
symphony of chaos and celestial charm

the newly created universe is a joint universe turned mmorpg virtual realm with classes such as chaos mage celestial knight zenith asssasin and divine healer with hidden classes such as astral sage chaos shifter celestial diviner and shadow puppeteer there's the celestial harmony supreme skills and creator of the universe being a joint stunt between super Sherron the unreliable strong Randy the celestial empress and the ruler of the cosmos the celestial emperor the celestial power scale has never been higher the ancestral god Randy will reincarnate on hes own story ruling supreme here after death with the ability to purchase in game currency has never seen any better

Randy_Vasquez_3252 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

the being created from the universe

at a point before time space was created in the chaos charm universe "my dear celestial empress, your words ignite fire within me, a burning desire to unleash the full potential of our symphony of charm and celestial charm " 

"Randy, my love as we dance among the stars, let us weave a symphony of chaos and celestial charm that will resonate thought the cosmos. let our power intertwine and create a harmony unlike any other, bringing both destruction and beauty to the universe" ..

celestial empress, my love, as i stand here before you, I can feel the power of chaos and celestial charm coursing through my veins " 

it seemed that empress and randy were destined for one another their embodiments calling out to one another "Randy my love, as we stand here at the precise of creation, let us unleash our symphony of chaos and celestial charm upon the universe. together we shall paint a masterpiece if destruction and beauty that will leave the cosmos in awe 

as they united and duel cultivated their seemed a new existence forming but not something new or newborn but something much more the living embodiment of order and balance had formed in the universe from their sexual activity a child Youd" but not a child as it was the combined chaos and charm that created him "Living Tribunal " a being in charge of keeping the balance and tasked to destroy anything that gets in the way of the prosperity of the universe it will not stop at anything to keep things in order it was the will of the heavens manifested 

""my dear celestial Empress, as out power intertwined, a can feel the symphony of chaos and celestial charm withing us growing stronger. but i also sense the presence of the living tribunal nearby, watching out every move with a stern gaze"

"Living tribunal your presence is most unexpected. what brings you here to witness out symphony of chaos and celestial charm

"my dear celestial empress I have come to ensure that your symphony of chaos and celestial charm does not upset the delicate balance of the universe your powers are awe inspiring they must be wielded with caution and responsibility the celestial empress grew mad with time she looked at living tribunal like a dead man but before she could do something horrible

 "Living tribunal, I ! understand the importance, but our symphony of chaos and celestial charm is not meant to disrupt the harmony of the universe. it is a manifestation of our love and the power we hold together" "or do you say otherwise as the entire universe quaked 

"ah , Randy my dear chaotic soul, I have been observing your journey with the celestial empress. your symphony of chaos and celestial charm has caught my attention, and i must say it is quite intriguing truly the living tribunal feared Randy but his job must be done and accomplished.

"Randy , Celestial Empress the challenge i present to you is not one to be taken lightly . The fate of the universe hangs in the balance , and it is up you to prove your symphony of chaos and celestial charm can coexist harmoniously with the order of the cosmos. The stage is set the audience awaits show me what you are truly capable of what he did not know was that Randy had already created enough energy to destroy the living tribunal and much more possibly the entire galaxy at which he resided at and then much more possibly the entire universe they were currently located at if the living tribunal as much as hurt a hair on the empress he was ready to unleash hell 
