
System Genesis: The Programmer's Awakening

Author note: I will stop posting for a while. I'm rewriting a few chapters to make the story flow better, after getting some comments on it, and will try to com back as soon as I'm done. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. [ Compilation successful ] Raven Noir has completed the perfect game system, a masterpiece of programming unparalleled in human history. Unbeknownst to him, this achievement marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey across multiple worlds. When a certain entity takes an interest in his system and bestows it upon him, [@#$#@ has taken a keen interest in your system, drawn to its unparalleled perfectionism] [@#$#@ decided to bestow upon you the very system you created] [@#$#@ wishes you the best of luck on your journey]

aab172 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Strange World

As Raven slowly regained consciousness, he was greeted by the gentle symphony of birdsong and the caress of a cool breeze against his skin. Blinking open his eyes.

He found himself surrounded by lush greenery, the vibrant hues of the unfamiliar flora painting a picture of serene beauty.

Tall trees towered overhead, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze, while colorful flowers carpeted the forest floor, their delicate petals swaying in harmony with the wind. The air was alive with the chirping of birds and the occasional rustle of small creatures darting through the underbrush.

Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to piece together his surroundings.

This was unlike any place he had ever seen, a world untethered from the familiar sights and sounds of Earth.

It was as if he had stepped into the pages of a fantasy novel, where magic and wonder thrived in every corner.

Rising to his feet, Raven took in his surroundings with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

The air was thick with the scent of wildflowers, their sweet fragrance mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest.

In the distance, he could hear the gentle babble of a crystal-clear stream, it's waters sparkling in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above.

As he ventured forward, each step bringing him deeper into this mysterious realm, a sense of wonder ignited within him.

The forest seemed to pulse with life, every tree and blade of grass teeming with unseen energy.

Strange creatures darted between the trees, their forms fleeting and ethereal, while colorful butterflies flitted through the air like tiny jewels.

Suddenly, a system window popped up in his sight, and a flood of information entered Raven's mind.


A wave of dizziness washed over Raven, and he groaned softly.

After he calmed down from his headache, he realized that these instructions were not strange; they were the same instructions he had written for the game system he was programming, with the exact same details.

"Wow, it even has the same activation words."

"System initiate."

As he finished his words, the system window started to appear in front of his face with more details this time, as he murmured these words, 'Status activate.'

The system window popped up in his sight:


[The System is being applied to the player. Note: After the system is applied, you can't restart it or remove it no matter how much you try. Are you sure you want to start using the system?]


After reading the note, Raven hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks in his mind.

Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, he made a decision and pressed [YES], determined to face whatever challenges awaited him.

The system window started to change, and in front of him now was his status window:


[Name: Raven Noir.

species: Human (from Earth).

Title(s): System Maker.

Lv : 1

{HP: 200/200, MP: 0/0}

Stamina : 2

STR: 1

DEX: 2

AGI: 1

CON: 2

WIS: 10

INT: 15

MAG: 0

Status Effect: null

Skill(s): null

Achievement(s): none

Mission(s) completed: none

Mission(s) initiated: First mission]


"Wow, my stats are really trashy. If I had known this would happen, I would've gone to the gym."

"Though, good thing my Int and Wisdom are high enough."

"But what is this title ? I don't remember putting this title in the system"

Raven pressed on the title to see what it says, but nothing happened

Raven moved his right hand slowly and pressed the first mission, and now the system displayed the details of his first mission:


[First mission:

You have been chosen to decide the fate of this world (Verdantia).

You have two choices to complete this mission:

1 - You can destroy this world and everything in it.

Reward: ???

2 - You can save this world and its people.

Reward: Depending on the number of creatures alive after completing the mission.

Failure: death

Time limit: none

Note: Good luck with your quest]


And then another window popped up:


[You are now in the safe zone; no one can see you or interact with you until you leave the safe zone.]


As Raven stared at his status window, a flood of emotions washed over him.

It was surreal to see the attributes and stats he had meticulously programmed for his game system now applied to himself in this unfamiliar world.

His heart raced with excitement and trepidation as he pondered the implications of this newfound power.

With a sense of determination burning in his chest, Raven resolved to embrace this challenge head-on.

He may have been thrust into a world beyond his comprehension, but he refused to let fear hold him back.

Drawing strength from the knowledge that he held the key to his own destiny, he set out to explore his surroundings and uncover the truth behind his mission.

As he ventured deeper into the lush wilderness, Raven couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

Every rustle of leaves and whisper of the wind sent a shiver down his spine, heightening his senses to the world around him.

But he pressed on, his curiosity driving him forward despite the uncertainty that loomed ahead.

With each step, Raven felt a connection to the world strengthening within him.

It was as if the very essence of this place resonated with his own, weaving a tapestry of fate that bound him to its existence.

And though the path ahead was fraught with unknown dangers, he knew that he would face them with courage and resilience.

With the system by his side and his resolve unwavering,

After taking another look at his status window with renewed determination, Raven knew what to do next.

This system was a reward and achievement system, and he was determined to make the most of it. With a newfound sense of purpose, he laid down on the grass, preparing to push himself to his limits.

He began with push-ups, his muscles straining against the resistance of the earth beneath him. With each repetition, he felt the burn of exertion spreading through his body, but he refused to give up.

He pushed himself harder and harder each time, his determination driving him forward even as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him.

After what felt like an eternity, Raven collapsed onto the grass, his breath coming in ragged gasps. But his determination didn't waver in the slightest.

He knew that achieving his goals would require sacrifice and hard work, and he was willing to give it his all.

After countless repetitions, he finally achieved what he had been waiting for


[Strength increased by 1]


After that he felt a surge of energy flow through his whole body and then He shouted loudly

"Finally ,I did it I knew this would work"

He laid flat on the grass from the exhaustion, and after some rest he decided to do the next thing up on his list.

With renewed determination, Raven forced himself to his feet and continued his training. He ran through the forest, his muscles protesting with every step, but he refused to let pain or exhaustion slow him down.

He pushed himself to the limit, his mind focused solely on his goal.

As he ran, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, fueling his every movement. It was as if the very essence of the world around him was lending him strength, empowering him to push beyond his limits.

And with each passing moment, he felt himself growing stronger, more resilient, more capable of facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of exertion, Raven saw the fruits of his labor. A notification popped up in his status window, signaling that his efforts had paid off.


[Agility increased by 1]


Raven couldn't help but shout with excitement, a surge of triumph coursing through his veins

"YES, it's really working just like I designed it, my system that I spent two whole years making."

He had achieved his first goal, and he knew that it was only the beginning. With a sense of pride swelling in his chest, he looked out at the forest around him, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But even as he reveled in his success, Raven knew that the real work was just beginning.

He had a mission to fulfill, a world to save, and he was determined to see it through to the end. With the system by his side, and his resolve unwavering, Raven Noir embarked on his journey, ready to confront whatever challenges lay in wait.

Little did he know, his actions would shape the destiny of not only this world but countless others beyond.