

Syn's the type of guy who never takes the small stuff too seriously and takes himself even less as seriously.

He enjoyed making her laugh and joke since her career was more mentally straining than his.

He was a shadow owner of many businesses but unless there was something major the companies mostly ran themselves.

After creating a device that broke the scientific and mathematical capabilities of the time he has been collecting on his inventions ever since.

"Alright, so basically I have a lot of new powers that could be used for good. They can also be used for protection. I now have a way to protect you better than before. Our future will be better than we pictured it before, trust me." He said assuring her and convincing himself as well.

There was a lot to digest for Debby who had not put much stock in the fantasies about superheroes and mutant powers.

She began pacing back and forth trying to gather all the info that he had just told her.

The one thing that Debby knew for sure was she needed Syn to be examined. She could not live with herself he was really sick and she didn't help. But she had a dilemma. She did not want Syn to think she did not trust him because she was concerned.

She steeled her mind and started to think of how to get him to the appointment.

Little did she know Syn already figured that she would need more convincing so he started with the breakfast and slowly started levitating the plates over the countertop.

She subconsciously reached for a piece of bacon only to notice nothing was there. She started reaching around again and then when she found nothing she turned to see the plate was at eye level to her.

"AH. Poltergiest"

She screamed.

Syn placed his head in his palm. She'd rather believe we have a ghost than believe I have superpowers. "Am I that lame", he mumbled to himself?

He calmed her down and sat her on the couch. Then he lifted the couch. This time she could see him lift her as clear as day.

It became even more ridiculous when he started to manipulate the matter in the house in such a way that he could repair and replace things without much resistance.

Debby was shocked speechless. After thinking for a bit she began questioning certain things. For instance, how did he know how to use his powers after such a short time.

"Okay. So let's back this train up just a little bit. Last night while I was sleeping I ended up on the ceiling and, unfortunately, this morning I was awakened by an awareness of eyes staring at me. Yet I saw nothing. Then I realized I was on the ceiling, literally on the ceiling. No matter how cool it was I still had the regrettable circumstance of not knowing how to get down. That is when that shadowy figure showed itself in the window. You know it didn't help that I screamed for your help and you didn't even move. It watched me struggle for a bit as I screamed for help and then with a wave of its hand I began to fall. As I was falling I felt something flow into my mind." Syn explained.

"Okay, so I believe you now. So how did you learn to do all of this stuff? We were together all night and we were only apart for 1 hour this morning while we showered and got dressed?"