
syn sindares: whispers of the inside

in the desolate ruins of an abandoned village under the shadow of the empire, a married couple welcomed their son, Syn Syndares, into the world. At the very moment of his birth, a bolt of mysterious red lightning struck him, transforming his eyes to a haunting crimson hue. By the time he reached the age of ten, fear gripped the villagers, leading them to banish him from their midst. Left to fend for himself, Syn forged his own path in the unforgiving wilderness, haunted by the enigma of his crimson gaze and the power it symbolized he roamed the "Blue Moon Mountain" for eight years, mastering his power. Upon return, he found his kin slain, vowing vengeance on the culprit. Finding himself aimless after achieving his revenge he began roaming the world, searching for a reason to live.

Crit_dmg · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Last Sindares:Legacy's Embrace and seeking revenge

As he gazed upon the lifeless bodies of the villagers, a surge of raw emotion coursed through him, igniting a fierce and primal urge within his soul. The sight of their fallen forms stirred a deep-seated rage, an insatiable thirst for justice.In that moment, the boy's resolve hardened like tempered steel, his mind consumed by a single, unwavering purpose,to seek out and punish the one responsible for this heinous act. With each lifeless gaze that met his own, his determination only grew stronger.

As he surveyed the scene of devastation, a chilling realization dawned upon him. The brutality of the attack, the precision of the strikes,it couldn't have been the work of a lone assailant. No, this was the handiwork of a skilled and organized force, one with the power and resources to orchestrate such a ruthless assault.

In his mind's eye, he envisioned a shadowy cabal of third-tier bandits, or by hired assassins sent by a higher power. But as he delved deeper into his thoughts, another, more sinister possibility emerged—a conspiracy woven by the very ones who had banished his kin from the empire in the first place.

As he scoured the village for any signs of life or clues that might lead him to the culprit, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Everywhere he looked, the telltale signs of plunder and destruction greeted him,the remnants of homes ransacked, belongings strewn about in disarray.But amidst the chaos,a lone beacon of hope amidst the sea of devastation. It was his home, or what remained of it, standing defiant against the tide of destruction that had swept through the village.

With a sense of urgency, he made his way inside, his heart pounding with anticipation. Ignoring the wreckage that surrounded him, he descended into the depths of the basement, his steps guided by an instinctual pull towards the heart of his home.As he reached the familiar confines of the basement, a wave of relief washed over him. Everything was as he remembered it—untouched, undisturbed by the chaos that had consumed the world above.

As his gaze fell upon the ancient weapons of his parents,the trident and the double-edged blade,he felt a curious pull, an inexplicable connection that drew him closer with each step. Questions swirled in his mind, curiosity mingled with apprehension as he approached the artifacts that had once belonged to his parents.his neck kept getting attracted to the weapons.With trembling hands, he reached out for the blade, feeling its weight in his grasp as he slid it into the sheath at his waist. But when he turned his attention to the trident, he found himself unable to lift it, as if held back by an unseen force.Surprised by this unexpected turn of events, he furrowed his brow in confusion, his fingers grasping at the ancient weapon with increasing urgency. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, the trident remained rooted to the spot, resisting his efforts to claim it as his own.Frustration gnawed at him as he struggled against the invisible barrier, his mind racing with questions. What significance did these weapons hold for his parents, and why was he unable to wield the trident as he had the blade?

only then he remember his neck getting attracted to the two objects,as he removed the top of his black robe, his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him. Nestled against his skin, the object his mother had given him before leaving the village shimmered with a radiant regal purple colored energy,a mesmerizing fusion of crimson red and royal blue.The realization washed over him like a tidal wave, connecting the dots of the mysterious pull he had felt towards the ancient weapons. The object, imbued with a potent combination of colors, seemed to resonate with the essence of his very being, each hue a reflection of his unique identity and the powers that lay dormant within.

As the regal purple energy from the object surged forth, it seemed to take on a life of its own, flowing with an otherworldly grace towards the ancient trident. With a blinding flash of light, the trident was enveloped in a radiant aura, pulsing with the same vibrant energy that had captivated him moments before.

Before he could react, the trident leaped into motion, hurtling towards him with startling speed. With a sense of awe and trepidation, he watched as the weapon aligned itself perfectly with his back, its prongs fitting into place as if guided by an unseen hand.A rush of power surged through him as the trident melded seamlessly with his being, its regal purple energy intertwining with his own. In that moment, he felt a connection to the ancient weapon unlike anything he had ever experienced before—a bond forged in the fires of destiny, uniting him with the legacy of his ancestors.

after picking everything needed, and checking on everyone he left to the entrance of the village,as he stood at the entrance, a sense of solemn determination settled over him like a shroud. With each passing moment, his resolve hardened, fueled by the injustices that had befallen his kin. Raising his hand, he began to concentrate the raw energy of mana within his palm, feeling its power surge through him like a tempest unleashed. With a slow, deliberate motion, he waved his hand, as a farewell sign channeling his will into a devastating attack an unstoppable force capable of reshaping the very earth itself.

As the energy surged forth from his outstretched hand, the ground beneath the village trembled and groaned, yielding to the overwhelming power that he commanded. With a deafening roar, the earth erupted in a cataclysmic upheaval, swallowing the village whole in a maelstrom of dust and debris.As he turned towards the direction of the mountain, a pang of sadness gripped his heart as he realized his parents were not at the entrance to bid him farewell.With a silent prayer of gratitude, he bowed his head in reverence to the memory of his parents and all those who had fallen victim to the tragedy that had befallen their home

long enough ? :)

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