
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Portia screamed for fear as the ice daggers and knives were blasted at her then they froze in mid air and everything started changing, somehow like they were stuck in a diamond, or a kaleidoscope, as images flashed in a symmetrical but confusing manner.

The boys yelled in pain but Portia had no idea what was going on, her eyes were closed shut.

Just then, a powerful force erupted from her and at the boys, pushing them backwards and through the walls, literally.

When the lights came back on as Portia reopened her eyes, she screamed again, the boys were merged with the walls in unnatural ways, either two limbs were stuck, or their entire bodies were through, except for the occasional head and backside.

The boys screamed in horror and the teachers finally intervened.

They looked at the maimed, then at the only possible culprit and asked,"What did you do?"

She started hyperventilating, then fled.

They chased her through the hallway and she took a curve, trying her best to open every locked door, but it was no use as they caught her...


They reached where she was...not.

"But I saw her run here."

"And I sensed her, she somehow... vanished."Another said.


Portia screamed as she appeared in the middle of the road and a car horn beeped.

She was about to let out yet another scream when the car flipped over her... everything flipped over, some upside down, some to her sides, and some before and behind her, she didn't understand anything that was happening or what the multicoloured glow she saw on people was, but the scariest part was when she fell through the ground, her yells for help echoed all around as she fell hard to the ground...right besides the road.


"Maybe she has an illusion creating ability and used that illusion to prevent anyone from knowing the truth."A teacher said.

"But sixth senses aren't something illusions can easily cover."

"Easily, what if she's more learned then we think? She is sixteen."

"Or maybe she bonded with an extremely powerful Hallucinomancer."

"Whatever it is, it must be powerful."The teacher said, looking at the damage.

The entire lobby had been turned inside out, with school bags merged with walls, and the clock going backwards, the ground and ceiling were nowhere to be found and the boys were still crying for help.


The first thing Portia saw was the spinning sky above her head, with a few birds in it.

She turned over then realized a car across the road from her, she had seen that car before, at the school, when the incident happened and when she was having the nightmare.

She propped herself on one elbow then blinked twice...how did she see someone sitting in it?

She could literally see right through the walls of the car and with a thought, through the people on their own and that was very disturbing.

She covered her eyes and wiped them, then in a moment, four men in tuxedos were standing around her.

She jumped to her feet then took a step back, and they took a step forward.

She was beginning to get scared then asked,"Please, if you want my money, I don't have anything on me, don't hurt me, please."

One then said,"We want far more than just money from you."

He then held her wrist and in an instant, she saw visions of him, despite all being different, all were bad.

Either he drove her too fast and they got into a car accident, all alive but her, or they were stopped by the cops, who wanted her and ended up killing the cops then they took her through a place where a circle like window floating in the air showed a different, much scarier place on the other side.

She came back to reality then screamed and struggled for him to let her go but he was far too strong...to be a normal human.

He was dragging her to the car when she yelled for help then a bolt of lightning struck from the sky on the man then she looked at his burned body and apologized...till his eyes opened and he grabbed her again.

She screamed again right before there was a rain of lavender bullets which sliced his hand off and pierced through all of them then she ran as they stacked on top of each other to build a wall.

She didn't get far when another man landed behind her then she begged for him to stay away till he said,"Don't worry Portia, it's me..."

"Sky?"She asked.

"Sky-lar, actually."He said, casually.

Before she could speak again, he dragged her into a corner and placed his finger on her lips for her to keep quiet, then his wings shrunk as he looked over to see the feathers explode open.

She gasped then said,"Your feathers!"

"They'll grow back, but you have to remain calm."

She was about to ask how the heck they were purple now when he covered her mouth as the men walked around, looking for her.

When they left, he slowly removed his hand from her mouth and she asked,"Why are your feathers a different colour?"

"To match my emotions, it happens to my eyes too."He said.

She had never realized but he continued,"Here's one for you, how the heck did you do that back at school?"

"I...I don't know, I think it's a curse, the reason my parents left me..."


"...I feel terrible for what happened, I didn't mean to hurt anyone..."

"Portia, please..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so..."

He kissed her on the lips and she was caught by surprise first, then kissed him back with her eyes closed, as his wings stretched out and his feathers grew back, knocking down their only cover, glowing a golden colour.

All the way at the school, everything began to reverse, the boys were freed from their prison, the clock began moving again and all the damage was repaired and no one remembered anything.

Sky slowly pulled back and Portia looked into his warm, golden eyes as he asked,"Feeling better now?"

She nodded then immediately gasped.

He looked at the men in a carefree way then chuckled and said,"They can't see us."

"What? Why? And how do you know?"

"Look at your hands."

She saw right through them, and with a second look, through him.

She was shocked as the men left, without a clue how they disappeared, then he said to her,"I need to show you something."


"Take me to Dajata."

"What? But that's miles away!"

"You could do it if you tried, just think of the place and wish to be there with me."

The last two words gave her the confidence as she closed her eyes, but he chuckled and told her they were there, even before her eyes were fully closed.