

"What are you doing in here" she heard a cold angry voice in the small dark room."w-w- who is there " she stuttred looking around to see who is it, and 'click' the lights came on, her eyes widened in horror on realizing the locker room she ran into. She tried hard not to drool on his shirtless sweaty body and tatoo's,cause she ran away from a dog only to end up in a lions den. Such bad luck."a..a ..a"she said trying to find the right words." Am sorry I'll leave immediately" she said trying to bolt out of there but her arm was held in a firm grip. His dark eyes starring down at her with a sinister smile. "You wanna go just like that"he asked and tilt his head, her heart dropped into her stomach. She just got into a more bigger trouble. Jasmin snow a simple carefree girl,daughter of a multi billionaire who craves for a new environment, a new life a new highschool,where no one knows her as the billionaires daughter,she wanna have true friends.her wish finally came true as her family of three moved to new York ,and there she begins a new life in a new school,she thought she could finally have peace,but everything changed when she came across the wolves. Who are the wolves ? Will she find the peace she desires or will she be entangled in the games of love deception and lust. Find out in this interesting ride of teen highschool love

pixie_dust16 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter eighteen

Jasmyn heart was beating rapidly in her heart. His handsome face was leaning in more closer, as if he would kiss her, oh no, her first kiss!, she has to stop him,

But surprisingly, his hands went to the back of her head, and removed a piece of chips stuck in her hair,

He pulled back with a nonchalant look on his face, as if he hadn't just gave her the impression that he wants to kiss her.

"You're so dirty, how did you get chips stuck in your hair."

Said Teddy throwing it out. He turned to see jasmyn starring at him with a shocked face.

"What? Why are you starring at me like this.? He inquired with an ever so innocent face. For a moment jasmyn thought he has a split personality.

"Why did you have to come this close to me, won't you just tell me to remove it by myself"

She whisper yelled.

Teddy broke into a low laughter.

"You were thinking I was gonna kiss you?"

He asked with a smirk. "why would I think of such things, why would I even think you'll kiss me"

She said with a straight face.

But her cheeks exposed her lie as her cheeks were flushed red.

"Am not lacking of girls that I'll kiss someone like you. "

Jasmyn snapped her head to look at him.

"Someone like me, what exactly do you mean" she yelled angrily is he in anyway trying to say that those filthy girls he bedded are better than her or what?

"Hey relax, remember I once told you, I like experienced girls right, and you… You're very naive, I'll basically feel somehow if I kiss you.

Jasmyn glared at him angrily.

"Teddy get out of my car"

She said angrily with a gritted teeth.

Teddy was taken aback, she looks very angry, but so what he's just stating the fact.

"Hey relax…. "

"Please. Leave."

She said calmly but anger was evident in her voice. He Dare say that those cheap girls he bedded are better than her, and he's always repeatedly calling her naive.

As if seeing through her, he suddenly threw his hands over her shoulder which took her by surprise.

"Why do you sound like a jealous girlfriend?" He asked pulling her close,

Jasmyn gritted her in anger and pushed him away.

"I'll never be anyone's girlfriend, talk more of a jealous one"

She retorted with her hands folded across her chest.

Teddy smirked and tilted his head,

"Are you planning on being a nun, and are you saying if anyone ask you to be his girlfriend, you'll refuse?".

"I'll refuse no one in this whole school is up to my taste".

She said with a smug look. Teddy smirked.

"I'll remind you of this statement you made one day." He said with a smirk.

"I wonder what you taste like though"

He muttered underneath his breath.

"What did you just say?" Asked jasmyn.

"Am sure you heard me, I don't like repeating my self.


I glared hard at Teddy, he smirked and flicked my forehead lightly, "oucch"

".bye jasmyn",

He said and left.

The following day was weekend, dad will be busy at the company so Judith and I decided to go shopping,

It was a well known high-end shopping mall, dad gave us his credit card and we don't plan to spend little.

"Jazzy, there'll be a football match next week, Teddy will be playing, I can't wait for Monday..". Judith squealed happily.

Wow so he can play ball? Hmm am also kinda curious to see him play.

"Against which team?"

" our School is playing against Vanguard high-school."

"Can we really win against them, I heard they're quite good players."

Judith rolled her eyes.

"Of course we'll win when we have Teddy and his friends along with several other students who are also good we're gonna win, I heard our school never losses a match"

"Wow you're so well informed judith"

"Am even part of the cheer squad." Said judith happily.

We continued chatting as we shopped. My eyes caught a familiar figure, I was shocked, the person was backing me.

The figure I haven't seen for more than ten years now it was my mother.

My heart was thumping in my chest, some part of me was happy to see her, while some part of me is very angry recalling how she heartlessly left my dad and abandoned me and just a three year old judith .

She was shopping along with a girl my age. Judith caught my line of sight and was also shocked to see my mom even though she left when judith was just three, judith could still recognize her.

I took slow and steady steps toward her.

⚡writer's pov⚡

Jasmyn took slow steps towards her mother. Her mother who is Iris by name is a beautiful young woman in her mid thirties.

"Mother." Jasmyn called slowly she was just few steps behind Iris so definitely Iris heard her.

Iris was shocked at first when she saw jasmyn, but it washed away and her eyes was filled with a cold glint.

"m-mother it's me don't you r-"


the Crisp sound of slap was heard. Jasmyn held her cheek,she was more than shocked.


Judith called as she rushed to jasmyn's side supporting her.

Jasmyn starred at her mother in disbelief as beads of tears slide down her eyes, judiths eyes was also filled with tears.

"Don't you ever in your life call me mother, am not your mother"

Said Iris coldly as she left pushing the girls in the process, jasmyn was so weak and couldn't control her body, judith was shocked and was rooted to the spot.

Jasmyn felt her self falling when a large warm hands held her waist in a firm grip bringing her close to his chest stopping her from falling. The familiar manly scent made jasmyn raise her face to look at him.