
Chapter 64: A threat is averted and another is initiated Pt 02

In a rather bad mood, Tom opened the door and took Issei out.

- What do you want! - Ise yelled as Tom carried him in the same way as a stray cat

-I will triple your daily training...-Those four words were the worst condemnation for Ise who with all her strength clung to the door frame


- NOOOOO! I yelled as he continued to hold on to the pieces of the frame in his hands.

Perfectly recreating a classic horror movie scene, Tom led Issei to the training room.

This time Issei would know the true meaning of the phrase "Train like crazy" or "There are fates worse than death"


- Try to stay stable - Tom said making Issei turn pale, he had finally noticed how Tom would train him

- I hope you can keep your second virginity intact! - As if it was totally planned

Issei was thrown into the training room with a classic kick in the ass falling straight into a place that in his opinion was the embodiment of his nightmares ... Okama Island

- Son of...! -

- Have fun! - Tom I greet him for a moment

Before disappearing so that they would not know of their presence


With Issei sent to de-bloom him... *Kuhum training no longer had much to do in the day

So without much thought he began to prepare breakfast

Although it would not be an easy task, he had to dodge the traps that Shirou and Kuu set and circumvent the security system that he had installed after Sirius had told him that Cao Cao and his minions had infiltrated the house.


As if it were some kind of wild instinct or a super developed sixth sense

Arturia was already sitting in her chair waiting for the food as she gave him a look full of expectations.

- What's for breakfast? She asked as her choke swung back and forth like an animated dog's tail.

Once again Tom could only be amazed at the power of food over Arturia.

[That's what you get for pampering her so much] Sakura said with a mocking voice

- '...Do you blame me for pampering someone adorable?' - And that was his direct hit

To say that Arturia is not adorable would be a total lie.



As if it were some kind of wild instinct or a super developed sixth sense

Arturia was already sitting in her chair waiting for the food as she gave him a look full of expectations.

- What's for breakfast? She asked as her choke swung back and forth like an animated dog's tail.

Once again Tom could only be amazed at the power of food over Arturia.

[That's what you get for pampering her so much] Sakura said with a mocking voice

- '...Do you blame me for pampering someone adorable?' -And that was her direct hit

To say that Arturia is not adorable would be a total lie.



After a few minutes the others arrived and followed Arturia's lead as they patiently waited for their food.

Something that everyone noticed strange was that Sirius was wearing penguin pajamas

- Quack Quack Quack! - Sirius walked imitating a penguin while closely followed by Joseph and his new penguin

The girls weren't stupid, they knew very well that Tom pampered his son a lot, so they looked at him reproachfully

"I didn't do anything," he stated with an innocent expression as he took the remote control and turned on the TV showing the morning news.

Before entering the kitchen he smiled discreetly at his friend and brother.

Shirou at that moment noticed Tom's strange smile... One that practically shouted that he wanted to see the world burn, something very worrying if she thought about it

"Why do I feel like he should be running away right now?" - He asked himself he saw the exit with a longing look

- Good morning to all working people of Kuoh, I am Nishio Kobayashi and today I bring you the news of the day! - The animated voice of the reporter was heard

The girls looked curiously. Did Tom want them to see something in particular? And if he was like that... What did he want them to see?

- Oh it seems that we have a special report with our partner in the field Let's go with you Iwakura! -

Kuoh Zoo

Shirou gulped and gave Tom a look of hatred, he wanted to run away immediately to save his precious ass but he quickly saw that the gates were guarded by two of Tom's most recent creations.

An orange humanoid bear with two red shoulder pads, a cyan lightning bolt pattern on his chest, and other accessories similar to those he had seen on a Sirius plush.

In addition to the bear there was also something similar to a fairly large orange dragon with a flame on its tail.

If he remembered correctly Tom had named them Glamrock Freddy and Charizard

...And it goes without saying that they were the kind he had created especially for him, in short made to be his natural enemies.

(KW: Later I will explain how I create them and how they differ from the canon ones... Because if I made them like the canon ones they would be boring, right?)

- Tsk - Clicking his tongue the Emiya decided to temporarily abandon his escape plan

The main route was blocked

- Thanks Kobayashi, for today's morning news I would like to give you this report... -

- Don't you think it's very boring? we could find a movie or something else to watch-Shirou said as he tried to take the remote control

He could feel the situation getting more desperate as time progressed, the tension building and Shirou having to do his best not to look suspicious.

- Yesterday it was recorded that a person had infiltrated the Zoo in the morning and... -

- Oh my stomach hurts a lot! - Shouted the white hair in what seemed like a desperate measure - I think I should use the bathroom -

- These are the images of the person we assume has stolen a penguin -

The screen shows a hooded guy wearing pure black

Some of his white hair could be seen and some of the color of his hands revealing his tanned skin.

- Senpai? -Sakura looked at Shirou doubtfully after seeing her leave her act when the presenter announced the robbery

- I-I didn't steal anything! -The boy shouted in panic- I didn't do anything, I don't know anything, I didn't pay attention to that ridiculous note from Tom where he said that he should steal a penguin and have a date with Serafall! -

Tom and everyone else looked at him speechless.

[Wow, he sure has talent as a liar] Sakura commented sarcastically.

- 'You bastard already exposed us' - Tom complained in his head before quickly running away with Julian and Sirius leaving Shirou to his fate

Even Freddy and Charizard glared at the Emiya before following his creator to a "safe zone."

Quickly, only Shirou and Sakura remained in the room.


- So... Senpai wanted to trick me? -

Shirou trembled in fear, more than half of Sakura's hair seemed to have lost its color

She could feel how she was approaching a point of no return.

He turned to see where Tom was but to his surprise there was no one there.

-'I abandon myself...'-He thought with some annoyance and irony

- I'm going to enjoy this like you can't imagine S-E-N-P-A-I - The lights went out and a strange and creepy music that seemed to be taken from a music box was heard

Shirou trembled as he couldn't see anything or anyone

...Only one thing could be known

Emiya Shirou died as what he had always wanted to be.

A hero

- I'm still alive! -Shirou yelled as he ran away from Dark Sakura and the vibrating toy in his hand

- Calm down Senpai! -The girl yelled with a big perverted smile on her face- First it will hurt a little but I'm 45% sure you'll like it... Maybe-

- SOMEBODY SAVE ME! - Scream while running looking for a way out


*glink *glink

Some metallic sounds were heard and two semi-robotic spiders entered the room where Tom was.

- What information do you have - I ask seriously

- Creator we have discovered where the target is - I speak the first spider

- We have traced their routes and taken note of their behavior - Said the second

Tom smiled as he reached out to pet the hairy heads of the spiders.

-Well done guys, please keep watching- I order with a serious voice after the caress-

- Got it/Definitely creator! - Both spiders left to continue their work

Tom smiled as he thought about how to destroy Venom completely.

That slippery bastard had gotten away several times already.

Of course, this time he couldn't afford a failure.

Once Venom was destroyed he could return to Kaleid and finish the mission once and for all.


I plan that in at least a maximum of 6 or 7 chapters I will finish this arc once and for all, so tell me one thing



get worse

As far as writing is concerned