
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

The Leviathan

The Northern coast, otherwise known as the Senadate's Coast, was now firmly under the sole control of the Machine Empire. With its indigenous human population of the Theocracy was now reduced by more than 97 percent, almost all sorts of manual labor were done by the machines. 

The land around the ruined cities were exploited and the cities themselves were torn down for every scrap of essential resource the machines could make use of in the future. 

For now, Caitlyn had ordered the creation of more Airships in their arsenals. Several undersea factories have sprung up in accordance with Caitlyn wishes with Johnathan and Michael overseeing the projects themselves. 

It was a race against time. The satellite they had observed at the City of Diadel has detected a mass troop movement to the north. The Empire was gathering an army.

Not just one army, it seemed like they were mustering three armies. 

The first army that was being assembled was much smaller. It was estimated to have 30 thousand at most. The estimations were the result of calculating mountains of data related to movements between cities, mass gatherings, and anticipated decisions. 

The second army was a bit bigger. An estimated 40 thousand while finally the third is the largest, about 50 thousand of soldiers.

And the total of the army she was witnessing was over 120 thousand were being assembled. Caitlyn has yet to pinpoint how exactly they are able to feed and maintain such an enormous army.

The logistical problem that came with it should be enough to grind its assembly into a halt. But instead, the army was assembling at a rapid pace.

Whatever their methods were, it had something to do with magic. 

Especially teleportation magic like {Gate} which is the most annoying spell she had known.

Caitlyn ordered at least 100,000 Androids and 10-12 million Human Legions that finish military academy from Earth to be redirected to the other world. These new arrivals would take over the duty of maintaining the Machine Empire's conquered territory while the main machine legions were to be carried in the Warships.


30km away north from the shore, a sail Battleship of the Machine Empire was took place.


Michael and Johnathan, the captains of the ship were currently on the bridge while the workers and crewmates of the ship were doing their job, surprisingly, they were humans, the reason is that Caitlyn was going to use all Android Soldiers for the upcoming war which the two Elite Drones had no choice but to use talented humans who are being in ships before.

The ship they are currently on was first built eger since in the first week of their foothold in this world but when Artemis ordered the engineer drones to build flying Warships, they'll put this sailor in the junkyard.

But when they were ordered to mobilize their full military power in an all-out war against the Western Region, all of the flying warships started to gather. But they also need their underwater facilities which are quite important for them but as all of the Warships are all unavailable, they have no choice to use these obsolete ships.

"Ah, why would we use this anyway?" Michael exclaimed while for some reason wearing a sailor hat on his metallic head.

"It's just that all of our airships are all unavailable right now, we have to use this instead, we just don't have any choice," Johnathan replied, holding the wheel of the ship.

"What about we could just go underwater and go to the facility instead, not to mention we are Droids, trouble breathing is no problem for us, moreover we are completely immune to water."

"We could but Caitlyn said this is not just going to the underwater facility, one of the recon drones have found something in these small islands near one of our underwater facilities."

"Is it about resources?" Michael asks.

"Resources," His partner replied.

"I thought we already have enough,"

"There's actually a special resource in the island that could be very useful for us,"

"Damn, you and your little resources…" Michael said before he turned his gaze on the window.

As he step forward a feet away from it, he place his hand watching the human crewmates dealing their usual task outside.

"Also, another question. Why would we use humans as our workers, why can't we use our Androids as usual?"

"All unavailable."

"You shitting me, we have more like a hundred thousands of them."

As both of the Androids continued to talk, two Hovercraft Drones were flying through the skies, their job was to search around the ship's perimeter finding something unusual.

The two Hovercraft Drones flew side by side and less than a hundred meters above sea level. The two drones kept their robotic eyes peeled wide as they approached the location where the radar reported multiple surface contacts.

The gray skies and light snowfall made visibility low but it was no problem for the Drones. As time passed, the Drones saw a cluster of small islands as they reached the target area. They dived lower and started to watch the islands, scanning, and observing, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary in the area but couldn't find anything unusual.

[Multiple Heat Signatures detected] One of the Hovercraft Drones said, its sensors spotted multiple heat signatures in the distance. The Drone spoke didn't say in words but being connected as one, they fully understood what they meant telepathically.

[Surface targets right on top of your position]. The other Drone replied.

[Positive, sign of multiple heat signatures is in front of our position]

Just as the Drone finished its report, the seas below it appeared to churned violently. To the Drone's surprise, or if it even has any feelings, the cluster of 'islands' appeared to come to life as massive flippers rose up from the water and the 'islands' swam away from the churning sea.

If the Drone has any sentience or a human mind, it will yell out at the sight of the suddenly alive islands. 

[Contact, we got sea monsters on sight]

As the two Drones pulled up to a higher altitude, not before long a massive serpent like creature burst out from the churning seawater and shot towards one of the nearest Islands at fast speed, unfortunately they couldn't see its full appearance because of the sea water covering its whole body. The creature immediately wrapped the 'island' and the drones could clearly see trees and rocks getting destroyed by the rapidly constricting creature.

A serpentine head suddenly showed out from the 'island' and it roared loudly with its beak-like mouth and the four giant flippers thrashed madly as it tried to escape from the pull of the other giant serpent-like creature.

"Holy mother of Joseph!" Michael, in the ship sees the creature with his cybernetic eyes cried out as he saw what rosed out from the depths of the sea that the body of the creature wrapping the islands belonged to.


A massive serpent-like beast rose from the sea, its height was over 500 meters and its body was tightening the island creature even more and more until the creature's island shell is breaking

It drools from its terrifying teeth as it tries to tighten its own body to kill its prey. The rest of the island creatures cried out in panic and distress as they saw one of their kind about to be eaten by the monster. One of the island creatures even turned around and charged towards the monster, seemingly trying to save the other.

[EA-2, what are your orders?]

[Hold on your position and do not engage yet]


The Recon Drone hummed in the air as it flew over the AO of the sighting of the sea monsters. Its sensors recorded the imagery being fed back to the data servers onboard to the Machine Base, Caitlyn, that were images in front of Michael and Johnathan were quite surprised by the size of the monsters.

"What are those creatures?" Michael asked, if he was human, he would shudder, "Those looked like some kind of giant sea turtle while the serpent like thing looks like from that biblical mythological monster I read...."

[This is fucked up] 

Caitlyn took a deep calming breath. 

[Order those two Hovercraft Drones that were near them to maintain altitude and keep observing the monsters]

"Roger," Jonathan nodded, same as his partner.

Not before long, Jonathan then pressed a button in the scientific screen in the ship's controller and began to say his orders to both of the crewmates of the ship and the other Battleships in the distance.

"All ships are to maintain a five-kilometer distance from the monsters." Jonathan ordered calmly as he continued. " Activate your defensive shields around your ships in case any of them attack, weapons on standby, if that thing shows any aggression to us, fire at will."

"Lord Johnathan, do you think we should help those 'island creatures'?" One of the female crewmates at the bridge room asked. "They look kind of pitiful..."

Johnathan frowned but couldn't see that obviously, he then returned to observing the fight between the monsters. It clearly is shown that the serpent monster was the apex predator compared to the giant turtles who kept baying away in panic.

Even the brave giant turtle that attempted to save its friend suffered greatly from the strong jaws of the serpent monster. Help them? Johnathan subconsciously rubbed his chin as he processed in himself, processing the pros and cons.

"Nah, it's part of nature anyway, let's just forget about it." Michael said.

"Michael, did you forget that there is some useful resources under those rocks of theirs." 

"Bloody hell, fine"

Just as Michael was about to give his orders, Caitlyn called in. 

[Michael, Johnathan, I have some information on the MTF at that time they infiltrated the Theocracy]

Caitlyn said as she began to explain.

[They called the serpent monster as 'Dragaemae the Terror of the Deep' which the people greatly fear back then. They are known to destroy entire fleets of ships and convoys. It is the most terrifying creatures they faced 800 years ago] 

Caitlyn then continued.

[They are at the rank of peak <S+> rank, plus they have insane power, strength, defensive, regeneration and magical capabilities. 800 years ago, It took them a fleet of over 100 warships, 20 A-ranks and one Transcendence Demigod to defeat one and that creature was just in its infancy and yet less than half the ships, 9 A-ranks and a Demigod were able to sail home. It is extremely dangerous and that creature should be a mature monster, it said. But thanks to the invention of Airships, they don't need to fear to go to the ocean]

[As for these turtles like creatures were called as Island Whales] 

Caitlyn explained. 

[Island whales are gentle and peaceful creatures and are said to be good luck for the sailors. They also saved many sailors lives as the Island whales travel from place to place and its back, as you can see, is like its own ecosystem]

"That serpent creature's name, the 'Dragaemae the Terror of the Deep', hmmm…don't like it, I'd prefer to call it 'The Leviathan' instead"

[Shut it Michael. Johnathan I want you to save those creatures] Caitlyn ordered, which received a nod from the latter. [We still need those resources and not to mention also a way to show off to the humans our own naval strength]

"What about we could just take care of it ourselves, we're Elite Androids and we are capable of killing it with ease," Michael said, of course they have the power to kill but Caitlyn had other plans.

[Like I said, showing the humans our naval strength, I like to witness what both of your Naval Captain skills look like. If there is some Imperial Navals around here, I hope we could show them what's our own imperial might]

"Hmm... don't you mean that you wanna just show off to your love competitors?" Michael joked while the bridge crew sniggered.

Caitlyn smiled mysteriously.

[Yea, as if I needed to do that! Ha!]

Johnathan raised an eyebrow if he had one at the mysterious smile of Caitlyn and wondered what happened while she was away. "Alright, see you to show off what we can do?"

[Yes, think of it as a training exercise] 

Caitlyn replied. 

[Well, put on a good show for these humans for us alright?]

Johnathan nodded and turned to his partner and the excited crew. "Let's show the world what the Navy can do"


[New orders to engage the sea monster attacking the island creatures once the rest of the Gunship Drones have joined up with you. In the meantime, provide artillery observation]. Jonathan, who is commanding the drones, spoke in their psychic link.

[Roger that] 

The Drone accepted without question. It has been ordered to engage the huge monster even though it has low weaponry systems, it will still do it.

As it waited for the rest of the other aircrafts, the Battleship Destroyer sailed to a distance of three kilometres away from the Leviathan.

As they got close to it, the ship stopped and at the same time Michael spoke, gazing at the 500 meter large monster in the distance.

"Now let's drop some lead on that motherfu—"


Cutting off Michael's words was Johnathan as he yelled loudly.


As he shouted, multiple booms echoed the sea as cannon from the ship fired at once. The shrieking shells landed around the surprised sea monster as it reeled in its weakening prey. It screamed as a shell hammered against its rubbery body and the HE shell containing Argent Energy exploded into a powerful wave of energy. The shock, the flames, and the energy of the explosion flash fried its skin and transmitted shockwaves into its body, causing it excruciating pain.

The Leviathan's rubbery hide was thick and strong enough to bounce the shells off its body but the resulting the abnormal explosions bypass its magical and natural defenses badly shook its insides. Its primitive mind was unable to comprehend what was happening to it except that it was in much pain.

It loses its hold on its prey and wiggles free, trying to escape the pain that came from nowhere. The freed Island Whale quickly swam away from the loud explosions while baying in even more panic.

"Good hit, sire" One of the human crewmates cried excitedly as he observed the shells fall. 

"Fire for effect"

Then the guns of the Battleship Destroyer roared again.

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