
Chapter 20: Children of God Pt 01

(POV Tom)

... Something strange happens

Rin, who is a person who could not get up early even if his life depended on it, got up early

Although he has incredible dark circles

Every time I try to ask what happened to him she doesn't answer and just looks away

I think I heard her murmur

"Animal in heat" with great annoyance

Saber was looking at me like a beast and Illya refused to look at me

Sakura for some reason smiles a lot while she has two pieces of cotton on her nose and a big blush

… Could this day be weirder?


(POV Rin)

Breakfast really was very uncomfortable

He thought the older Tohsaka as she gave the trio of lovebirds a deadly glare.

- Say ahhhh - Tom said to the two Emiyas

With an affectionate smile he fed them with his chopsticks and the girls did the same with him, just as lovers would

He could feel her eyebrows twitch as she did her best to keep a forced smile on her face.

* Crack

Oh his chopsticks broke

Well I would have to get others


(POV Know)

If she was honest with herself

She really did regret giving in to her curiosity last night of her and following Sakura

Although she was not ignorant on the subject ... it could not be said that she knew enough about relationships, in his time as king he had to keep his true gender a secret, his marriage to Guinevere was just a sham

She could feel her face heat up as she remembered the lewd scenes she saw between her Master and Tom.

She gulped as the sound of Shiro's moans played in her head.

... Sakura was also very strange

She brought a camera to record, she laughed like an old pervert would while recording the act under "research purposes"

Even weirder was when Sakura passed out after losing a lot of blood from her nose.

He had to drag her back to her room ... he didn't want any evidence that she was there.

She knew very well that she would not be able to show her face for a long time if they found out that she not only looked but that she had also recorded her lustful act


(POV Illya)

Illya couldn't help but blush when he looked at his Onii-chan, Archer-san and Onee-chan

She felt that she could never look at them the same way again after witnessing all of her beastly act from the eyes of her familiar.

Her face felt hot every time she looked in his direction.

… Also, hardly anyone at the Emiya State was able to sleep well at night due to the fact that Tom had forgotten to soundproof the room

So none of them could enjoy their sweet dreams

Sella had also warned her to be more careful with hers Onii-chan

Something about beasts that devour pretty girls, lolicons and that she shouldn't be alone with him at any time of the day


(Time-skip Hours later)

(POV 3 person)

Tom had finally escaped Sella's scolding for doing "inappropriate" things and disturbing the peace and order at the Emiya residence.

- 'At least I appreciate having spoken with EMIYA beforehand' - He thought - 'Later I will have to explain to the girls about the connection' - I felt like I would have a headache when imagining all the questions from the girls

- 'Sakura, can I start the emergency mission?' - Tom thought after mentally apologizing to the girls for leaving and kissing them good night

He went to his room where Emiya was waiting for him, she was not so uncomfortable with the idea of ​​leaving, for the simple fact of knowing that time would stop

She also had a lot of experience and bitter memories regarding missions by Alaya, as well as the jokes of a certain troll.

- Are you ready? -I ask EMIYA while she took her hand with affection

-Always- she said as she took her hand with a smile

[Starting F / KP world: Oath Under the Snow]


Going down the highway towards Fuyuki city

Three children and a man were traveling in a car

- Sakatsuki family? -Asked one of the children, he had red hair and amber eyes. He looked identical to the girl in the seat behind him.

- Yes - answered a man, stoic face, black hair and eyes of the same color - It is a family with a long history that goes back to the beginning of Fuyuki, that is the only thing that can be mentioned about them. -He said while smoking

- But there is something very strange ... - He said, when one of the children spoke to him

- That? -Asked the third child, he looked different from the other two, with his black hair and blue eyes

- No one ever witnesses the birth of the children of that family - Kiritsugu explained

- What does that mean? - While Shirou and Kushiro seemed not to understand well what he was referring to

- When they are six years old they appear in the house out of nowhere - Narrated the Magus Killer while lots of records and documents that he had seen before referring to the subject passed through his mind - They were recovered from an illness, or that they were adopted from other families, they were the excuses they always gave -

-This is what remains of the child's religion-he said as if he clarified all the above making the three children look at him in confusion with a sigh

- "Child's religion"? - Shirou's twin asked him somewhat surprised

-The divinity that is achieved up to six years-he said while he watched the children finally see him with some understanding

- Children under the age of six were the ones who were closer to God or spirits than any other human -

- That was the belief of that religion - Kiritsugu concluded

- So if those children are closer to God and spirits, your wish ... - Shirou said with a smile and a little hope

"The possibility that this child of god who is hiding has the power we need is not very high," said the Magus Killer resolutely, but still there was a hint of hope in his eyes. "Still ..." He began to frown. frown

* Pouf

When Shirou closed a book that he carried in his hands

- Still, there is a possibility, it is worth a try, why we are righteous heroes! -The little redhead told him with a big smile without noticing the frown of his sister and the sigh that escaped from his friend's mouth

- How many times do I have to repeat it - Kiritsugu said with an emotionless voice - I am not a hero even close - His tone now contained a bit of bitterness that, although it went unnoticed by Shirou, certainly the other two "children" could notice it from The perfection

- Yes, I know, you are very humble. - Shirou said a little mockingly

When Kiritsugu slammed the brake with a rather shocked expression

- What's up old man? -The little redhead asked him as he looked at Kiritsugu who had his eyes wide open

-That's ... -was the only thing Tom could say while he saw the enormous accumulation of negativity, he as a container of the evils of the world could say that even in the maximum state of him he would have problems stopping that

-'Definitely it is very different from seeing it in an anime'-he thought ironically

[You should keep that in mind, be it AU or Canon, the worlds you go to may differ a lot or a little from what they should have originally been] Sakura told him seriously

Everyone got out of the car as they watched as the great mass of negativity swallowed up much of the city center, the screams of the people and all the destruction it caused, Tom could only sigh as he watched the red-haired twins grit their teeth at the image what did they see

The worst thing was that although being in a younger body, his abilities degraded along with the lack of environmental Od, they could not be used to their full potential.

But, they kept a degraded version of all their abilities

- What's that?! -Tom said pretending to be in panic, while he received a look from Kushiro that seemed to say "Are you serious?"

- What's going on - Kiritsugu said with wide eyes - That phenomenon was not made by humans! -He exclaimed with surprise on his face

-This doesn't look good, Kiritsugu- Shirou said with a little fear seeing how quickly he expanded- That black thing ... -

-It's expanding- Kushiro said as his face turned a little pale

Tom had to admit it, EMIYA could be an actress if she wanted to, her acting ability is great, he thought as he gave her a discreet thumbs up.

Gripping his hands tightly, Kiritsugu told the children

- Get in the car Shirou, Kushiro, Tom - Said the man without a hint of doubt - We're getting out of here -

- What are you saying, Kiritsugu? -Shirou said with surprise, as he gave a betrayed look to his sister who got into the car

- If we don't do something, the city will ... - The redhead continued

In the city the landslides and swallowed people increased without stopping

- There will be no problems as long as I'm still in town. We do not know how far it can expand, maybe I got this far - The man said with bitterness in his tone

- No, worst case scenario, it could consume the whole country! -He said with concern squeezing his cane almost to the breaking point

Old, young, male and female all were swallowed up by the whirlpool

- That's why we must…! -I try to say, until he looked back in surprise

Tom and Kushiro turned their surprised gazes to the city as he saw something rise quickly to fight the wave of destruction.

It was a green glow, he rose up enveloping the accumulation of negativity devouring it, erasing it as if he had never been there

Tom got ready ... it was time to go for Miyu


It took me a little longer to go up because I didn't remember the plot very well so I had to see the movie back and so hahahaha

What is promised is fulfilled a blonde M will appear in this arc

Kushiro was the only thing that occurred to me as a decent Masomenan name for Archer since in that world she would not replace the Shirou that already exists in that world, but she became his sister.

Give me luck, the author will go to his Chaldea to continue spending his savings to get Skadi-sama


Omake: Crazy in Moon Cell pt 01: Which is better?

(POV 3 person)

Looking at each other in a meeting room

A group of men looked at each other

A discussion had begun ... The one that would decide the fate of ...


Nameless rose from his chair, his expression was extremely serious.

- Why don't you admit it at once ?! - Said the nameless Archer giving them an annoyed look - Thighs are better than breasts and asses! -

Shinji, Julius, and Gilgamesh jumped up from their chairs, staring at Nameless with a deadly gaze.

- Breasts are the best! Didn't you understand the true power and meaning of him ?! - Shouted Shinji indignant

- What the hell are you talking about ?!, It is obvious the asses are the best - Said the murderer as if it were the most obvious

The King of Uruk for the first time felt that his Master shit was more than tolerable.

"Hmph, for a half-breed like you to understand the tastes of a king," Gil said as he patted Shinji on the head. "You deserve a reward from me!" -

Soon a small pile of gold the size of a chihuahua appeared on the table in front of the seaweed head leaving him with a smile.

Tom who was watching the show with his arms crossed, got up

The Bicolor felt that he had had enough of this discussion.

- Battle Royal - He said

They all looked at him confused without really understanding what he was referring to

Nameless and Shirou being the only ones who understood what their brother / brother-in-law was about to do, they asked with concern.

- Tom, do you understand what you are about to do? - Shirou said

- You are on a direct road to hell - Said Nameless seriously

Tom did not answer but looked at him with determination.

Nameless's expression quickly changed to a smile and he hit Tom on the shoulder.

- Since you've decided, make sure you don't regret it! -

- I will not - replied the Bicolor - My companions propose a Battle Royal! So we will decide once and for all which is better thighs, breasts or asses! -He raised his fist to the air -Who's with me !! -

They all smiled and raised their fists to the air followed by a thunderous scream filled with their battle spirit.

- US!! -


{Time-Skip} (Sakura's Labyrinth, Floor 01)

They had all split into factions

Leo, Issei Ryuudo and Julián in the Kaichous faction (Cof Jotos Cof)

Julius, Cú, Gatou and Hans in the Butt Faction

Gilgamesh, Shinji, Gawain and Issei Hyoudou formed the Breast Lovers Faction

Tom, Shirou, Nameless and Hakuno the Thigh Faction

In this battlefield dreams would be defended ... and the truth that has clouded the judgment of every philosopher, scientist and person with at least half a brain would be obtained.

Once the teams were formed, Rani Vlll the presenter appeared

- Very good gentlemen! -Contrary to her delicate and somewhat careless appearance, everyone present knew that Rani was a pervert superior to Hyoudou

As each one showed her respects, they knew that no one was more worthy than her to be her presenter for this important event.

… They also knew that the other girls would beat them all up for starting a battle over something so ridiculous.

Ignoring the frightened trembling of the men on the battlefield Rani enthusiastically followed his speech

- We are here today to decide once and for all which is better!… Thighs, breasts or butts! She-she said dramatically- Are you ready to fight? !! She-she she said with a beaming smile

All the men in her excitement could only scream


They all looked at each other there was a glow in their eyes

Rani who saw everything from her privileged area was moved by this image

- 'Burn flames of youth!' -The Homunculus thought as she pressed a hand to his chest

{On the battlefield}

Tom looked at the "enemies of him"

- There was no other way this would end, right? - Everyone without exception nodded

- By the thighs! -Tom shouted as he threw himself at Gilgamesh who already had several swords coming out of Gate of Babylon

- By the breasts! -Goldie yelled as she ordered her NP to open fire

- By the asses! -Grito Cú as he launched the attack

- For Julian's sister! -Tom yelled again causing Julian to look at him, realizing his mistake, the bicolor coughed a little and looked away before saying- ... I meant thighs-

Julian and Gilgamesh nodded satisfied after all, she was their sister / apprentice.

- For the climax! Ryuudo yelled as he threw himself at Shirou

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, together with Shirou they gave the ex-kaichou an incredulous look

Issei finally coming to his senses got embarrassed and screamed

- No homo! -There were beads of sweat all over his face as well as those of his teammates

- Well, that's fine - Everyone agreed to what was said by a very relieved Shirou

... Soon the punches began as they should


{Time-skip eight hours later} (Nursing room)

Tom and everyone woke up on stretchers covered in bandages

Some had serum, others had quite a few broken bones

Tom seeing that everyone felt a little bad raised his unbroken arm

- My companions in the search for the truth, I have finally discovered which one is better! -

They all looked at him curiously

- The answer is that there is no better! - Before Gilgamesh opened Gates of Babylon

- It's because the breasts, thighs and butts are perfect just the way they are! -Said the bicolor, clenching his fist dramatically

They all shed tears

They were truly moved

Even Gil had a sincere smile on his face when he heard the conclusion of his most hated enemy.

-'I see you're not so bad after all, Faker'-thought the blond king as he looked at him

- Wh-What the hell happened to you? !! -

Everyone's blood ran cold when they heard that voice

They all slowly turned their gazes towards the entrance of the infirmary.

Standing there were Shiro, Kushiro, Illya, Miyu, Angelica, Rin, Arturia, Nero, Tama, Jinako, BB and Luvia along with Irina, Asia and Gabriel

They all looked surprised and annoyed when they saw the state they were in.

- I can explain it - Said another voice

There they saw Rani accompanied by Sakura both wore their uniforms while they had white coats on top

They all felt hope fill their breasts as they saw their saviors

- They were fighting over something very stupid - Rani said plain and simple

Several of them made a Face Palm

Shiro and Kushiro giving them the benefit of the doubt looked at her boyfriend (husband) and her brother

- I-sure they had a good-good reason, right? - The redhead said something insecure

"Y-Yes that must have been!" -Kushiro said while she seemed to say it more to convince herself than the others

Angelica just sighed and looked at her younger brother and her teacher with disappointment.

- In fact they were fighting because it was better breasts, butts or thighs - Rani said

Causing Shiro and Kushiro's trust to be totally broken

The other girls gave them icy looks (minus Nero-chan-sama)

… Poor boys ended up on a much worse battlefield than the one they originally had… and were slaughtered

EMIYA Assassin and Sánchez only saw everything with a sigh, glad they had not joined the "sacred battle of men"

-'My children if you are listening to me ... You have chosen women who will make you suffer like never before ... so run to Mexico and be happy'-Emiya thought as she wished her children luck in their next life

Sánchez next to him had similar thoughts

- 'Listen to me well Tom, because I'll only say it once ... run Bitch, run!' -Scream in his mind Julián hoping that his friend will listen to him and escape from there

… Overall it was a very tough day for the men at Moon Cell


I couldn't get it out of my head hahaha * Laughs sensually Dio style *

: p