
symphony of chaos and celestial charm

the newly created universe is a joint universe turned mmorpg virtual realm with classes such as chaos mage celestial knight zenith asssasin and divine healer with hidden classes such as astral sage chaos shifter celestial diviner and shadow puppeteer there's the celestial harmony supreme skills and creator of the universe being a joint stunt between super Sherron the unreliable strong Randy the celestial empress and the ruler of the cosmos the celestial emperor the celestial power scale has never been higher the ancestral god Randy will reincarnate on hes own story ruling supreme here after death with the ability to purchase in game currency has never seen any better

Randy_Vasquez_3252 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

the ability were endless

it was at this moment that merlin came back and showed himself to Randy and Akira "....what happen to you while you come back so late ? "what " "why did you come back just now what took you so long ""well i was blown back away by the air wave 'yeah so why did you take that long I've been back for a while now "well Akira i am not as strong as you i cant just return like nothing happen i am eve suffering from internal injuries " ouch what a bitch"

Randy grew bewiled hearing what they were saying he couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of the conversation they were having it was truly nice being powerful he loved it it made him feel nice and secure he never wants to be left feeling helpless this was why he promised to never be weak again he bowed to grow strong 

The cultivation technique he owned was truly marvelous as he cultivated even when he did not the chaos seed was always absorbing energy to hope to produce drops of divine blood to make the user more divine and strong Randy will never be weak again in this lifetime someone at the profound immortal realm could live for a total of ten million years to hundred million years by the time he dies his blood might just turn him to the godless realm and grant him incredible abilities the higher the realm the more powerful the vitality the growth was exponential and the growth would just grow stronger 

he had the promise of reaching the peak of cultivation was guaranteed for certain he just had to keep existing and he would reach the peak with the certainty of power he grew confident he just has to stay away from top powers which made him wonder if joining the sect was a good idea he wondered if he would make any powerful enemies and maybe some allies he had to ask more about this sect before he joins or we would have to play the weak to hide from the strong .

"hey how powerful is this sect you speak of ??" "well we are plenty of strong with the sect patriarch at the venerable realm truly powerful and can save us from any troubles the younger generation was full of talents and everything was flourishing the joung founding father was still alive and its been millions of years since he ascended to the divine realm

"the divine realm you say he was ? well he was a immortal emperor for a long time like millions of years ago we are a ancient power from eons and eras ago we are pressent in all big steps of history in the immortal realm we a powerful with few enemies and many strong allies many world ending powers come to us for our products of alchemy and divine equipment from our rank 9 blacksmith 

"he was glad he heard that" as he could faintly feel the faint aura of something strong the feeling of immortal qi was withing him as he now was a true immortal almost at the peak of power at the lower realms 

no one within the lower realms can defeat him as someone in the golden immortal would be rejected by the laws of the world and the realm would attack them with hopes of making them leave the lower realm as it could not longer support his existence only someone truly strong can avoid this and overwhelm the realm itself so that it ignores them this are truly powerful beings who have long not ben human anymore they were at another realm of understanding