
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


At another part of the planet, Alex saw something on the ground.

It was a smooth, leathery spherical object about the size of a basketball wrapped in a thick arum lily spathe kind of coat.

Alex asked what it was then Jonita said,"That's a Yunock, in English it will be called a Stink ball."

"Why is it called...bwɛɛ! Yuck!"

It sprayed out a stinky yellow, jelly like stuff which poured allover Alex and itself.

She then said,"That's why, it uses this fluid to grow new Yunocks."

"It hides behind its babes, typical."

"Oh it's not hiding, it will die soon anyway, lots of creatures over here find this smell quite attractive."

She controlled the fluid on his body and threw it off him into a nearby pond as it seemed aquatic and he saw several creatures devour the poor thing alive as he went on.


"Isn't this curious? Hey Jonita, I just found a sisal."

Alex brought his hand close to it and the leaf stretched and pricked his finger and he yelled in pain as it began shaking violently then he felt unsafe.

Jonita then said,"Oh yeah, that's a...a...ugh I keep forgetting, a ummm..."

"Jonita help!!!"

It shot out an overlapping layer of its leaf like appendages and they pierced into the Frurer that Jonita grew to protect him.

"Hyamine! That's a hyamine and oh, don't touch."

"Yeah, thanks for the tip."

They traveled to another multiverse and he saw how different it was from the one he was just at, nothing made sense and nothing was even remotely similar to anything he had ever seen before... especially the names.

They got to a stormy planet with wind speeds similar to those of Mount Washington and Jonita had to fold her wings and use her adaptations of the mobile creatures of that planet like those pink, silky ones that swayed gracefully in the wind and occasionally inserted the wind facing side into the ground and released the other side...that was how they moved.

Higher up, they saw some jellyfish like creatures with dark blue conical heads with a ring of red eyes and fourteen thin strands with neon blue glows which had a thin, translucent blue we being that went halfway down the three foot long tentacles as they opened and forced out air.

Alex touched one and it ticked as it was covered in miniscule hairs, then the whole herd flew around Alex and started rubbing their heads on him as a sign of affection and curiosity, they were Moɔpias.


The girl opened three compartments on her storage bracelet and let out three massive beasts.

One was a Silver Hawk, another was a Carnage Badger and the last was a Pulse Plover.

She grinned as these were all semi holy Beasts, of one of the rarest classes, one with the blood of a Golden dragon running through its veins, another with the blood of a Chakka and the last with the blood of a true Skodette.

She then asked,"Why don't we see how true your notion is?"

Collins got into a defensive position as his Trial Beast was literally his only protection at that moment and he felt they were unmatched...the three beasts to be specific.

He started the match and the girl began by making her Pulse Plover begin with a Banshee Screech.

Collins made his Electro Skiffer activate its Electric fence and twelve scales removed from it and revolved around several times per second in a circle shooting electric charges at the one opposite to each other, making a pure shield of electric charges which acted as a plasma window and easily deflected the scream and it affected two of the girl's beasts, the immune one of which, being the Pulse Plover.

She returned with White Lightning from her Silver Hawk and it generated the golf ball sized sphere of electric charges in its mouth for half a second before blasting out the electricity at the electro Skiffer, but the creature simply absorbed the seventy thousand kilowatts of energy into that ominous gem on its chest then returned with an Electro Sphere as the young man said.

The shielding scales blasted electric charges towards the centre which was added to the charges that originated from the gem, then the creature blasted the white sphere of plasma and it burned through the Silver Hawk's best defenses and still greatly injured it.

The girl was shocked, but then resolved to use a combo attack.

She made her Carnage Badger of the Golden dragon bloodline to set out a heavenly flame and netherworld cracks at the Electro Skiffer while the Pulse Plover made a cone shaped Sonic Boom and an Echo effect to concentrate it, all at the Electro Skiffer.

It dodged at light speed, then appeared above the Pulse Plover and struck down a massive bolt of lightning at the large bird like creature and made some of its scales seal it in a sphere like array of electric charges the guy called a Plasma Globe and it struck the creature from every corner, not allowing it to recover.

Then the Carnage Badger set out a burst of golden flames around its body in defence and instead of getting harmed, the Electro Skiffer simply absorbed the heat of the flames and used a cone like funnel of electric charges to divert the ionic chemical reaction to its gem, then bursting with charges, the Plasma Globe got super fired up and the girl's fear was evident in her Carnage Badger as the Electro Skiffer darted itself covered in electricity and burst through the chest of the elephant sized creature and came out the other side, unharmed.

The girl was shocked and asked,"But how?"

"It's simple, my Skiffer is just the best there is, now pay up, or do you to go for a rematch and raise the stakes?"

"No, no, no, I'll pay..."She said.

Since she had lost two rounds to him in a row, and used multiple creatures at once, she had to pay four times the agreed amount.

The guy was leaving with his creature when the girl asked,"What's your name?"

"I fail to see how that would be of benefit to you, or how that is your business."

"I just wanted to know more about, that's all, which cooperation do you work for?"

"I work alone."

"Which academy did you train in?"

"I went to no formal institution."

"Where did you get that gem?"

He looked at her, tipped his hat and was gone in a strike of lightning, then she looked back, her three year winning streak was over just like that.