
symphony of chaos and celestial charm

the newly created universe is a joint universe turned mmorpg virtual realm with classes such as chaos mage celestial knight zenith asssasin and divine healer with hidden classes such as astral sage chaos shifter celestial diviner and shadow puppeteer there's the celestial harmony supreme skills and creator of the universe being a joint stunt between super Sherron the unreliable strong Randy the celestial empress and the ruler of the cosmos the celestial emperor the celestial power scale has never been higher the ancestral god Randy will reincarnate on hes own story ruling supreme here after death with the ability to purchase in game currency has never seen any better

Randy_Vasquez_3252 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

the elements

Qi gathering realm foundation realm gold core realm soul wondering realm nascent soul realm ensoulment realm nihility realm haft immortal realm profound god realm golden immortal realm immortal venerable realm immortal king were the realms that the empress transferred over she had the instructions handled to him he just needed to collect profound energy and he would level up. 

it seemed simple to Randy as all he needed to do was breathe and energy would flow into him granting him the ability to tier up simple at that 

if seated cross legged the speed at which he would gain energy would rise 

the empress did him as she created his foundation and granted him a core a special core one that not even she possessed as she has only recently came across this energy

the chaotic energy of a chaos god now she has full control of it just as Randy her husband\ mastered celestial charm energy as a boon that allows him to have the essence of creation where otherwise impossible '

, so he was ready to access the newfound secrets that he has just come to found out as he never has heard of cultivation but from the sensation, he was currently feeling he knew it was mystical beyond belied

the Celestial Empress had transferred a minor amount of her cultivation onto Randy granting him a multitude of powers and ability the stats he now had were much greater than in the pass he was at least 30 times stronger he felt like he could take an army on by himself

the directions he now had taken were beyond blessed. the chaos core one that was greatly powerful energy reserves were beyond massive and indestructible grants strength beyond recognition this directly made him a level 400

being and he needed to choose his class meaning the class dungeon to prove if he was worthy the technique was simple just absorb energy and level up directly nothing posed a challenge to Randy it seemed he was chosen by the heavens granted an opportunity that only the heavens themself knew about #
