
Chapter #9

On Zeno's side things were surprisingly volatile. First he was taken to the Coseco school right where he wanted to be.

"Hey, how's it going?" Zeno asked his roommate/cellmate.

Zeno didn't know how to describe it they're inside a school prisoned but the room they're in was a classroom.

'Roommate should be correct since she isn't tied with ropes unlike me.' He thought.

The other hostage, who was actually a CIA Agent, looked at him before asking. 

"Aren't you Dr. Zeno from CryNet?" She asked while Zeno was trying to remember her name.

[It seems CIA kept their eyes on us.]

'She did have a name right?' Zeno thought hoping his second wheel would have the answer.

[Her name is Sarah, remember you went through the wiki once.] System said as it brought up the related memories.

"Well, I apparently chose the wrong island for my vacation." Zeno chuckled.

He was hoping to pass the time here until Nomad and Psycho came to rescue them but apparently KPA didn't need two hostages and decided to get rid of the other hostage who wasn't speaking so far.

Knowing her identity Zeno couldn't just let her die, he didn't know why the CIA was here since that was a comic plot but he figured keeping her alive would be better.

"Stop chatting and tell me what you found at the excavation site!" Then a voice cut their one sided conversation.

It was their interrogator, unfortunately he already learned about Zeno's identity after Zeno confirmed it for Sarah. Which made him more valuable compared to Sarah.

'Alright, I guess this is the night bitches die.' Zeno thought to himself.

"Hey, roomie. Do you want to bet that I can get us out of here?" Zeno suddenly asked.

"Yeah, sure. You do that and I will have sex with you on top of this building." Sarah was amused by his behavior, she figured the doctor went mad.

Oh, how wrong(right?) she was.

"Well, you better not forget that after you wake up." Zeno said as the KPA soldier fell unconscious.

"Wha...?" Sarah was shocked to find her eyes closing.

She was a undercover CIA agent and she didn't notice herself getting drugged! How shameful.

Zeno looked at the two unconscious bodies in the room before sighing. He wouldn't have to put them out if he had a way to get out of his bindings.

'Now I just need to activate the subdermal bombs I planted on my body and explode myself to freedom.' That was the genius plan he came up with in case he got caught.

[You shouldn't harm yourself just because you can walk it off.] System said with genuine worry.

Zeno too felt like this was a bit much but his pride didn't let him admit.

'Say that to Lin Fan or Song Shuhang.' Zeno quipped as the bombs went off mangling his wrists and setting them free.

[Three of you would get along just fine...]

Zeno got up with a frown as he watched his hands coming back together he was pissed because the other hostage wasn't bound while he had to work.


Things just kept getting more ridiculous from where Zeno blew his hands off to free himself.

He had quickly healed but the noise drew attention. So he took the fallen KPA soldier's weapons before breaking his neck.

Coming out of the classroom, Zeno quickly took aim at the KPA soldiers not caring about the bullets coming his way.

His pain tolerance increased quite a bit while testing his immortality.

First he made his way to his belongings while thanking troupe gods for placing it in the same building.

After getting his bag Zeno quickly whipped out a signal scrambler to jam KPA communications while ignoring the bullets digging on his back.

'It would be troublesome if someone reported my regeneration. Even though it sounds like bullshit, someone would believe it.' Zeno thought as he shot the shocked soldiers dead.

Once the school was cleared Zeno was drenched in blood. 

Currently Zeno was on the roof of the school building looking at the soldiers surrounding the building.

'Luckily the blood gets reabsorbed unless I will it to stay out. Still it stains my clothes.' He thought as he watched his blood disappear.

[Hey, is that a tank?] System asked.

*Tank Firing*

"Ananı-!(Motherf-)" Zeno quickly jumped off the roof.

Getting up he immediately took cover before engaging in combat.


Hours later from Zeno's escape, Nomad and Psycho made their way to the village where they could pick up Zeno's signal.

On the way the two came across scores of dead KPA soldiers and trashed vehicles.

"Holy shit someone fucked up that tank!" Psycho exclaimed.

Tank's muzzle had blown from the inside like someone jammed it before the tank fired. Also there were several blast residues around the tank indicating someone using C4's.

"Yeah, Prophet said Dr. Zeno was alright. Did someone come and cleared the KPA?" Nomad thought out loud.

"Well, we were expecting reinforcement weren't we?" Psycho answered hoping they really got some reinforcements.

He really didn't want to deal with alien bullshit without reinforcements.

Soon the duo reached the school building to see a shocking scene of Zeno sitting on the edge of the roof shirtless.

Behind him was a civilian woman who was kissing his neck while whispering things they wished they didn't hear with their nano enhanced senses.

On the ground lay a pile of corpses all belonging to KPA soldiers.

"Well, I guess this is why Prophet asked us to take our time." Psycho laughed while Nomad moved forward while shaking his head.

"Dr. Zeno, you seem alright?" Nomad asked.

"Yeah, I had the best combat of my life and had sex on top of the corpses of my enemies. Today is a great day." Zeno replied, his voice was shaking with emotion.

[That was badass. I never thought we'd do something badass with you on the wheel.] System was emotional as well.

'Hold up what do you mean by that?!'

"So you're telling me you killed all these guys?!" Psycho asked.

"I know it is hard to believe but you guys have no choice but to take my word." Zeno replied.

"If you were this good, why did you get captured?" Nomad asked, Zeno's smile at the time was just too unforgettable to him.

"My legs got tired."



After separating Sarah from himself Zeno went down to brief the Raptor Team about CIA involvement.

It was easy to do since Sarah was cooperative and talked about her mission. It was kind of disturbing that she kept looking towards Zeno as if she was seeking approval.

<That must have been some dick.> Psycho thought to himself before noticing Nomad was staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

<Thanks for the insightful observation Psycho.> Only after hearing Prophet's laugh on the radio did Psycho realize what he had done.

"I don't feel safe going with Psycho." Zeno jokes.

<Stop horsing around, an armored division is headed your way.>

"Nomad take care of it, while I take our hostage to an extraction point. You're coming with, doctor, no arguments." Psycho said.

Zeno already had his fun with the island and put backdoors in Nomad's suit to get all the Ceph data when he would enter the main ship.

He didn't have a reason to stay, so he agreed to go with Psycho. Now he just needs to stop the US Army from pulling an independence day and power up the enemy with their nukes.


The road to the safe evacuation point was peaceful as Nomad took the heat off them but the atmosphere was drowning nonetheless.

While Sarah knew they needed to leave this island right away, she also knew the sergeant would protect them.

So she moved to her next priority: securing Zeno as her boyfriend, not even she understands why she is doing it.

She was furious at him when she woke up from the drug but her mind changed when she saw the corpses of KPA.

At that moment she knew Zeno was hiding more than he let on and as a CIA operative she figured she'd get to the bottom of this.

In hopes of lowering his guard she honored their bet... That was her mistake.

She could have never guessed Zeno would have seemingly unlimited stamina and she soon found herself blissfully passed out.

Once she woke up, she felt like Zeno was the love of her life, she had this nagging feeling at the back of her mind that kept whispering to her that she could get whatever she wants as long as she doesn't betray Zeno.

Sarah first checked her body to see if there was something obvious planted in her body. 

That feeling wasn't natural but she had no way to confirm her theory. So she decided to go along with the flow for now.

'Everything will be fine once I return to the headquarters.' She thought to herself not knowing how wrong she was.

What happened to her was not something that can be explained with modern science.

Not even Zeno knows what he had done by sleeping with her. His previous life's unexpected awakening did things to him that he couldn't understand.

(AN: It is something of a defense mechanism, if the women loves him they wouldn't have such compulsions after having sex. Zeno will learn about this ability and how to control it before he gets his first harem member.)