate comparisons among the students.

The petite female student turned on the communication device on her wrist. When she saw the ranking above, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she stood there in disbelief:

"Oh my... my God! This... this... how is it possible...! Jiang Yu, who ranks first, he... he... has actually killed 36 primary beast soldiers!"

The female student called Sister An and another female student were also stunned when they heard it, and quickly opened the rankings among the students.

[First place: Jiang Yu: has killed 36 primary beast soldiers. ]

[Second place: Wang Hui: has killed 3 primary beast soldiers. ]

[Third place: An Jing: killed 1 primary beast soldier. ]


"How did Jiang Yu kill 36 primary beast soldiers so quickly?"

"It's been less than three hours since the start of the assessment. That means Jiang Yu has to kill 12 beasts every hour on average, one every five minutes!"

Another female student was stunned, with nothing but shock in her eyes.

Sister An's eyes were also filled with shock, but at the same time, she was much calmer than the other two female students.

She shook her head and said solemnly: "Not only that, don't forget that there is still time to travel. 36 beasts will never stay together. Jiang Yu needs to find them."

"It takes him less than five minutes to kill the beasts."

"Doesn't he have a live broadcast room? Why don't we go to his live broadcast room and see, then we will know everything?" said the petite female student.

At that moment, she opened Jiang Yu's live broadcast room and projected it in front of Sister An and the others.

When they saw the scene in the live broadcast room, the three of them were stunned again.

In the live broadcast room, Jiang Yu was facing the siege of twelve shadow cats. Every time he swung his knife, a shadow cat died under the blade.

Shadow cats are good at speed. In front of Jiang Yu, it was like an old man taking a walk. They could not avoid his blade at all.

A few flashes of knife light flashed, and the twelve shadow cats fell in a pool of blood.

Next to the bodies of the shadow cats, there were dozens of corpses of strange beasts.


The three women looked at each other, and their eyes were all shocked.

The three of them worked together, but they only killed one shadow cat. But Jiang Yu easily killed twelve shadow cats. The gap was too big!

"Is this the strength of the special recruits? Killing shadow cats is like cutting watermelons?"

The petite female student was shocked.

Sister An did not speak. She had invited Jiang Yu before, but Jiang Yu refused.

Now it seems that if they team up with Jiang Yu, they will only become a burden.

"Is this the strength of the special recruits?"

Sister An muttered to herself.

The three women were not the only ones who were shocked.

At the same time, many netizens who were watching Jiang Yu's live broadcast were also deeply shocked.

Ordinary residents were better off. They didn't know the cruelty of the shadow cats and just watched the fun.

Some warriors were not calm. They had all participated in the warrior assessment and had seen the difficulty of the shadow cats.

It is no exaggeration to say that 95 of the 100 dead students died at the hands of the shadow cats.

They move fast, and coupled with their petite bodies, once they launch a sneak attack, few students can react quickly.

Zhang Ming sat in the office of the martial arts hall, looking at Jiang Yu's live broadcast room, with a satisfied smile on his face, and casually rewarded 10,000 rockets.

"Thank you Zhang Ming for rewarding 10,000 rockets."

In the live broadcast room, a rocket suddenly shot up to the sky, covering the entire screen.