
Lior: Luminance in the Shadows

Roxana had been wandering the shadowy depths of the abyss for just over four days since her last return. Though unsure of her exact whereabouts, she felt certain she was still within the upper layer. The notion of descending into the middle layer had flickered through her mind, but she decided to hold off.

"Why should I leave a place where I'm the top predator for one where I'd be just another target?" she mused to herself.

Roxana had never ventured into the middle abyss, her knowledge of it was based purely on speculation and the observed transformations of demons descending deeper into the abyssal depths.

In the upper abyss, the apex creatures had just started to demonstrate intelligent behavior, hinting at a significant leap in cognitive abilities awaiting those who delved further down. She reasoned that if even the most powerful beings in the upper layers were beginning to exhibit signs of intelligence, then the creatures in the middle abyss—especially those that had undergone the transformative descent—would possess a level of cunning and intellect far surpassing anything seen above.

Her human past had taught her a valuable lesson: with the emergence of intelligence, brute force often recedes, giving way to more nuanced forms of conflict. Power struggles became less about physical dominance and more about cunning, strategy, and the intricate play of alliances and betrayals.

With the collection of souls at her disposal, Roxana was not in a hurry to consume them all and move to the middle abyss immediately.

She first had her sights set on acquiring Lava as her next attribute, but the cost—a hefty 4500 souls—made her hesitant to spend them so quickly. Instead, she aimed at finding another altar, hoping to harvest more souls from another parallel world to strengthen her powers in a more measured way and then venture into the unknown.

As Roxana moved around looking for clues to find the altar, she noticed something very interesting.

She arrived at a cavern where the air itself seemed to carry a weight, a pervasive sadness that settled around her like a thick fog. It was an inexplicable melancholy, as if the very atmosphere had mourned.

Amidst this atmosphere of despair, Roxana's gaze fell upon a solitary figure that immediately drew her curiosity. Unlike the other demons she had seen till now, this entity was surrounded by a faint luminescence, a soft glow that set him apart as distinctly as a beacon in the relentless darkness.

Driven by an innate sense of intrigue, Roxana cautiously approached. The closer she got, the more she could discern the peculiarities of this demon.

Before Roxana sat a demon, his silvery hair framing a pale, somber face that belied his youthful age.

Unlike his counterparts, whose eyes often gleamed with malice or hunger, his gaze was hollow, devoid of life, as though he had seen too much and felt too deeply the sorrows of the world. These were the eyes of one who had witnessed centuries of despair, eyes that mirrored the sadness in the air, a profound emptiness that spoke volumes of his alienation from his kind.

Twin horns arched gracefully from his head, their black sheen stark against his light aura, and his posture held a fragile defiance, as if he were a wisp of light in a realm of shadows. The aura that surrounded him flickered weakly, battling the overwhelming gloom, much like a lone candle in a vast void, struggling to maintain its light.

As Roxana got closer to the demon, she heard a quiet voice say, "If you're here to end me, I wouldn't bother. I'm surrounded by a charm that kills anyone who comes too close."

Roxana was taken aback to find a demon in the upper levels of the abyss with a defensive mechanism that worked automatically.

Roxana stopped for a moment, her face lighting up with a playful smile upon hearing the demon's cautious words. "A charm that automatically attacks? That's quite something for protection, and don't worry, I'm not here to cause you any harm," she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and a hint of mischief, acknowledging the invisible barrier he had set.

The demon's gaze lifted, his pale eyes widening in astonishment at her lack of retreat. "You're not driven by the common desire to confront me... that's unexpected. And you're not scared of the light?" he inquired, his tone infused with sincere curiosity.

"Why would I be?" Roxana replied, settling herself at a respectful distance from the boundary of his protective spell. Her voice floated over to him, light and gentle, like a whisper that had made its way through the shadows. "Light has never been a thing to fear."

Observing her, the demon's aura pulsed with intrigue and hesitation. "You're the first I've ever met who doesn't see light as a threat," he confessed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Our kind isn't known for embracing brightness."

Roxana's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in slightly, her demeanor radiating warmth and open-mindedness. "Sticking to what we're 'supposed to be' can be so dull, right? You, with your unique glow—there must be an intriguing tale behind it. And I have a soft spot for tales."

Meeting her gaze, the demon found a safe haven in her eyes—a rare moment of understanding. "I was born this way," he said, as if confessing a secret. "And ever since, I've been more of a target than a demon."

Roxana's expression softened, and she extended a hand, palm up, in a gesture of peace. "Well, then it's a lucky day for both of us. I'm Roxana, and I've never been one to follow the crowd."

"How old are you, and what's your name?" Roxana inquired, her tone light and playful, yet respectful of the demon's boundaries.

The demon hesitated, a shadow of caution passing over his expression. Sensing his reluctance, Roxana quickly added, "Oh, I don't mean your true name... just what I can call you."

The light demon looked at her hand and then at her face, searching for any sign of deceit. Finding none, he took a cautious step forward, the light around him pulsing in a slow, calm rhythm. "I'm—I haven't had anyone to introduce myself to in a long time. My name is Lior and uhhh.. I'm 10."

"Only ten years old?" Roxana exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise and a newfound fondness. "That's incredibly young for someone as thoughtful and self-aware as you."

"At just ten years old, he already possesses a mastery of the demon tongue, not to mention his strength, which seems to surpass that of low-ranking demons. Then there's his extraordinary light aura..." Roxana mused, impressed by the young demon's unique talents.

With a warm, inviting smile, Roxana reached out to him, her voice soft and encouraging, "Lior, would you like to be my younger brother?" Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of playfulness and sincerity, embodying a sisterly affection that seemed to light up the gloomy abyss around them.

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