
SYSTEM #47: Queen of information...

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Her appearance shock both the Dean and the school belle the Dean face turn pale he put on nervous smile on his face.

"Stundent what are doing here you should be in your class right now" she sneer at him and wave her phone.

"No need to pretend I have recorded everything in the phone" Dean face turn red as he start panicking.

She also saw the school belle nervously looking at her she is holding her pregnancy report in her hand.

"Stundent please delete the recording it's the matter of two student life they were insensible and done something wrong"

School belle face turn pale as she shout "your son said that he love me" Dean glare at her in anger as he curse at her.

"You b*tch you are the one who seduce him my son is innocent soul he can't even hurt a soul" jinque eyese widen.

At first she thought that both of them are having affair it seem like she had mistook them the Dean don't hook up with students.

It's just the matter of two young soul who are in love with each other and had done something that should not happen.

But when she thought about the mission she grit her teeth in annoyance "Dean you should be aware that your son is lying"

Dean expression change but he quickly return to normal but she catch them she didn't expect her bluff to be on point.

"Your son had lied to the girl should I tell her you are going to tell her" dean broke out into sweat as he curse his useless son.

The school belle face turn pale as she asked by her "what do you mean he is lying what do you know"

She start crying okay now she is feeling guilty toward the girl but she can't do anything about it.

Dean look at her then went to toward his table and grab his wallet he take few billls and stuff them into her hand.

(Congratulations host for completing the mission)

(Host reward had been sended)

(Check the inventory to claim the reward)

These three notification make her calm down she look at the bills in her hand then at the girl she sign.

She pretended to be deleting the recording and leave the office after putting the report on his table and went ahead.

When the school belle came out her face is covered in tears, she had a palm print on her face she was stopped by her.

Jinque stuff the money in her hand and run away not giving any opportunity to the girl for returning the money.

The girl lower her head tear start falling on the ground as she weakly went to her classroom the classes are still going on.

Her full name is Ming Jinque she is studying in the school name 'knowledge & science' this school is both middle and high school.

The school is divided into two section the middle school and the high school they are not very far from each other.

She is in last year of her middle school next year she will be studying in the high schhol her grades aren't very good.

But atleast she never failed in any subjest being the only daughter she is pampered in her house.

Her parents aren't very rich her father work as supervisor of construction workers and her mother work as maid in rich family.

Her computer and gaming set is second hand which had been thrown away by the kid of the family where her mother work.

So she brought it back to there house she still remember how excited she was when she saw the set.

She attend her classes when rhe lunch break happened she immediately run to the cafeteria and start searching for them.

When she saw the group of three boys three of them had coloured there head in different colour and seating there arrogantly.

They are the famous hunk of the school known as the trio as soon as she reach the table she slap the blue head.

The boy with blue colour was about to curse but when he saw that it's her he give her nervous smile and greet her.

"Sister Jin how are you" she glare three of them as she starr cursing at them.

"You three idiot cause of you I lost the match yesterday do you even know that person name dragon king had been making fun of me since the morning"

The man with blonde hair spoke weakly "it's not like we are useless but they are too powerful we are no match for them"

The man with orange hair was wearing glasses he had soft feminine featues and had cute dimple smile.

"Sister jin don't be angry look I had order your favourite blueberry cheesecake" she look at the slice of cake infront of her.

"Hmm you know how make me happy little cutie" he blush ar her word and spoke "don't worry we will win the match next time"

She nodded her head "we have to won the match this time we had agreed to play five round with them we had won for two time so do they this match will decide the winner"

"Yes sister jin don't worry we will be the obe winning the match don't worry now quickly eat your food it's will be not good when cold"

She start eating her food as they talk and laugh with each other these two boys are in second year of high school.

They only meet each other in lunch break they get to know about each other through the game.

Currently they had made bet with another team for playing five match whoever won will be slave of winning team for a weak.

Currently the match is on tie but if they lost the today match they had to be slave of them for whole weak.

This bet is placed by those three stupid boys without asking her but this is matter of there pride she can't give up now.