
Chapter 236: Doesn’t This Just Beat All? Part 4

That statement by the economics teacher, Marco Antonio Villapando, really attacked who I was.

A student leader coming from an impoverished family, striving to right the wrongs made by another student leader.

No bones about it… he bullied me.

And he really made true his threat.

The next day, I received a letter that the scholarship deal I was supposed to get… was canceled.

It broke me.

It really broke me.

Doesn't this just beat all, being stripped of a scholarship just because I stood my ground against a teacher who disagreed with my ways?

With that, my dreams of raising my family from poverty with education has shattered.

I resigned from the student council, I skipped classes, I even asked my parents that I would live alone, on the streets...

...because I didn't want to see the sanctimonious face of that teacher again.