
Synaptic Cosmos: Genesis of a New God

In the neon-lit world of Terra, a society pulsates with cyberpunk aesthetics, where high-tech criminals roam and a society heavily relies on cybernetic prosthetics, androids, and rampant genetic modifications. Humanity, in this advanced civilization, has stretched its reach to the stars, creating a futuristic realm where technology and human ambition converge. Enter Clarke Higilton, formerly known as Crowley David, a renowned professional hacker known for his cunning and technical prowess. Clarke's life takes a dramatic turn when he unexpectedly inherits the mantle of the Higilton family, a colossal business empire. Thrust into a world of power and affluence, Clarke stands at a crossroads that could alter his life and the fabric of Terra itself. Faced with a profound dilemma, Clarke contemplates three transformative paths, each offering immense power at a steep cost. The first path, mechanical ascension, promises to evolve him into a being of supreme cybernetic capabilities, merging man with machine. The second, genetic ascension, offers enhancement of physical and intellectual abilities through advanced genetic modifications. The third, the enigmatic path of psychic ascension, could unlock untapped mental powers, making Clarke a master of minds. As Clarke delves deeper into the labyrinth of his potential futures, he grapples with the ethical and moral implications of each choice. He stands at a pivotal point: become a god among men with unfathomable power, or an emperor who rules with wisdom and justice. His decision not only shapes his fate but could reshape Terra itself. "Synaptic Cosmos" is a gripping tale of power, identity, and the human spirit's unyielding quest for purpose in a world where the lines between humanity and technology blur. Clarke's journey through this treacherous path forces him to confront his darkest fears and deepest desires, ultimately deciding the kind of man he wishes to become in this cybernetic society. #Cyberpunk #God #Psychic #Hacker #Overpowered #Future #anti-hero

Rqmk · Sci-fi
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49 Chs


On the night before the Higilton family was to face their tragic fate, an armored floating vehicle silently descended in the parking lot outside their manor. As per Cl Phill's instructions, the vehicle was supposed to swiftly deliver Clarke to the safety of the family estate, escorted by a rapid response force.

However, the plan went awry.

Despite the vehicle reaching its intended location, the five bionic soldiers tasked with escorting Clarke did not disembark with him. Instead, they stood guard in silence, watching as Clarke coldly orchestrated the demise of every member of his family.

In the aftermath, Clarke deactivated the projection, his eyes slightly downcast as he reveled in the shifting dynamics within the imaginary Synaptic space.

In this mental realm, one hundred and nineteen soul cocoons were gradually forming. Remarkably, the population of souls within this space had burgeoned overnight from a solitary Lamiton to thirty-five. Among these were fourteen mercenaries and twenty Nalan family members.

However, what truly intrigued Chen Shibo were the four unusually large soul cocoons among the new additions. Initially, he had sensed the presence of three unique consciousness projections in this space, but now, a fourth had emerged. This newcomer hadn't been present during his initial exploration, likely having returned for a family celebration, as most Higilton family members only visited their ancestral home on special occasions.

These four soul cocoons, embodying an intense spiritual vortex, indicated the presence of individuals of special interest to Clarke. They were the select few within the Higilton lineage, individuals innately connected to the imaginary number space, acting as its perpetual guardians.

Counting himself, there were now five such individuals. These soul cocoons, belonging to Alessander and three other unknown members of the Higilton family, emitted distinct hues of green, red, blue, and purple, correlating with the colors of their consciousness projections.

Clarke had long observed that each person's consciousness projection bore a unique color, with the most common being pure white, symbolizing calmness and purity. Mixed within these were the four colors, green, blue, red, and purple, each radiating a different intensity and aura.

These five colors composed the spectrum of consciousness projections within the imaginary number space. Yet, Clarke had yet to unravel the significance behind these color-coded souls.

As he pondered the potential impact of these four special souls on the imaginary number space, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the automatic opening of the armored vehicle's door.

Clarke's focus sharply returned to the present as he gazed out of the floating vehicle's window. The scene unfolding before him was one of cold efficiency and control. Android troops, sent by his father, Phill, were moving swiftly around the Higilton family manor. They were corralling all servants and housekeepers, meticulously sealing off every potential escape route from the estate.

"It seems that Phill has made his decision," Chen Shibo mused, a hint of realization in his eyes. His decision not to eliminate his father was not borne out of filial piety. After all, he didn't truly consider himself Clarke Higilton, the son. Rather, it was a strategic choice, influenced by the subtle sense of parental protection he had detected in their earlier interaction.

Phill's own formidable strength, having taken control of the entire Higilton family before sixty and suppressing other branches, was a testament to his capability. His leadership was crucial; the family could function without anyone else, but not without Phill.

With these factors in mind, Clarke had resolved to spare his father. Now, witnessing Phill's command over the android troops to lock down the manor, he understood the gravity of his father's choice, a choice between the deceased family members and his only surviving son.

As he pondered, Clarke's gaze drifted toward the manor. There, he saw his father, Phill, walking toward him, his steps heavy and defeated, his eyes hollow with a profound sense of loss.

"Father," Clarke called out, not leaving the vehicle but standing by it, watching his father approach with a faint smile.

Phill looked up, startled by his son's voice. He saw the young man before him, once a quiet and troubled child, now standing with an unsettling smile. Memories of his son's childhood, filled with cries and complaints of headaches, flooded back. The boy had grown increasingly silent and irritable over the years.

Their recent reunion, after learning of his son's recovery, had been far from joyful. Phill had realized he no longer understood his son. Caught up in business and family affairs, he hadn't dwelled on it, until today, when everything had irreversibly changed.

Phill sighed deeply, feeling as though he had aged decades in just moments. "I have ordered the manor sealed. For now, the tragedy of the Higilton family remains contained," he said with despair.

Sensing no hostility from his father, Clarke stepped out of the vehicle, flanked by five android soldiers. "I didn't expect you to go to such lengths."

Phill looked at his son, his expression a mix of confusion and regret. "I neglected you after your mother passed, and I was too engrossed in work. I never imagined it would come to this, especially with Alexander..."

"It wasn't my desire," Clarke replied calmly. "It's not that I wanted to kill him, but he was set on killing me. As I said at the meeting, he was even ready to collaborate with the Akio family against me. I had to defend myself, right?"

"He wanted to live, and so did I. When only one of us could survive, father, what choice was I left with?"

Phill didn't answer, instead slowly closing his eyes, overwhelmed by the situation.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "How did you do that... back there?"

Phill understood his father was inquiring about the method of his lethal actions. Without hesitation, he replied, "It's a time-travel weapon, a one-time use. It breaks after a single use." His explanation, though crafted for the moment, masked the true extent of his capabilities and the dark events that had unfolded.

"Surprisingly, it's a time-travel weapon..." Clarke's revelation left Father Chen visibly taken aback.

He was no stranger to the concept of such a weapon. Major corporations like Harmony Mining Company, Wieland Corporation, United Aerospace Corporation, and other T0-level entities were rumored to be covertly developing space-time technologies. This was a frontier that promised to transcend humanity's bounds within the solar system, heralding a new era for mankind.

While these technologies were largely theoretical, Phill knew that some laboratories might have already achieved tangible results, kept secret from the public eye.

Not probing further into Clarke's explanation, partly due to his inability to fully comprehend the complexities and partly due to resignation to the irreversible circumstances, Phill quickly shifted his focus to the pressing matters at hand.

"The Higilton family's predicament can be concealed temporarily, but it won't be long before the other major conglomerates catch wind of it," Phill said thoughtfully. He seemed to seek Chen Shibo's input, continuing, "Once they react, they will undoubtedly strike against us. Many of our family members hold key positions in the company, from general managers to senior executives. Their deaths becoming public knowledge would cause our stock prices to plummet, potentially leading to bankruptcy."

"It all depends on your approach now," Phill added, looking expectantly at his son.

Phill remained unfazed by his father's probing tone. "I don't have much interest in family management, so you don't need to consult me on these matters."

Phill, puzzled, asked, "Then what are you hoping to achieve with all these actions?"

"Money, power, and a stable environment," Phill replied, a faint smile on his lips. "I want half of the family's shares and control over all the Higilton family's rapid response forces. As for the company's operations, I have no intention to interfere or get involved."

As he spoke, Clarke spread his arms slightly, his gaze settling on the rising sun that bathed the Higilton estate in a warm glow. "Perhaps, freed from the burden of those family members, you can truly unleash your potential."

He turned to his father, a mix of challenge and curiosity in his tone. "Father, what do you think?"