
System: I can pick up attributes

Jiang Yu traveled through time. This is a world after a catastrophe. Humans, strange beasts, alien civilizations, Jiang Yu who traveled through time found that he could pick up the attributes, skills, martial arts, and abilities dropped by others. So Jiang Yu was excited. The long road of picking up attributes began. [Congratulations to the master for picking up the strength attribute, strength +100000. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the mental power attribute, mental power +1000, becoming a mentalist. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the law fragment x1, and obtaining three thousand laws! ] Tianjiao: Am I not a Tianjiao? Why can't I even catch his knife? School beauty: Jiang Yu, do you think I still have a chance?

Agan_Rolling · Urban
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80 Chs

System Activation

"Students, you will face the annual college entrance examination in a few days. I hope you can study harder during this period."

"Students taking the literary examination, use your free time to practice more questions and review past test papers. Students taking the martial arts examination, hurry up and improve your own strength."

"In addition, I remind all students that whether you take the literary examination or the martial arts examination, you must work ten times harder and take them seriously."

"Don't be like some students who are useless and only know how to sleep in class."

Huidu Base City.

Class 3 (2) of the Third Middle School.

A middle-aged female teacher stood on the podium and talked about the old things.

While speaking, the chalk in her hand was thrown accurately on the head of a boy who was sleeping on the desk.

"Jiang Yu, I told you last time that if you sleep in my class again, you will get out of the classroom."

The middle-aged female teacher roared loudly.

Jiang Yu suddenly woke up from the desk and looked around in horror.

When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, the horror in his eyes turned into confusion.

A clean and tidy classroom.

Boys and girls full of youthful vitality.

A middle-aged woman with a face full of anger, who could go berserk at any time.

"Where... is this place?"

"I... why am I here? Am I not sleeping at home?"

Jiang Yu looked confused.

Suddenly, a huge memory flooded into his mind.

Source Star, strange beasts, warriors, college entrance examination...

The memory was very confusing, which made Jiang Yu's mind stunned.

"Jiang Yu, do you hear me? Get out of the classroom quickly."

"Otherwise, call your sister."

The middle-aged female teacher roared again, and the anger on her face was obvious.

Jiang Yu ignored the middle-aged female teacher and accepted the memory in his mind.

He traveled through time.

This is a parallel world similar to his previous life, Source Star.

But the difference is that the area of ​​this world is more than dozens of times larger than the planet where he lived in his previous life.

There are two more important things, warriors and strange beasts.

A hundred years ago, a sudden virus swept the entire Source Star, causing a qualitative change in countless lives on the Source Star.

The pets that were originally docile became huge and extremely ferocious.

Fierce beasts appeared in the wilderness and the ocean.

Plants grew rapidly and turned into plant monsters, which were extremely aggressive.

The thermal weapons that humans were proud of were completely useless in front of these monsters.

Some monsters can even absorb nuclear energy and evolve again.

For a while, humans suffered heavy losses under the attacks of these beasts, and countries had to choose to stick together and build bases.

Perhaps there is always a way out. Under the spread of the virus, some humans broke through the limits of the human body and became a famous warrior with the strength to compete with the beasts.

It is precisely because of the existence of these warriors that humans can survive on the source star.

And his identity when he traveled through time was just an ordinary student in Hui City who was about to take the college entrance examination.


Not just ordinary.

Except for his good looks, his predecessor was not good in any aspect.

He was not good at literature and martial arts.

He had no ink in his belly and no power in his hands.

He was a complete waste.

In his previous life, he would have to move bricks at the construction site after the college entrance examination.

"You said you wanted to travel through time, so can you give me a better start?"

"I don't want to travel through time to become a rich second-generation, but at least, let me travel through time to become a warrior?"

"But why did you let me travel through time to this waste? Could it be that in a few days, I will be like the Snow King. Standing on the roadside as a little yellow duck?"

"I want to be a warrior!"

Jiang Yu complained in his heart.

Warrior, the patron saint of this world.

Becoming a warrior represents strength, power and status.

But it is not so easy to become a warrior.

According to the memory in his mind, if he wants to become a warrior, he must break through his own strength to the limit through real training, reaching 1000kg and a speed of 25m/s.

Only in this way can he become a real warrior.

But now, let alone becoming a warrior, he does not even have the qualifications to participate in the martial arts examination.

The martial arts examination is an assessment before becoming a warrior, referred to as the preliminary warrior assessment.

You need to increase your strength to 300kg and your speed to 10m/s.

As far as he knows, there are several boys in his current class who are going to take the martial arts exam.

"Does it mean that after graduation, I can only move bricks?"

"Isn't it said that after crossing, there must be a system? Is there a system brother who can take me flying?"

[Ding! The host's strong wish is detected, and the picking system is officially started... . ]

[Starting... . ]

[Starting successfully! ]

[Congratulations to the host, the system has been successfully started, and the picking system is dedicated to serving you! ]

A series of mechanical sounds sounded in Jiang Yu's mind, which made Jiang Yu stunned, and then he was overjoyed.

Tomato never lied to him.

Sure enough, every crosser has a system.

"System, are you a serious system?"

Jiang Yu asked hurriedly in his heart.

[The system is a serious system, with two main words, picking up. The host only picks up the attributes dropped by others, and the rest is left to the system. ]

[Ding! The novice gift package is opening. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the automatic pickup function. ]

[Automatic pickup function: Any attribute dropped within one meter of the host will be automatically extracted by the system for the host. ]


Jiang Yu smiled.

Turning his head, he saw a blue bubble with "Strength +1" written on it at the feet of a girl one meter away from him.

He ignored the angry eyes of the middle-aged female teacher, took a step forward, and went directly to the girl's desk.

The blue bubble instantly turned into a blue light and sank into his body.

The next moment, a weak warm current flowed through his body, making him feel that his strength had increased slightly.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for strength +1. ]

[Host: Jiang Yu. ]

[Realm: Ordinary person. ]

[Strength: 90+1. ]

[Speed: 6m/s. ]

[Spirit: 10. ]

[Skills: None. ]

[Equipment: None. ]

[Note: Trash among trash, only slightly better than the average hand-rushing man. ]

"My strength increased a little in just a short moment. This is much faster than exercise."

Jiang Yu was secretly happy, looking at the scattered bubbles under the feet of other students, and the joy in his heart could not help but appear on his face.

At that moment, under the surprised eyes of the whole class, he quickly wandered around the class.

[Congratulations to the host for strength +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for speed +0.1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for mental strength +1. ]

[Congratulations to the host for knowledge +1. ]


[Note: Strength +1 is equal to an increase of 1kg in strength, and speed +1 is equal to an increase of 1 meter in movement speed per second. ]

On the podium, the middle-aged female teacher saw Jiang Yu walking around the class unscrupulously, and her anger could not be suppressed at all, and she shouted:

"Jiang Yu, from now on, you will go home and reflect on yourself. When your sister comes to school to apologize to me, you will come to school again."

"Other students are dismissed."

With a bang.

The middle-aged female teacher kicked the podium and walked out of the classroom angrily.