

Fanfic based on the Marvel universe. The protagonist is a person who gets into a symbiote. The fanfic is primarily based on the 1994 animated series "Spider-Man," and any other sources are only used when beneficial to the author. Notes: By definition, the authors ignore the herds of all-powerful beings of interuniversal scale, conceived by the murky "genius" of illiterate, American comic book writers. The authors believe in the conservation of energy and other fundamental laws of physics and are unable to imagine how a certain fat, green man folds the spacetime continuum with his fist just because "Hulk smashes". For such things, we require a more substantial and elaborate justification. The same goes for the rest of the herd of creators and annihilators of universes, of which Marvel has spawned a wagonload and a little cart. Original- https://ficbook.net/readfic/1056797

Agno_Agno · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

A Deal with the Demon

The connection with the scout cells in the bodies of individuals of interest to me was becoming stronger. Now I could accurately pinpoint the location of a specific beacon within a ten-meter radius, even if it was ten kilometers away from my main body. Moreover, I started to sense the emotions of those around me.

The carriers of my cells, like the Scout Symbiote, quickly relayed information about the hormonal composition of the blood of my interlocutors, and new chains of associations translated these data into emotions that I could understand. So, when Spider-Man showed signs of fear, anxiety, and despair in addition to his mild depression (he had learned some not so joyful news from Connor), I knew that trouble was brewing.

I quickly assumed the appearance of the Nazgul and headed to the roof of the building where Harry Osborn resided. Spider-Man often visited the place, so finding me wouldn't be difficult for him. Sure enough, it didn't take long before the young hero appeared before me.

"You needed my help after all, Peter," I said with a calm and cold voice. It wasn't a question but rather a statement.

Though it seemed difficult for him to say those words, Peter had little choice. Either he humbled himself before me and had a solid chance to save his aunt, or he went on his own into an obvious trap, with slim chances of rescuing the elderly woman.

"Yes, I can't do this alone. I probably won't make it on my own, and I can't afford to take risks. Aunt May is the only family I have left. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to save her," Peter declared resolutely. Quite a statement, especially considering the person he was saying it to.

"Even to give me your body and soul?" I responded with my emotionless tone.

"Yes!" Peter replied with determination. It seemed that the recent events had finally broken the photographer.

"Understood. Let Darkness be our witness to this agreement," I concluded the pact, and something didn't feel right. I had the distinct feeling of a powerful gaze momentarily fixing on me approvingly, and then it was gone.

"What was that?" Peter seemed to sense something too.

"Our pact was witnessed," I said, even though before his question, I had been at a loss to explain what had just happened. But now, it became clear to me. It seemed like the deal had been acknowledged by someone or something. Well, where did I get myself into now?

Pushing the questions aside, as answers were not likely to be found anytime soon, I focused on the immediate tasks. We had a note for Spider-Man, demanding him to come to a showdown at one of the abandoned warehouses in Harlem. It was evident that this was a trap. However, I had a plan. While Peter played the bait, I would sneak in through the back door and quietly grab the photographer's aunt.

Once the showdown commenced, I observed the amusing game of "catch the spider," where Spider-Man, with a score of 2-0 in his favor (Hammerhead and Mysterio were apparently unconscious), emerged as the victor. Not wanting to spoil his mood, I refrained from commenting.

"And what are you happy about? They're all alive and well, which means they'll seek revenge soon," I said, realizing that dampening his enthusiasm was a lost cause.

"But what do you suggest? Should I kill them?" Peter asked sadly. What a difficult case...

"Why not? It's the simplest solution, guaranteeing the absence of future troubles from this bunch," I tried appealing to Peter's sense of practicality. Useless, it seemed. He had been brainwashed with "no killing" for a long time. Yes, working with him was going to be a challenge...

In any case, today's adventure had ended, and Peter hurried to take his relative back home. He still had to come up with a plausible story about how she managed to get home from the hospital.

*Fisk. Also known as "Kingpin"*

"You messed up again, you imbecile!" the old man with gray hair and piercing eyes remarked acidly. "Is it really such a difficult task for you to crush one lousy nuisance that disrupts our peaceful life? You're losing your grip," he continued mocking Kingpin.

Fisk ground his teeth and remained silent. The recent failures had greatly undermined his authority in the criminal world, and now some were considering challenging his rule. The former king of the underworld passionately desired to regain his pedestal, but the years took their toll - he lacked the strength and health to maintain his power. Nevertheless, he could still cause trouble for the current shadow ruler, and the other crime lords listened to the old man; after all, not many could boast of surviving to eighty years and ruling the "Dark Side" with an iron hand for forty of them, not just over the city but practically over the whole continent.

Oh, he shouldn't have spared him, but back then, such "generosity" seemed beneficial for maintaining his authority, Kingpin thought to himself, though aloud, he said something entirely different.

"Don't worry, gentlemen. Soon, that disgusting arachnid won't bother us anymore. And if someone is dissatisfied and wishes to challenge me?" Fisk stared at everyone with a cold gaze, and the authorities lowered their eyes. Only Silvermane didn't hesitate to meet the enforcer in a duel of wills.

"One attempt, Fisk. We give you one last chance. If you fail again, blame yourself," the old man cut off the video link. The others followed suit, ending the communication. Fisk ground his teeth and furiously struck the metallic table. The furniture item pitifully creaked, and a sizable dent remained on its surface.

"Do you want Spider-Man's destruction, Silvermane?" Fisk muttered in anger. "Great! I'll bury you with him in the same grave!" The crime king pressed a button on the selector.

"Sir?" the same dry voice on the other end.

"Assemble our six, there's a new job for them... and order them to replace the table," Fisk ordered.

"Yes, sir."

*At the same time, Michael Morbius*

Michael was flying over the city. The Power surged through his entire body. He could move at incredible speeds, effortlessly lift a hundred kilograms, and, in fact, the force of gravity had no hold on him anymore. He had become a new being, the pinnacle of Creation, capable of living for thousands of years.

"Hah, Mayer, and who's the brainless loser now? Now, with just a snap of my fingers, I can crush you," Morbius thought to himself. "Felicia deserves better - me. I'll give her eternal youth and Power. How could I have considered myself your rival, just some... food?"

Michael realized that he now perceived much of humanity as walking containers of blood. Strangely, the thought didn't cause any concern. At the sight of fresh blood, he felt an overwhelming desire to drink. A newborn vampire flew over a park when he noticed a couple leisurely walking somewhere. He dived sharply, stunning the guy with a single blow, and pounced on the girl before she could even be frightened. For ordinary people, his speed was quite formidable. He quickly sank his fangs into her neck and almost purred with pleasure as her blood seemed the most delicious drink he had ever tasted.

Together with the red liquid, more Power flowed into the vampire's body. He drank and drank until he felt the girl's heartbeat almost stop. Letting go of such a delightful source of blood seemed wasteful. Better to wait until she was full again and repeat the process. Regrettably, he tore himself away from the victim and gently laid her on the grass. The wounds on her neck healed almost instantly, leaving only two small scars. Satiated with blood, the vampire soared back into the skies, enjoying the strength and freedom.

Three days remained until Blade's arrival...

*Walter Mayer.*

I returned home at dawn. What a stubborn idiot, with his democratic values! He'd probably start preaching about non-violence against evil too. Damn it, how can I turn him into a normal person? Why do I even need to do that? Well, for starters, canon-wise, I don't want Parker to get himself killed prematurely—too many interesting personalities will be orbiting around him. But with his current approach, he'll get himself killed long before the events even begin. After all, this isn't a cartoon, and people here really can die or get maimed. I can't keep pulling Parker out of trouble all the time; I didn't sign up to be his babysitter. I managed to extract a promise from him to invite me to the "secret wars," so let Peter have no idea how fun it'll be for him in the not-so-distant future.

Sigh, and it looks like I'll have to deal with the attempts of the "sinister six" again or whatever they call themselves. Crush that poor mutant. And the cells inside Michael are telling me his roof has already gone haywire, which means there's a new addition to the hemoglobin-dependent team. I should gather the scouts and collect genetic material. Okay, six morons won't stay in one place for long, so there's no point in searching for them; they'll find themselves. I need to collect some blood from Morbius.

With these thoughts in mind, I quickly grabbed another sandwich (I wish they'd hurry up and find a housekeeper, I'm tired of choking on this dry bread!) and headed to the institute. But disappointment awaited me—today, the vampire didn't bother to show up. Instead, rumors had already started circulating around the educational institution about an attack on a couple of students. They couldn't identify the assailant's appearance, but whispers about two small scars on the girl's neck said a lot. But that wasn't the end of the disappointments; Felicia claimed she had some urgent matters and left the city for a couple of days, leaving me alone, which didn't help lift my spirits.

Curt hammered the last nail in the coffin of my humanity and compassion for others when he forced me to check the students' papers, justifying it by the fact that I was his assistant. Well, let me assist, while the sneaky lizard face vanished in high spirits to be with his fiancee and conveniently sent his son to stay overnight with friends... oh, how lucky some people are.

Finally, when I finished checking the papers, it was already getting dark, and I was eagerly awaiting the start of the action. The irritation accumulated throughout the day demanded an outlet. And yes! It happened! My heightened hearing picked up sounds of explosions and a barrage of gunfire. Did Kingpin decide to bury Silvermane? Most likely; it seemed to be such a moment in the canon. I hurried towards the sounds of the battle. Oh, what a beauty!

Hm, it seems that Kingpin earned his nickname not only because of his size but also because of his way of operating. Sure, kidnapping a competitor and executing him to warn the remaining enemies that being too bold is not advisable is clear and quite logical, but why stage a full-on assault with shooting and explosions when there are quieter and more efficient options? Or am I missing something?

Meanwhile, Spidey appeared dramatically and started dealing with Kingpin's sinister six. I, on the other hand, quickly switched to being Nazgul and saved an interesting old man in the nick of time. They were about to toss the old man out of a helicopter. However, unlike in the cartoon, there was no safety line. Before Silvermane gained a speed incompatible with life, I grabbed him just in time, preventing a disaster. I swiftly disappeared among the buildings.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you very much," began the former king of the criminal world.

"Who I am doesn't matter," a calm, emotionless voice responded, "what matters is what I can offer you, mortal." The man tensed.

"And what would that be?" he asked cautiously, "My soul?"

Under my mask, I smiled. Why is everyone so eager to sell me their souls?

"Soul? Why would I buy something that is already mine? Or are you hoping to go to heaven after death? It's much simpler than that. Blood. But not just any blood—I'm interested in the blood of altered beings—mutants, werewolves, call them what you will. For every sample of such creature's blood you provide, you will become three years younger— the more types you offer, the younger you'll get... and the longer you'll live. As a small demonstration..." I took the old man's hand and covered his limb with a layer of my cells. After a minute of accelerated regeneration, the wrinkled, withered hand transformed before the amazed audience, turning into the hand of a young, healthy man without any signs of age or blemishes.

"When you find samples that might interest me, contact me... I'll be in this city for some time. It's interesting here." With these words, I left through the window, leaving the bewildered old man on the stairwell.

Meanwhile, Parker managed to successfully handle Scorpion and Doctor Octopus, and Rhino had headbutted one of the air vents on the roof, trying to free his trapped limb. From behind, the prototype of a Tesla soldier, known in the Marvel world as Shocker, was sneaking up on him. I switched into battle mode.

Targets: Several sources of unique genetic material. Mission: Extract material for study. Priority: High. Several obstacles to achieving the goal have been identified. Level of danger: Low. Ignore? Negative. Destroy? Negative. Disable? Affirmative. Secondary goal: Protect ally. Priority: Medium. Commencing mission.

A tall figure in a dark cloak lunged forward. Surprised, Shocker was knocked back by a powerful blow and dragged several feet across the roof. The man in the yellow suit froze and didn't even try to get up. Mysterio set up illusions, and right through one of the false paintings came the stranger. The last thing the magician noticed before losing consciousness was the swift motion of the cloaked figure. Rhino was still trying to wrench his head free from the twisted metal when he felt a series of painful, but tolerable, strikes.

The attack is ineffective. A change in form is required for better material acquisition. Proceed with the alteration? Affirmative. The leather glove on the hand transformed into a gauntlet adorned with sharp, slightly curved claws. A blow followed, and the sound of a man-rhino roaring in pain echoed through the area. The genetic material was obtained... Danger! The dark figure leaped to the side—where Nazgul had just been standing—a flexible tail with a stinger at the end struck. Without giving the opponent time for a second attack, the black-cloaked creature clamped its clawed glove onto the Scorpion's tail. The chitinous monster tried to shake it off, and his opponent was sent flying towards the edge of the roof, leaving deep scratches on the mutant's attacking limb.

Genetic material collected. Primary goal achieved. Ally has been evacuated—secondary goal completed. All assigned tasks have been fulfilled. I exited battle mode. Oh, they almost threw me off the roof. It was just in time. During the chaos, Spidey managed to escape. Looks like it's time for me to do the same. So, reaching the edge, I activated my camouflage and quickly made my way away from the scene. Oh, being in battle mode is something else. No doubts or distracting factors, just following the precise goal and instant reaction to changing situations... Yes, I did quite well today. I obtained several interesting specimens of material, prevented Peter from getting himself killed... And, most importantly, I made Kingpin leave Spidey alone for a while.

Silvermane survived, and now he certainly won't let Fisk get his hands on him. The criminal world's war was beginning. I just need to keep an eye on the situation from time to time and slightly adjust events. Life was becoming riskier and more dangerous, gaining new shades, and I liked it. And yet, what was that feeling of being watched?


The old man was thoughtful. He sat in his office at the base and kept squeezing and releasing his young hand, comparing it to the other, still dry and old. He had already undergone a bunch of examinations - X-rays, blood and skin tests. All the doctors stared wide-eyed, with only one question written in their eyes - how? The X-ray showed a bone age of about 25 years, and the results of other tests hovered around the same figure. Finally, the former king of the criminal world made a decision. He reached for the phone and dialed a number.

"Alex? Yes, it's Silvermane. Kingpin has crossed the line. Yes, war. And one more thing. Gather all the information possible about a special school for the gifted run by a certain Professor Xavier..."

*Michael Morbius*

And tonight, the vampire flew around the district, looking for a new victim. But something was off.

Strange, in the morning, I felt like a different person, weak, foolish. I tried to understand what was happening to my body. What does it matter? My Power is growing. Perhaps it's time to propose to Felicia to become my queen. The bloodsucker headed towards the Hardy penthouse, but the girl wasn't there. Well, sooner or later, she'll be back; now I have eternity, and there's no need to hurry. Well, for now, why not grab a bite?

Two more days remained until Blade's arrival...


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