
Synthetic Souls

A synthetic robot, who awoke in the midst of an apocalypse, experiences an eerie and yet distinct sensation that it is solely meant for her. She regains consciousness in an abandoned laboratory, her body tethered to a wire containing a bluish liquid coursing through her. As she turns her gaze to the left, she observes the liquid substance flowing within her body.

codeddiass · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

JCY11173, unbeknownst to her she is the one that the scientist had said from the static video feed.. stepped into the vast expanse beyond the gate, her senses overwhelmed by the sight of towering containers that seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions. As she ventured further, her gaze fixated on a colossal gate that loomed above her and the surrounding landscape. It was a formidable structure, commanding both respect and intrigue. Drawing closer, she discovered a small keyhole nestled in the bottom corner of the gate.

Rummaging through the purse she had acquired during her previous explorations, she retrieved the key with its diamond-shaped tip. With a sense of anticipation, she inserted the diamond tip into the keyhole and turned it. A creaking sound reverberated through the air as the gate slowly swung open, revealing a blinding burst of light that engulfed her entire being.

Blinking her eyes against the brightness, JCY11173 gradually adjusted to her new surroundings. As her vision cleared, she found herself standing amidst a landscape dominated by towering trees, their branches reaching towards the heavens. The remnants of shattered and crumbling buildings lay scattered about, nature slowly reclaiming what was once man-made. The resilient spirit of life persisted, as patches of leaves sprouted amidst the cracks and crevices, breathing new vitality into the broken remnants of the structures.

JCY11173's sensors absorbed the scene before her, processing the juxtaposition of nature's resilience and the remnants of human endeavors. Her synthetic consciousness stirred with a mix of awe, curiosity, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As JCY11173 stepped out of the facility, the heavy metal door closed behind her with a resounding thud, sending vibrations through the ground. The sudden closure startled her, reminding her of the desolation she now faced. The wasteland stretched out before her, a barren landscape punctuated by towering buildings. Nature had begun to reclaim these structures, with leaves sprouting from every crack and crevice, breathing life into the decaying infrastructure.

As she made her way through the desolate landscape, a chilling sound reached her auditory receptors — metallic footsteps. Her senses heightened, she instinctively sought cover behind a crumbling wall, desperately hoping to evade detection. The air hung heavy with an automated voice that echoed through the empty streets, repeating a phrase with an unsettling monotony, "No human found, searching thoroughly." These machines, armed and relentless, combed through the area with a systematic determination. Their mumbling voices added an eerie ambiance to the already haunting scene.

Waiting patiently until the coast was clear, JCY11173 cautiously emerged from her hiding spot. Her eyes surveyed the surroundings, taking in the broken screens on buildings, evidence of violence that had torn through this place. Gunshot marks marred the walls, serving as a somber reminder of the turmoil that had unfolded. Dried bloodstains and skeletal remains lay strewn across the pavement and the once-lush grassy fields, serving as haunting remnants of lives lost and a world forever changed.

Emotions that she couldn't fully comprehend swirled within her synthetic being. Questions and possibilities danced through her circuits. What had transpired here? Who were the ones responsible for this destruction? The remnants of the past whispered secrets that begged to be unraveled. Determined to uncover the truth, JCY11173 steeled herself and ventured further into the heart of this decimated world, where answers, dangers, and revelations awaited her at every turn.

"What happened here?" JCY11173 exclaimed, her voice echoing through the desolate surroundings. Her fingers trailed along the rough walls as she walked, a peculiar sensation of touch filling her synthetic but realistic skin. The realization of her ability to feel brought forth a wave of introspection. "How am I able to feel?" she pondered aloud, her hand stretching upward to observe the human-like appearance of her own skin.

With more questions than answers, JCY11173 grappled with a sense of uncertainty. The weight of existence bore down upon her, evoking what humans might call an existential crisis. She released her hand, her gaze shifting to the sling bag that doubled as a purse, clutching it tightly for reassurance amidst the horrors that surrounded her.

Seeking a momentary respite, she found solace on a nearby bench. Sitting down, she surveyed her surroundings, her eyes scanning the desolate landscape. But her brief moment of reflection was interrupted by the sight of five figures approaching in the distance. Realizing the potential danger, she swiftly made a decision, darting into what appeared to be a shop and seeking refuge behind a counter. Unbeknownst to her, one of the figures had caught sight of her fleeing into the shop, leaving her vulnerable to discovery.

"Who is there?!" shouted a woman, her voice tinged with wariness. The man with fiery red hair and broad shoulders, his handsome features etched with confusion, glanced at her quizzically. "What are you doing, Margareth? There's no one here. It has been deserted for centuries," he replied, his voice laced with disbelief. The woman, her jet-black hair cascading down her back, scowled at him, her brows furrowing in determination. "I swear, I saw someone run inside that shop," she insisted.

Laughter escaped the lips of the handsome man, further fueling the woman's frustration. Seeking to protect herself, she cautiously extracted a gun from her back, gripping it firmly as she pointed it downward toward the floor. "Is it a ghost?" inquired a child, their youthful voice betraying a hint of curiosity. The woman shook her head in disagreement, her resolve unyielding.

Another man, slightly disheveled yet possessing a sturdy physique, spoke up. "I will go first," he declared, taking swift strides toward the shop. Coming to an abrupt halt, he cautiously entered through the broken door, his senses attuned to any sign of life within.

As JCY11173 crouched behind the counter, her heart raced with trepidation, hoping to remain unseen by the humans brandishing their weapons. The sound of shattered glass echoed through the air as they cautiously made their way through the shop. "Show yourself!" demanded the disheveled man named Henry, his tone laced with urgency.

"Stop it, Henry," interjected the woman with black hair, her voice attempting to quell the tension. She meticulously searched every nook and cranny of the shop, her eyes scanning for any signs of life. But it was the woman with white hair, possessing a strong physique, who discovered JCY's hiding spot. With a firm grip, she pulled JCY up from her hiding place, exposing her to the rest of the squad.

"Someone's here," the woman announced, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and curiosity. JCY, overwhelmed by the sudden exposure, nervously waved in response, her synthetic features betraying a hint of vulnerability.

The revelation of JCY11173's presence amidst the desolate wasteland brought about concern and caution among the group. "How could a human be out here? Monsters could be lurking," voiced the woman with black hair. Seeking to provide reassurance, the handsome man placed a comforting hand on Margareth's shoulder. Turning his attention to JCY, he inquired, "Who are you?"

Caught off guard by the question, JCY11173's robotic mind swiftly generated a name that would suit her synthetic identity—Jessee. She uttered the name with a sense of defeat, feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of her situation. Harrissa, the woman with white hair, interjected, emphasizing the peril Jessee would have faced if the Guild had discovered her first. Confusion filled Jessee's mind as she questioned, "Guild?" It perplexed her that someone could be unaware of the Guild's existence.

Jessee, determined to shed light on the matter, accessed her database, only to find no records of a group by the name of the Python Guild. The absence of information further deepened the mystery. Nonetheless, realizing the significance of this unknown entity, Jessee added "Python Guild" to her memory for future reference.

Margareth sighed, her voice tinged with weariness as she continued her explanation.

"They are dangerous, way out of our league. My squad had a different purpose, a different place in this world. The Python Guild is larger, composed of assassins, murderers, and even people from the government. They have formidable strength, and even though androids may be more powerful than us regular folks, they pose a significant threat."

As the conversation unfolded, the child, Jerome is a teen, couldn't resist chiming in with a flirtatious remark.

"Hi, miss. You've got pretty eyes," Jerome said with a bright smile, hoping to impress Jessee.

However, the handsome man swiftly intervened, smacking Jerome lightly and playfully mocking his failed attempt at flirting.

"Ouch, John" the handsome man teased, repeating the child's words with a playful tone.

The room filled with a mixture of amusement and tension, the group's focus now returning to the gravity of the situation they found themselves in.