
Chapter 195: A Ghostly Split, Part 1

It's an idyllic afternoon here in Atlanta.

One of the double-deck buses goes around its business transporting people in and out of Birdland Avenues Mall.

A 30-something female hitches a ride on the back side of the bus's upper deck, just minding the tranquility that comes with this part of the bus. 

It should be noted that all the buses owned and operated by the mall employ the bench style of seating, with seats placed parallel to the buses' walls.

Moments later, there is this 40-something lady and her husband, who both wear a trench-coat and a pair of sunglasses, and they decide to sit opposite the 30-something lady.

Only the three are in this corner of the bus, and no one else is there.

The bus then leaves the mall, going about its tour towards its designated stops, and the younger lady is reading an article on the internet on how to prevent her sports shoes from yellowing.