
13. From a Genius' Perspective

A/N: Welcome back. Glad you guys liked my take on Lori's thoughts. A girl like her can't be bossy all the time. There has to be some reasoning behind it, much like how I think there is some reasoning behind the way some of the sisters act like jerks. Ironically, Lisa's chapter comes with the number regarded as being bad luck to some people. Lynn certainly would have a fit about it. But let's take a look into the eyes of a 4 year old. Surely she has something to get off her chest.

Also a note to Aaron Nava. I've noticed you've been leaving a lot of posts about not liking the fact Lori calls Lincoln a twerp. In fact, quite a few times you've asked me not to have her do so in your reviews to my story, as well as on other people's stories. I'll say you got your wish that Lori does feel the guilt from how she treated her brother (this was obvious considering how the story has been progressing), but you're really starting to come off as one of those oversensitive Lincoln fan boys, and it's getting irritating. As said in the last chapter, Lori calls Lincoln a twerp not only as an insult, but as an affectionate nickname. It's not like Vicky's case, where she calls Timmy a twerp purely out of spite. So no offense, but you really need to get over the fact Lori does this. The girl deeply cares for her brother, and you need to stop getting bent out of shape just because Lincoln is being called a particular name.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from the Loud House.

When the smarty pants of the Loud family stepped into Miranda's office, the first thing the psychologist noted was the 4 year old's attitude. Like always, the look on Lisa's face was almost unreadable with the blank expression she was ever so famous of, and the doctor could immediately tell this wasn't any regular toddler. If anything, it reminded the Hispanic woman of a particular redheaded boy genius who also wore glasses.

"Judging by the expression you're giving, no doubt you are questioning my unnaturally high IQ." Lisa stated as she climbed onto the lounging chair.

"How did you figure that?"

"After conversing with my parental units and eldest sister, no doubt my name has been brought up numerous times. Still, I expected that after Lori, you may want to talk to Leni instead." The little girl stated, her lisp quite evident in her speech. This added to her 'little genius' image.

"Well, let's just say when the mention of a child prodigy is spoken of quite a few times, I just had to see it for myself." Miranda admitted.

"In that case, your curiosity is understandable."

The doctor made a small side note on her notepad. "Perceptive. It seems the family's mentions of Lisa being the genius weren't just exaggeration..." She looked back at the toddler. "Now Lisa, are you familiar with how therapy sessions go?"

"Aside from the sharing of one's inner thoughts and emotions, I do not know much about such practices unfortunately."

"Yes that's part of it, but I also need to inform you that, if you wish to keep certain information private, I will withhold it for you."


"Now, is there anything bothering you today?"

Lisa let out a sigh as she brought a hand to her head. "Quite a lot to be frank...I believe it goes without question that, like the rest of my siblings and parents, I too am deeply troubled by the events that occurred in our usually chaotic abode...nothing at our house has been so astronomically damaging before, and I fear the harm we've done is irreparable..."

"Pretty sure the others feel the same way..." Miranda thought. "Now tell me, what is your take on the events that happened?"

"Like my eldest sister and parents have stated, we instigated our now-embarrassing Sister Fight Protocol when Lori and Leni started to fight over a rather expensive piece of fabric that cost only $85.70. Atrocious, I know, but such is fact with two teenaged females with a thing for shopping. During the entire spectacle, I was keeping track of the danger level. Things were calm for a while, but..." The little prodigy paused as she thought of her brother. She could still see the hurt look on his face when he was first getting beaten by herself and the rest of her siblings, followed by the fact he looked as if he'd seen a ghost when all of his siblings visited him yesterday. Tears weld up in Lisa's eyes as she remembered her brother almost dying from asphyxiation, followed by the not-so-shocking news of his phobia (to her at least). She saved his life, sure, but it wouldn't do anything about the newfound fear he had of her.

"Lisa?" Miranda asked, noticng the toddler's unresponsiveness.

The doctor sat in silence as Lisa looked to be on the verge of crying. Seconds later, the doctor was met with the water hose effect as Lisa sobbed all over her seat. "I'm so sorry Lincoln! I'm so sorry!...I didn't mean to hurt you like that!...I shouldn't have let myself succumb to such an emotional response!..." She cried in a broken voice.

Usually, Miranda wouldn't interfere when someone was crying during their sessions, but no matter how hard she kept a blank face when someone broke down, it definitely pulled her heartstrings when the person expressing grief was a small child. Getting up from her seat, she walked over the whimpering genius and took a seat next to her, not caring about the soggy cushion.

The doctor gently stroked Lisa's back like an affectionate mother. "That's ok Lisa, just let it all out..."

Lisa sniffled lightly hugged the side of the psychologist. "I can still see the fear and pain on his face every time I go to sleep, l-like it's an apparition that haunts me every time I close my eyes...and I usually don't believe in ghosts...this is probably my punishment for my part in the fight..."

"What did you do?"

"I...I hit him a few times in the most sensitive area on a male..." Lisa grabbed a few tissues and wiped her red eyes with them. While cleaning off her glasses, "The doctor said those areas were bruised, and that Lincoln would experience pain in his urethra and testis whenever he needs to use the lavatory for some duration...I've never felt so disgusted in my life...and that means a lot since my siblings say my odd studies are gross..."

Taking further note of the 4 year old's appearance, Miranda saw that Lisa's eyes were surprisingly smaller than your average toddler's. She originally thought that the girl's eyes were of average size with a slight defect, but turns out the glasses just magnified their appearance by 3. Definitely explained the need for them, and the doctor suspected the little genius was nearly blind without them. In comparison, Clyde's eyes were normal sized, but required eyewear due to the fact he has trouble seeing objects further than 20 ft.

"And before you say anything, I know you're going to ask why I did it..." Little Lancy placed her glasses back on. "...I had hoped... I wanted to cripple his sperm production for years to come ok?!" She yelled in outrage, most of it directed at herself. "I was just so angered by his idiocy I felt that he shouldn't produce any offspring as they'd end up as challenged as he was...but if anyone's the idiot in this family, it's me...all of this could've been avoided if I simply told Lincoln about our system, but instead I just told him he solved it all by leaving the premises..."

"Lisa, even smart people make mistakes from time to time, but most fail to admit them. You're certainly showing that you regret what you did and are taking responsibility for your actions."

"...I may be a genius...but after having time to reflect on it after having sold my chemistry set and sitting in isolation...the only thing I see any time I look at myself in the mirror is a sociopathic monster..."

Miranda frowned. "Lisa, you're not a-"

"Yes I am! I know I have an Autistic disorder that makes my Intelligence Quotient that of a scientist in their 30s, but I've been distant, egotistic, and harsh towards my own family!...I've done approximately 300 experiments so far in my short life span, and most of them were to satisfy my own, very morbid, curiosity...countless times I've used my own siblings as test subjects on things that could cause potential harm or have irreversible side effects...I even tried to use Lily, my own 1 year old sister, as a test subject just because she wouldn't understand what was happening. It doesn't help that we share the same room, and as a result of my constant experimentation with various chemicals, her excrement can be almost fatally toxic if not discarded quickly...I've even created a creature made entirely out of trash once along with another...oddly shaped creature without proper guidance to tell me otherwise...my parents and siblings have scolded me time and time again about doing such things, but did I ever listen?..."

Lisa curled up on the chair, burying her head in her knees. "...I know my siblings sometimes wish they were as smart as I was, but there's one thing I'm jealous about when it comes to them...they're normal...even my older twin sisters are normal, while I've been cursed with this unnatural amount of brain power...I always told myself, 'I don't have room for social activities or express any form of emotion in my brain'...that's far from the truth from the way things are now..."

"...Do you find yourself lonely at times?" The doctor questioned.

The little girl nodded. "...I used to welcome the isolation because it gave me more time to work on my studies, but after I received my punishment...I realized what a lonely existence I've been living...and before you say 'but you live in a house with 12 other people', I hardly formed any sort of connection with my siblings..."

Miranda had been writing stuff down for the last few minutes, but shook her head at Lisa's last response. "Sorry to say this Lisa, but I don't think that's true. I'm sure you have plenty of good memories with your siblings despite everything you've been through. Are you saying you virtually have nothing in common with them?"

Lisa searched her memories to prove the doctor wrong, still indignant on her claim of having little to do with her siblings. None of the other kids held any interest in chemistry, the human body, or anything that had to deal with mechanics. Lisa herself surely wasn't into sports, music (besides opera), she found comedy to be a waste of time; thought spirits, luck, and anything superstitious was baloney due to her being a realist, and she often found Lori's obsession with her phone to be irritating. She even found Lincoln's Ace Savvy comics to be subpar for her tastes.

That was the first thing to cross her mind, but it wasn't the only thing that came up. She came across the fond memories she had catalogued in that massive brain of hers as well. Lisa wouldn't admit it, but the toddler did enjoy tutoring her siblings on certain subjects. It was effectively one of the few ways she was close to them, and she always liked spreading her knowledge. It was one of the reasons she enjoyed her teaching job at college. Not only that, but she also cared for the well-being of her siblings. Her poop study is widely considered to be extremely disgusting, but Lisa was secretly keeping track of her sisters' and brother's eating habits. Generally, a human will defecate about 1 to 3 times a day. As such, she was concerned when Lori hadn't used the bathroom for a couple days, which to her meant something was wrong. She got her answer when the 17 year old drank a 6 week old milkshake (which of course meant the milk in the treat was spoiled). It seemed that Lori had a gastrointestinal blockage, which could've resulted in something worse had this gone unnoticed for too long. The toddler was quick to lecture Lori to eat healthier lest she wanted to end up in the ER getting her stomach pumped.

Then, she came across the last time Royal Woods had a massive snowstorm. Originally, she saw the inclement weather as an obstacle that got in the way of her siblings studies. As such, she created a special type of salt that would dissolve the snow and ice at a quicker rate and get the roads back to drivable conditions. Plus, it was very dangerous to be walking around ice in general, especially since not many know how to drive in such bad road conditions. Lisa knew fairly well how often accidents could be fatal in these times.

Those days were forever cemented in Lisa's mind, as for the first time she could remember, she actually had fun with all of her siblings. She never knew playing in the snow could be a fun activity, seeing as she spent much of the time in the house. Yet, she enjoyed it, perhaps too much. While her plan to get her siblings to hate snow days worked to a degree, she secretly didn't want the fun to end. However, the constant cloud seeding and the fact that the snow had piled up to almost 4 feet would have made going outside a dangerous endeavor, and given that half of her siblings barely reached over the aforementioned height, they'd most likely get lost in the snow, or God forbid, end up with hypothermia. As such, Lisa had to put an end to her snowball frenzy. Yet, she still kept the launchers and her tank around as she hoped during the next snow day, she could convince her siblings to participate in a full-on snowball war.

"...Looks like I was wrong to make that claim...guess I do have more in common with my siblings than I realize, despite our differences..."

"And haven't you helped your siblings numerous times with your smarts?"

"...That I have...I'm effectively the main reason Lynn is able to play so many sports. She'd fail all of her classes otherwise, though last Sunday she did say she had an issue with my lisp (something I can't help might I add)...Luna has come to me for help quite a few times when she needs it, and her constant guitar riffs make good background noise that block out the explosions that occur in my room on a frequent basis even though her playing gives me an extreme case of tinnitus at times...Luan is an odd case, but I can assist if she really needs it. I still don't like it when she goes completely unhinged on April Fools. For this reason, I've built a bomb shelter in our backyard."

"A bomb shelter? Is that necessary?"

"Well, let's just say on one day she rigged a prank in my room that nearly caused the house to explode...my dark sister Lucy and I don't see much in common, as she believes in luck, spirits, and all that nonsense. Still can't fathom how I actually believed her when we visited Grand Venture State Park, but she means well. Perhaps the weirdest case of all is my sister Leni...being that I'm very smart and she's well...I'll just say her lack of intelligence really vexes me at times. However, if I need help in testing something, she's always there for me, even when I've caused her some harm in the past..." Lisa stared at the floor in guilt. She knows Leni cares a lot about her appearance like Lola does, and the 16 year old had been subjected to quite a number of experiments that resulted in a rather odd look at best, or grotesque appearance at worst.

"My other siblings, I'm not very close to I realize...but if I had to admit it, I would say Lincoln is possibly the only other sibling that's close to my level of intelligence. He seems to take careful planning in a lot of things he does, though he has an annoying habit of thinking up overly long names for his so-called 'operations'. He once made a seating chart for a road trip to figure out where the best cushion in the car was. He said it took him 8 months of planning to figure that out, something I'm not surprised at, but it's more than what I've seen from my sisters. Unfortunately...his plan fell to pieces when the rest of us knew about it and tried to claim it for ourselves...not only that, he's also quite perceptive in picking up on when I've been trying to unknowingly test something on my sisters..."

"Speaking of tests...why do you perform so many?"

"...Some of them are to try to find ways to better the world, like some scientists would say. Others...I'm just very curious as to what happens in certain conditions...problem is, I get so caught up in my interests that I just can't help myself...I don't know any other reason for this other than it's for scientific purposes, and I feel disgusted at myself as a result for constantly doing it to my own blood relatives...I just don't know what other reason there could be..."

"But I think I do." Miranda stated, causing the prodigy to look in confusion. "Lisa, you know you're still 4 years old right?"


"Which means you're still a toddler, right?"

"Affirmative, but where are you going with...wait a second..." Lisa paused.

The doctor smiled. "Even though you're very smart, you're still a kid at heart. Toddlers are very curious growing up, and as such they like to branch out and explore how the world works. What you're doing is the same as any other kid your age would do, but on a greater scale." She put a hand on Lisa's shoulder. "You aren't a monster by any means. While what you described is a bit...amoral...you're just trying to act your age the best you can."

Lisa blinked for a moment before looking at the ground in thought. Sometimes she felt like a woman trapped in the body of a child, but the truth was that she was still a child through and through. While Lisa was a bit grateful that the college allowed her to teach seeing that she proved her worth, they were still skeptical of her due to the massive age difference. But time and time again, she would shoot down those who despised her by coming up with complex solutions that would baffle the minds of the scientific community. The child prodigy still had connections to high-end organizations such as NASA even. And yet, Lisa still slept with a stuffed animal, liked going to amusement parks, enjoyed pools, secretly enjoyed trips to the mall, and even found herself liking Dream Boat of all things. She even has a small habit out of studying small insects with a magnifying glass like most kids her age would do.

While Miranda's words helped dispel the thoughts she had previously, she still yearned for one thing. "Dr. Lopez...how does one become, 'normal'? I wish to rid myself of my sociopathic tendencies..."

"As far as being normal, I believe that you should try to get outside the house more often. You spend a lot of time in your lab, which is fine for what you're interested in, but it seems you aren't interacting much with anyone. Try attending social groups, hanging out with friends, expressing yourself in your own way...just being yourself could help. But don't try to be someone that you aren't. That usually leads to trouble. One thing that I believe could help you is opening your mind more. You said you shy away from showing any emotion, but you are human Lisa. Humans will naturally express how they feel. You can be happy, sad, angry, upbeat, anything that shows how you are currently feeling. It would also help to try not to look down on others just because you're smarter than they are. Now, believe me when I say that I don't like hanging around stupid people, but I don't denounce them as if I'm better on a frequent basis. While in some cases it may be true, it's not good to come off as being arrogant..."

Lisa nodded in agreement. She had been acting like a snob for a good amount of her three and four year old life. She may be smart, but that didn't necessarily make her a better person. The child genius would have to fix that, and she'd really have to make up a massive apology for all the experimentation she had done to her family. With her brainpower, that task shouldn't be too difficult. However, things are often easier said than done. As far as friends...Lisa would have to think really hard on that subject. Sure, she had some colleagues in the science department, but Dr. Lopez was hoping she'd meet someone within her age group. That alone would be a series of trial and error. When Lisa was in preschool, she hardly had any friends due to her dismissive attitude. Maybe her sisters could help in this task...and maybe Lincoln would definitely be of assistance, if he ever gets over his phobia that is...

"Feeling better?"

Lisa nodded. "Thank you...I definitely have a lot to work on if I ever want to have a decent social life..." She was about to ask if the doctor wanted to speak to another of the family, but then she remembered Lori's words. "Seeing as I'm the last person you'll be meeting today, when are you next available? I can pass that information to the rest of my family."

"My office is open around noon, but is there anything else you want to discuss?"

"Negative...first thing on my mind right now is the huge apology I need to tell my siblings for everything I've done..." Lisa got up from the chair and strolled to the door. "Again, thank you for your time ma'am."

"Remember to take things slow dear. Don't try to rush. Oh, and before you leave, please tell your family when they visit tomorrow that I'd like to see Leni first."

A/N: A bit short, but Lisa's sociopathic nature doesn't leave a lot to give. People often see her as being unsympathetic and obnoxious due to her IQ. However, I like her for those reasons as she's also quite down to earth and tends to be very forward with her thoughts. But, I had this feeling that deep down, she regrets every experiment she carried out on her siblings, which annoyed them to no end. We'll see how Leni's session goes, as well as check in on a certain someone.