
Symbiote, Stoned world

Fanfiction for the Marvel Universe. MC is a reincarnator in symbiote. Fanfiction is written primarily based on the 1994 animated series "Spider-Man", any other sources are used only when it is beneficial to the author. link to original Part 1. https://ficbook.net/readfic/1056797 Part 2. https://ficbook.net/readfic/1057015

Moctopus_Octopus · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Diplomatic 1/2

Wh-where did he learn to n-negotiate like that?

Film "The fifth element"


Since I no longer needed sleep (well, yes, the brains of the host are constantly sleeping, and judging by some of my actions, not only of the host), and a lot of stuff to deal with, I decided to act immediately. But what to do in the first place - finding a part of yourself, a scientist or hormonal drugs? Hmm, time is night, which means most of the pharmacies are closed ... not that it can stop, but even if I find the building I need and get into the warehouse, what and where should I look for there? No, too much effort will have to be made, and the result is highly questionable. What then? A scientist or a part of me ... wait a minute, how could I not immediately remember! Parker gave my piece for study to some of his acquaintances ... how about it ... in my head again there was complete clarity and I remembered - Dr. Connors is a one-armed geneticist. It seems to be the debtor of the spider, although here I was no longer sure - I did not read the comic book completely sober (okay, okay, completely drunk), so I didn't find anything but a very vague appearance of this character in my brain. But it seems that I can solve two of my problems at once in one fell swoop ... if I can find something to offer the dock. Still, I am not sure that I will be able to return his hand to him without merging ... and he is unlikely to go for merging if he managed to understand my structure even a little. Well, I have no other options, so I'll have to do something.

I got to my feet, walked to the edge of the roof and tried again to feel my part. I will not say that I did it quickly, but it worked out all the same. It was necessary to move north, closer to the city center. When examining the surrounding area from the height of a skyscraper, a crazy thought crept into my long-suffering head - why not try Parker's way of moving around? Fortunately, the composition of the web and the structure of the glands I managed to remember. No sooner said than done, and now I'm getting ready to make my first flight. It would be too long and costly to grow the glands in the host's body, so I - the symbiote simply wrapped around the wrists of the host and adopted the desired structure. Well, lets do it!

Neighbour roof. A little bit later.

Ooooh, it hurt. But now I understand why Venom completely covered Brock's body when moving in this way - the human body is simply not designed for such loads - all muscles and nerves need restructuring. As a result of the first jump, I almost tore off my arm and swallowed some small midges that were circling in the night air. Well, in the end, I almost crashed against the nearest wall, simply failing to react in time to the harshly blowing wind, which hit me against this wall.

-And this is more difficult than it seems at first glance - I voiced my thought. Then I did not try to reinvent the bicycle and just wrapped the body in a shell and jumped off the roof again. At first, having collected several corners (it was damn hard to track a piece of myself and control the body at the same time), I adjusted myself and after just two hours of winding around the city I got to the institute building, where my part was located.

In front of me was a very tall building (although it still did not reach the skyscrapers of the financial district). Now I clearly felt my particle (very small, only two million cells) - the target was almost at the very top. I tried to pull her towards me, but nothing came of it - I just heard a vague sensation of a closed space. Eh, still have to climb myself. I didn't really like this idea - there was a whole bunch of valuable equipment at the top, and where there is a bunch of something valuable, there must be a guard. Raising the alarm and getting caught ahead of time was not part of my plans, but it didn't make sense to wait for no one knows what (well, the arrival of a kind wizard in a blue helicopter, for example) also made no sense. Ai, okay, if anything - I will have time to get away in every way. With these thoughts, I began my ascent through the institute. What can you tell about it? Yes, nothing, monotonously moving my arms and legs for fifteen minutes, periodically freezing when the guards walked downstairs. (Do not care that the chance that they will notice me tends to zero - paranoia is our everything) And here I am at the goal. Behind the windowpane I could see rows of some kind of instruments, of which I was able to identify only a microscope and a computer. Fortunately for me, one of the transom was ajar. Just in case, having once again examined the window for unpleasant surprises, such as a connected alarm, I entered the laboratory and ... nothing happened. The siren didn't sound, the guards didn't break in ... nothing. After standing still for a couple of minutes for reliability, I moved to the doctor's desk, where with my normal eyesight I saw a test tube with a small volume of black substance in it. Now it is clear where the feeling of a closed space came from ... yes, there is nowhere to be more closed. I opened the vial and took it back in. A packet of information instantly came to my head - although the separated part was small, but, unlike the rest of the organism, it did not fall under the sound of the bells, moreover, it was separated from the main body at the moment of my arrival, as a result of which, I became the proud owner of Parker's memories, starting from the moment of his birth (Brrr ... well, the guy had a life, I even felt sorry for him ... almost. I won't kill him, but I will still hit him in the face!). But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this information contained a couple of very good buns for me - I found out the main secret of Dr. Connors, hmm, or is it better to call him the Lizard? I also have some sad information for Parker. The samples of the genocode that were contained in the piece left for Connors were somewhat different from what I found already in "my" databank. The changes were almost imperceptible even for me ... but if they continue in the same vein and at the same speed ... the guy risks waking up in half a year or a year with a couple of extra limbs. However, now I have no time for the problems of a journalist - I would like to sort out my own.

I sat down at the table and began to ponder the forthcoming conversation with the scientist. You can, of course, simply press on him and force him to help, blackmailing with the gained knowledge, but letting a hostile person dig into my favorite carcass (and how can he still be not hostile towards me after that?) is not the most reasonable decision. It will not be trite to buy it either - I don't have that kind of money now, and it's not of that breed either. How can I persuade him ... hmm, an interesting option ... he is afraid of his inner beast and is trying to get rid of it ... I can try to pretend to be a "soul mate" with similar problems, since I have two "operating modes" .. .yes, this is probably the best solution. I can even roughly imagine how to build a conversation. There was only one small, downright insignificant trifle ... how to introduce myself. The name question is a serious matter. I saw no reason to call myself my old - the old one remained in another world, I hope that dead: still better than burdening your loved ones with care of a drooling vegetable. At first I was tempted to call myself Alucard, but, remembering in time that Dr. Hellsing was in Marvel, I decided not to play with fate - even if the Count is not from this universe, but someone like him this sort of little things like a different continuum may not confuse, so fuck it. I didn't want to call myself Alex Mercer either - from Parker's memory I learned that such a game already exists in this world (the spider took photographs from an exhibition where this game was presented), and I didn't want to be a walking advertisement. The question with the name was decided by my reflection in the night window - a dark figure in a hoodie and with a hole instead of a face. Hell, I shuddered myself when I saw - well, pure Nazgul. So I decided to name myself. I didn't bother with the question of a name from a "civic position" - I just searched by meaning.


Thanks for reading, check my other works and have fun