
symphony of chaos and celestial charm

the newly created universe is a joint universe turned mmorpg virtual realm with classes such as chaos mage celestial knight zenith asssasin and divine healer with hidden classes such as astral sage chaos shifter celestial diviner and shadow puppeteer there's the celestial harmony supreme skills and creator of the universe being a joint stunt between super Sherron the unreliable strong Randy the celestial empress and the ruler of the cosmos the celestial emperor the celestial power scale has never been higher the ancestral god Randy will reincarnate on hes own story ruling supreme here after death with the ability to purchase in game currency has never seen any better

Randy_Vasquez_3252 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

finally saw him

After finishing speaking Xian Yue turned her back at Randy and with resolute look turned away from Randy Alvarado was the last name, he gave himself meaning knight because that is what he must become to save his love '

As she had turned away Randy shed a tear and that was the moment Akira got to him and saw him crying "oh we have a snout nose kid with us ' 

What did you call me stated Randy with a u fury in his stomach he looked ready for a fight 

he let go of all restraint and charged at Akira, Akira seemed Perper flexed and feeling sorry but defend herself she must so she got ready and partially transformed as her body took a golden hue 

and her physical and energy form had changed into that of a legendary Saiyan a super Saiyan she had that power and she loved it it would always let her come on top when it came to a battle with someone of equal power. 

Randy seeing this still dint care and went up to conjure a space look alike knife shaped void energy and using space to shield his body and void to attack he sent a slash at Kiara 

'mph very talented very strong still manages to stand up to the form i currently possess as my race is very rare one we rarely reproduce as we are always involved in the rules of war we rarely find someone stronger than us at the same realm she was shocked someone weaker manage to make her use 20% percent of her strength but she could higher and even surpass her limits if things so demanded it so she went and boosted her powers to 30% percent 

at this point the energy shield around Randy's skin started doing damage to randy as the amount of energy it could take on and fracture off to another universe had exceeded the limit and the defense was broken 

Akira was just using physical strength and not even all of it at that only 30% and he felt humiliated "how come i can't sense any energy on you I've never ran into this kind of situation ...."well that's because you have never faced a Saiyan Akira stated 

"we are a warrior like race we are designed to surpass our limits endlessly and have the ability to at adulthood reach Ascension Realm and naturally go to heaven the immortal realm naturally as you can see i am beyond you and i haven't even gone super Saiyan "

super Saiyan you say? sounds strong but I bet I can defeat you he said he was confident if he went all out, he could possibly defeat this girl "hahaha you wish human " she then used 40% of her physical Strength to practically appear behind him and use the back of her hand to knock Randy out "the seer said bring him back alive she didn't say anything about unconscious 

you could have used less strength said Melving and he picked him up Randy as they practically kidnapped him and were planning on taking our protagonist away oh what adventures or doom has our protagonist gotten in to will find out in the next chapter of Symphony of chaos and celestial charm