
System: I can pick up attributes

Jiang Yu traveled through time. This is a world after a catastrophe. Humans, strange beasts, alien civilizations, Jiang Yu who traveled through time found that he could pick up the attributes, skills, martial arts, and abilities dropped by others. So Jiang Yu was excited. The long road of picking up attributes began. [Congratulations to the master for picking up the strength attribute, strength +100000. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the mental power attribute, mental power +1000, becoming a mentalist. ] [Congratulations to the master for picking up the law fragment x1, and obtaining three thousand laws! ] Tianjiao: Am I not a Tianjiao? Why can't I even catch his knife? School beauty: Jiang Yu, do you think I still have a chance?

Agan_Rolling · Urban
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80 Chs

Black Rhino

"High-level beast soldier-level beast, where are you?"

Jiang Yu strolled in the core area, scanning the streets around him.

Along the way, one by one, intermediate beast soldier-level beasts died under his blade.

According to the assessment regulations, all the bodies of beasts killed in the assessment belong to the students personally.

A pound of steel-haired pig meat can be sold for more than a thousand Hanxia coins in the outside world. And a pound of intermediate beast soldier-level beast meat can be sold for more than 3,000 per pound.

Poor in literature and rich in martial arts, since ancient times, is not just a saying.

The meat of beasts is not only delicious, but also contains a lot of energy.


Just when Jiang Yu was looking for the beasts, a loud cow call suddenly came into his ears.

Jiang Yu's eyes narrowed, and he jumped and ran in the direction where the cow call came from.

The cow call means there is a cow.

Beef is a good thing.

Carrying a long knife weighing more than 100 kilograms, Jiang Yu took a few quick steps and came to the place where the cow's cry came from.

Looking around.

This is a man-made lake.

A black rhino with a mighty appearance and a body size comparable to that of an adult elephant was standing in the middle of the lake, roaring to the sky.

The horn on the rhino's head was as sharp as a scimitar, with thick skin and flesh.

Even from a distance, one could feel the fierceness emanating from the rhino, which was daunting.

The black cow's eyes were cold, and the roar was deafening, stunning dozens of birds that landed on the branches.

"High-level beast soldier-level beast, black rhino!"

Jiang Yu stood on the wall of a ruin, frowning slightly.

The black rhino, a high-level beast soldier, is famous for its thick skin and flesh and impact force.

When it sprints at full speed, its speed can reach 90m/s, equivalent to more than 300 kilometers per hour.

And its impact force can reach 10,000+, comparable to the full burst of a junior general.

The most terrifying thing is its cowhide, which is so thick that even the F-level weapons used by ordinary junior generals cannot cut it.

In other words, you can chop it dozens of times, but you must not let it butt you.

Otherwise, it will definitely hit you once.

When Jiang Yu looked at the black rhino, the black rhino also found Jiang Yu.

On the wall of the ruins, there was a straight figure standing, and it was hard not to be discovered.


The black rhino roared, and murderous intent instantly appeared in its eyes. Two white airs spurted out of its huge nostrils, and its hind hooves stomped on the water surface several times, moving its limbs and rushing towards Jiang Yu on the water surface.

The momentum of the collision was like a thousand horses galloping. In a blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Jiang Yu.

Although Jiang Yu likes to butt people, it does not mean that he likes to be butted by cows. Facing the black rhino's rampage, he did not dare to be careless and quickly dodged.

Taking advantage of the situation, when passing by, he chopped the black rhino on the back with a knife.

The sharp edge...

A sharp friction sound was heard.

The long knife did not cause any real damage to the black rhino, but only cut a shallow white mark on the cowhide.

This action immediately angered the black rhino.


After hitting several walls in succession, the black rhino drifted and turned its head, and continued to rush towards Jiang Yu with red eyes.

"Dodge...I'm dodging..."

Jiang Yu dodged the black rhino's collision like a flexible monkey.


On the bus.

The white-haired young man looked at the performance of each student, sometimes showing appreciation in his eyes, and sometimes shaking his head in disappointment.

As time went by, some students used flares and energy balls in advance before the assessment was completed.

The results of them were all failures.

There are also some students who have not failed yet, but are struggling. Failure is a matter of time.


The white-haired young man looked at Jiang Yu's live broadcast, and saw Jiang Yu fighting with the black rhino, with a satisfied look on his face.

Jiang Yu's speed in completing the first two tests has exceeded his expectations. He predicted that Jiang Yu would complete it in ten hours.

In ten hours, kill one hundred primary beast soldier-level alien beasts and one intermediate beast soldier-level alien beast.

And Jiang Yu only took six hours to complete the first two tests, which shortened the time by nearly half.

However, the first two tests were easy to complete, but the last black rhino was not easy to kill.

The corners of the white-haired young man's mouth rose, revealing a sly smile.

He personally put this black rhino in the core area just to test Jiang Yu.

In order to prevent the difficulty from being too high, he deliberately left several wounds on the back of the black rhino's neck and limbs.

As long as these wounds are found, the black rhino can be killed regardless of its rough skin and thick flesh.

If they are not found, Jiang Yu's strength and the long knife in his hand can't break the thick skin of the black rhino at all.

"Wait!" The white-haired young man seemed to have seen something, his face suddenly straightened, his eyes showed surprise, and he hurriedly shouted to the staff beside him: "Quick...quickly control the drone...pull the camera of Jiang Yu's live broadcast room to the ground for me." "Yes!" The staff beside him quickly typed on the keyboard. Suddenly, the picture in the live broadcast room changed. The white-haired young man looked at the live broadcast screen, and his face became more shocked. In the picture, Jiang Yu would release a few ice walls from time to time to block the black rhino's feet when he was avoiding the collision of the black rhino. "Superpower warrior!" "This kid is actually a superpower warrior! No wonder his strength has improved so quickly." The white-haired young man was not calm, and called Zhang Ming on the spot. He didn't need to call, Zhang Ming also saw the ice wall released by Jiang Yu at this time, and he was also surprised. He never expected that Jiang Yu was not only a genius, but also had superpowers. "President Zhang, congratulations."

"I didn't expect that your casual action at the beginning would bring you a genius-level supernatural warrior."

A female receptionist said with a smile.

Zhang Ming smiled and shook his head: "You are wrong. It was not a casual action of mine, but my persistence for many years."

"I will give every potential student who comes to participate in the preliminary warrior assessment a primary training method. In ten years, I have given out thousands of primary training methods. Now, my investment can finally be rewarded."

"This time, I want to see how Lei Da Nao will continue to laugh at me at the martial arts hall conference and laugh at our martial arts hall for not having geniuses."

I don't know what he thought of, and the corners of Zhang Ming's mouth suddenly began to rise.

At the same time.

In the Xinyue Base City, about 10,000 kilometers away from Huidu Base City, in the Longteng Martial Arts Hall branch.

A big bald head with a big head was watching Jiang Yu's warrior assessment live with a young man about 20 years old.

When he saw that Jiang Yu could not only fight the black rhino alone, but was also a supernatural warrior, the bald man's face changed, and he turned his head to look at the young man beside him and said: "Raymond, you also saw the live broadcast of Jiang Yu's battle. What do you think about this?" "This time, Zhang Ming picked up a treasure. But I don't care whether Jiang Yu is a treasure or not. I only know that our base city must not lose to Huidu Base City." "In previous years, Huidu Base City ranked last in the martial arts conference every year. Therefore, I have ridiculed Zhang Ming a lot. If Zhang Ming rides on our heads, how can he let me go?" "I don't want to see him succeed. So, no matter how hard you try, you must defeat Jiang Yu for me. Do you understand?" "I understand, teacher!" The young man replied respectfully.