
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #33

After his initial visit, Zeno regularly visited Master Busujima to spar with him. Zeno slowly but surely fixed his style and started to hone his instincts.

'Immortality bestowed by the Dragon God is most likely inferior and could be nullified in a higher tiered world than Akatsuki no Yona. I need to be able to defend myself.' He thought to himself.

Saeko had noticed him due to his frequent visits but she didn't pay much attention since it was normal for people to get private lessons from her father.

One day after their regular training Master Busujima asked a question that surprised Zeno.

"Zeno-dono, if I might ask. Can you spar with my daughter once she advances in her training?" Master Busujima asked respectfully.

Zeno spent a long time trying to stop him from calling him Zeno-sama. In the end he could barely level down to Zeno-dono.

'Hmm, it still sounds cringy.' Zeno died a little inside before he considered his answer.

Master Busujima knew about him, any sane man would keep their daughter away until they are old enough to understand.

Then again, Master Busujima has always been weird when it comes to him. Zeno figured it might have to do something about their families' dragon fetish but he didn't dare ask.

'Being too curious isn't always good.' Zeno inwardly nodded.

"I don't mind." Zeno answered calmly, while Master Busujima showed a rare smile on his face.

Zeno also thought about warning Master Busujima about his daughter potentially getting nearly molested only for her to awaken as a sadist...

'Yeah, it sounds like bullshit even to me.' Zeno cringed.


Now that his own mental strain was diminishing Zeno had more time to focus on himself.

Over the years he even went through his own memories before reincarnation, just to make sure he wouldn't be missing something he knew.

'Oh boy, I was wrong when I said I never looked up HOTD porn.' Zeno sighed.

He was regretting his decision, he didn't need to see animated porn of his little sister.

Just then someone knocked on his door. Zeno already knew who that was.

"Zeno-nii, can you help me with my homework? Mother was busy..." Saya asked shly while peeking inside.

Saya had once again found an excuse to come to his room. Zeno inwardly sighed, he didn't even increase Yuriko's work load, yet she is neglecting her daughter.

"All right, come in. Let's see what it is." Zeno gestured inside.

"Yes! Ahem! I mean, thank you nii-san." Saya did a victory dance until she remembered where she was and let out an adorable sound of surprise.

Saya blushed but she couldn't run away since her homework was at stake. All she could do was turn her head away with a pout hoping Zeno wouldn't laugh at her.

"Well, that was rather cute." Zeno commented with a smile.

Saya made another cute squeak before she turned towards Zeno. "Nii-san is bullying me hmph!" Saya pouted cutely.

Yet, she was quite satisfied with the progress she was making with her brother.

'If only he had more time for me.' Saya sighed in her heart.

[Hmm, she seems to be going down Sagiri's path.] System commented with glee.

Zeno helped Saya with her homework which she didn't need any help with.

'Nii-san is so cool!' She thought to herself.

Saya hoped to learn more about her brother, for some reason she felt happier whenever she spent time with him.

She has noticed that this happiness was different than whenever she spent time with her parents but she chalked it up to her brother being awesome.

Just then she saw some scales on Zeno's hand, scales withdrew right away causing her to think she imagined things.

'Well, might as well sneak some clues in whenever she comes around.' Zeno nodded to himself.

His plans about Saya changed a bit especially after he re-discovered Rule 34 thanks to his memories.

'Merlin bless hentai.' Zeno prayed devoutly. Not knowing he was getting a small blessings in return.

Zeno was hoping Saya would soon start asking the right questions. The plot is approaching and he doesn't want to break out the truth in the middle of it like he did with Dana.


Zeno who had been working on a mass produced infected army had unexpected results in his endeavours.

He was trying to speed things up but he ended up discovering something he never expected.

[This certainly throws a wrench in our plans.] System grumbled.

'I don't like this either but we're dealing with stuff we have no understanding of ' Zeno rubbed his forehead.

What they discovered was the possible source of the outbreak. It was a small little seed he discovered inside his subjects.

Scientific methods couldn't detect it, nor interact with it. The only reason Zeno even managed to discover it was his budding Karmic Virtue.

Zeno had been visiting graveyards regularly to find ghosts and ferry their souls. He couldn't see them but he did earn some Karmic Virtue from his visits.

Thanks to Karmic Virtue, Zeno's nonexistent sensitivity towards supernatural energies have heightened.

He sensed the seed, yet he has no way of interacting with it. All he knows is that it will activate depending on a certain condition.

{Did someone plan this?} Ouryuu frowned.

'No, the zombies of this world are too weak compared to supernatural world's. This was probably caused by some residual energy...' Zeno thought.

His hypothesis was backed by his sense of knowledge, Zeno calmly manipulated the power of his bloodline into the seed inside his body.

His body was a natural resident of this world, and naturally had one of these seeds inside.

Seed reacted to his bloodline violently but it was quickly subdued by the overwhelming power of his bloodline.

Following that, Zeno had a vision. Two people fighting in the air, one of them was obviously a paladin judging by his appearance.

The paladin's opponent was a skeletal figure, Zeno figured he was a lich but he couldn't be sure, but he knew the skeleton was a necromancer.

Two battled in the air while caveman humanity watched from their caves. Paladin eventually destroyed the lich's body before he disappeared in a light beam.

The paladin didn't bother to cleanse the undead, the lich had brought up. Causing them to be dispersed into undead energy which somehow got absorbed by the earth.

The vision ended there, Zeno got the answer to his question.

'Rookie Paladin made a mistake? Somehow the leftover undead energy infused itself in humanity without turning them for some reason.' Zeno thought about it but he only had blind guesses.

He was new to supernatural shit after all...

[Whatever it is, we cannot allow someone infected to turn into undead. The results could be devastating for us since we have jack shit when it comes to magic.] System groaned again, the years he spent on that special strain just got trashed.

'Yeah, we need to slowly get rid of people with Silverlight. Goldlight still has the protection of my bloodline, it should be fine.' Zeno decided.

{What about Takagi's?} Ouryuu asked.

He didn't mind curing the parliament from Silverlight since Souichirou had already become the PM, and with Busujima support they had no problems running the country.

[Come on, don't act like you didn't notice how Saya looks at Zeno. She's joining the harem for sure.] System grinned.

Zeno groaned while thinking about his little tsundere sister. She had been finding more excuses to spend time with him.

Yet, Zeno could tell she was refusing to believe her feelings because she thought they were blood related.

'Saya can miss the obvious from time to time I guess.' Zeno sighed thinking about the awkward family talk that was destined to happen.

Shaking his head Zeno cleared his thoughts and decided to program the nanites in the Silverlight to self-destruct upon their host's death.

'This is much better than losing pawns.' Zeno nodded with satisfaction.

{Too bad your world conquest was short-lived.} Ouryuu commented out of nowhere.

'Bro... Whose side are you on?' Zeno couldn't help but ask wryly.

{Side of love?} Ouryuu said gently.

'...' Zeno.

[...] System.

'He is high on Karmic Virtue isn't he?'
