
Chapter 12

This chapter is a bit of a mess but I enjoyed writing it. Just a warning!!!! There is some suggestive talk uwu♥


"So what are we doing at a therapist's office and not down at the station with Chloe to deal with Gene breaking into my apartment?" You eyed Lucifer who you were sitting next too in the waiting room. You woke up yet again in Lucifers bed, but at least there was no hangover. You didn't get much time to wake up peacefully thanks to Lucifer you both go somewhere he didn't disclose to you.

"I would like you to meet Linda, my therapist, is all." He smirked. "And don't worry, I called Chloe and she is dealing with it until we get done here."

"Does she know you are..."

"Yes, she knows I am actually the devil, and she knows about Amenadiel and Mazikeen. Which speaking of my demon friend, you'll be meeting her today as well. Officially."

"Oh okay." You looked to the ground, but then back to Lucifer with your head tilted in confusion. "Why do I need to meet your therapist?"

"You are my bodyguard after all, and I am sure that if you need a therapist for you and Venom she would take you on as a patient."


"Lucifer I am ready to see you." A blonde woman, who you presumed to be Linda, stuck her head out of her office after a man left the office. She quickly ducked back in while Lucifer stood up and strode towards the therapist office.

'Ugh' You think to yourself before you begrudgingly followed the devil into his therapists office. Lucifer was already sitting on the couch, his hands folded on his lap while smiling between you and the confused therapist. Lucifer patted the spot next to him for you to join him, which you did.

"Hello there...What's going on, Lucifer?" Linda blinked, smiling tightly. "I didn't realize we were having someone join us."

"So it is a habit of yours not to tell people about the things you do, Lucifer. Let's talk to your therapist about it." You teased and then turned towards Linda. "Hello, I am (Y/N). Lucifer hired me to be his bodyguard about a week ago, I think? Anyways, it is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, (Y/N). I usually don't do therapy sessions with others in the room unless it is couples."

"No problem, I can wait in the lobby." You were about to get up from the couch but Lucifer's hand stops you.

"Well then let's consider this couples therapy then."

You choked on air as you glared daggers at him, Venom laughing his goo-y ass off at the embarrassment you felt. Lucifers smugly smiled towards you and then towards Linda. You sit back down on the couch, letting you body sink deeply into the cushion with your arms crossed.

"W-well I guess this- wait is this another situation where you want me to be someone's therapist against their will; like with Chloe?" Linda asked.

"You've done this before?" You cocked a brow.

"Yes anyways onto the session!"

"I think one would call that avoidance. Let's talk about it more." You smirked, looking to Linda who was holding back a laugh.


"Still don't see why you took me to see your therapist." You both were now on your way to meet with Mazikeen at the precinct; Lucifer was the one driving there. The therapy session was pretty much boring, although Linda seemed like a decent woman. You were interested in meeting Mazikeen in a more calmer setting where she wasn't chasing you down.

"It was just a way to introduce you to a form of help, and connections for friendship." He shrugged his shoulders as he focused on the road. "You're new to L.A. and other than Venom, you only have me as a friend here."

'' You thought and turned your focus to watching the blurred view from the passenger window. "What about re-meeting your brother?"

"I do not think that would be the best idea. My brother is currently figuring out his purpose, and he can be quite stuck in his ways. Honestly, he would probably try to smite you both."

"Yeah, he does seem like he has a stick up his ass. No offense."

"None taken, Amenadiel is about order and sucking up to Father." You could easily read that family was a sore subject for Lucifer, but it also made you curious. Did he have a mother? What about all of the other angels, were they also coming down to Earth?

"Is it alright if I ask you about your family, Lucifer?"

"Depends. Some things are... harder to speak about than others." You watched his body stiffen at the mention of talking about his family. You hesitate to ask your first question, you didn't want to upset him.

"Any angels you're close with?"

"Surprisingly Amenadiel and I are pretty close despite what it seems. He is a stubborn angel, and we butt heads a lot but we do have each others backs." You notice the corner of his lips twitched upwards to a very small, yet soft smile; that smile made your heart flutter. "Azrael and I are close as well, but I've only seen her once since my fall here on Earth. We used to prank Amenadiel all the time."

"What about a mother?"

He was silent for a moment, making you anxious you asked something wrong, but he answered with a bitter smile. "Yes I have, or had, one.  She got tired of my father spending to much time on you humans so she began causing plagues and floodings. She then was sent to Hell, then broke out, caused some mayhem here and I was supposed to send her back to Hell. Unfortunately, she couldn't go to Heaven without war breaking out, and didn't want to rule Hell in my place, so I helped her go to the Void to start over."

"Oh I... am sorry about that." You fidgeted with the trim of your shirt. Lucifer turned into the familiar parking garage of the LAPD and began looking for a spot to park in. "Any other angels on Earth besides Azrael and Amenadiel?"

"Well..." He paused while parking his car. Lucifer seemed a bit lost in thought, his eyes searching for something. "There was one other I knew of." You picked up the sadness in his tone of voice and the way he seemingly withdrew into himself.

"If you don't want to answer that's fine, Lucifer."

"Thank you." For the first time you saw him with misty, tear filled eyes. He smiled but you saw the pain he tried hiding. He quickly cleared his throat and began getting out of his car, composing himself back to his usual, cocky self. "Now, off your pop. I have a detective to annoy and you have an apartment to get back to!"


The day was over and you were beat, but thankfully Chloe deemed your apartment safe and she was able to assign protection for you outside your apartment. You worked on a different murder case with Luci and the detective, using your research skills to test once again. You and Chloe quickly deduced it was a local, minor gang had a rogue member trying to start something but Lucifer and Chloe stopped them (you were on standby in case you had to save Lucifer).  You also got to properly meet Mazikeen as well, but very briefly seeing she was dealing with a bounty case. She was... Odd. But it a good way.