
symphony of chaos and celestial charm

the newly created universe is a joint universe turned mmorpg virtual realm with classes such as chaos mage celestial knight zenith asssasin and divine healer with hidden classes such as astral sage chaos shifter celestial diviner and shadow puppeteer there's the celestial harmony supreme skills and creator of the universe being a joint stunt between super Sherron the unreliable strong Randy the celestial empress and the ruler of the cosmos the celestial emperor the celestial power scale has never been higher the ancestral god Randy will reincarnate on hes own story ruling supreme here after death with the ability to purchase in game currency has never seen any better

Randy_Vasquez_3252 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

the battle conclude

the ten solar flames spit and turns to thunderbolts and does 900,000 demerge a huge amount of damage but what ca you expect when you mix two different kind of energies two primal energies which just goes to show the amount of points that randy has invested into has body "you can't defeat me with just this much damage randy said Xian Yue as she was a person who had been here for decades and had a level of 200 an experience character that had many hidden cards up her sleeve if she so called desired it she can probably start using her class skills of a chaos mage those skills must not be used lightly as they can damage the verry structure of the universe itself 

you'll get there one day randy said Xian Yue you must firs make it to level 20 before you can go to the class type map who knows you might get a special class with all this talent you have as many points a hes had randy has been in this multiverse for about a year something was telling him to first master many arts before choosing a class in hopes of getting a hidden class despite her higher level she still fell to the thunderbolt "Xian Yue stands strong and manages to dodge most of the thunderbolts , but one bolt strikes her directly , causing severe burns and knocking her unconscious