
Curiosity Brings Calamity

The elder from the Empire of Ma immediately felt alive as soon as his soul gains an equal and steady position towards the body of his new host. Such nostalgic feeling of having a vitality made the old man shed in tears. This made him became emotional.

"Lady, I feel a limitless and unparalleled strength inside you! Your inner force is also pure and untainted! You can even assault me within your body! If the enemies in the past would want to steal my legacy, it would be me who will first pray for their safety! Haha Bwhahaha" The soul inside her body gives a maniacal laughed. The lady is no doubt, very capable! This soul felt elated by just thinking of the capabilities from her new host.

While the soul is full of enthusiasm, Ye Shin on the other hand felt like her energy was drained! To be able to pull off the Bi Parity Cultivation successfully is something only a competent person can truly do. It was like leaping on to the highest mountains on earth in just a single try. The lady felt like fatigue had enveloped her entire being. Soon after, she lays her body on the bed beside the emperor.

The night is getting deeper and the strange man was the only person left awake in the room. He roughly scrubbed his palms on his face and release a loud yawn. What he had just witnessed is something that can only occur in dreams. Except, he had performed the soul transfer and was successful! Therefore it was not a dream! It was all real! He slightly glanced at the two figures in bed before the strange man also dozed off in sleep.

Emperor He Mo is the first to wake up and noticed a light and very satisfying feeling inside his body. As he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar face beside him. A sudden warmness creeps within him. He stared at the lady beside him for a long time. Surprisingly, the lady did not even stirred like she used to do when someone is looking at her. Either the lady got used of the emperor's gazed towards her or she was just purely overwhelmed with the events last night!

The young emperor stretched his body comfortably and released a soft yawn. He then climbed out of the bed and gently places a quilt to cover the body of the lady. The strange man sleeping on the bench was also still in a deep sleep when the young emperor heard a servant knocking on the door.

Slowly, he walked towards the door and noticed the weapon stuck on it. It was the Spiral Word! What are the events that had transpired when he was unconscious last night? His eyes voluntarily glanced back at the lady sleeping on the bed and could not help but wonder in silence.

He lifts his hands and slowly holds the weapon. After holding the Spiral Sword, he then carefully placed it on the table. He had clearly remembered the warning from the lady about the sharpness of the sword hence, he made sure to be careful handling it.

As he opened the door, it was the attendant standing outside. When the attendant saw that it was the young emperor who opened the door, he immediately gave a customary bow. The two servant maids behind the attendant followed the gesture.

"Your majesty, this servant had prepared a food for you and your two companions." The attendant said in a very polite tone. His eyes also travels on the inside of the room and saw that the other two figures were still asleep.

"Thank you. My companions are still sleeping, just placed the food on the table." the young emperor responded thoughtfully before walking away from the door.

"Yes, your majesty." the attendant responded as he slowly walks inside the room. Two maid servants are carrying the tray of food and followed the man behind.

The emperor went back to sit on the edge of the bed still wondering what had happened last night. He then remembers that this attendant was also with him before he collapsed yesterday.

"What happened after I became unconscious last time?" the young emperor suddenly looked at the attendant. He deliberately lowered his tone to avoid waking up the lady beside him.

"Replying to your majesty, this attendant had left when you were settled on the bed. I have no accounts of what had happened after I left." the attendant said in a quite tone. The two of them does not want to disturb the people sleeping inside to room.

The emperor nods his head in understanding when one of the servant maids released a horrified shrieked! The bowl on the table was dropped on the floor causing the strange man and Ye Shin to finally awaken by its noise. The attendant in pavilion of books glared at the maid servant and is about to scold her when he saw her three fingers were also dropped on the floor. This maid servant had touched the weapon on the table out of curiosity and the result is a disaster!

The maid servant saw the attendant looked at her in disbelief. She then heard the baffled attendant asked her. "What happened?"

"I... I just... I.. I don't know!" the maid servant stuttered in response while staring at her bloody palms which is now missing three fingers! Tears are slowly falling in the servant's eyes. She had never expected that a slight contact of her hands with the Spiral Sword could end up cutting her fingers!

At that moment, everyone in the room reacts differently. The attendant was completely at lost. The strange man was disgruntled probably because his sleep was disrupted. One maid is crying while the other one is stupefied in her spot! The young emperor was slightly annoyed. Only one person had maintained her undisturbed expression as she slowly climb out on the bed.

As the lady walks towards the table, the Spiral Sword also vanished. She stared at the emperor for a while before looking to the other people in the room. Her gaze then landed at the maid servant who cut her fingers.

"Is it sharp?" Ye Shin asked the maid servant who just stopped crying and tried to regain her composure.

A few but deep and loud breath echoed in the room as the servant tried her best to calm down. She could still not say a word but she just nods her head confirming that the weapon is indeed sharp!

"Some lessons can be taught and be learned easily. But this time, it's a lesson that you need to know in a hard way. You do not touch a weapon out of your curiosity! You must learn from your experience." Ye Shin voice is calm and her expression is solemn but there is also a hint of coldness within her tone.

Anyone can sense something more in her words. It is as if the lady is giving a warning to the servant maid. It is known that every weapon of a sword cultivator is indeed sacred! She absolutely did not like when her Spiral Sword was touched by the servant maid!

Upon hearing what the lady had told her, the servant maid immediately kneels on the floor. The pain she felt from cutting her fingers had long been gone. It was now replaced with deep fear.

"My lady, I was wrong! I should not touch the sword in the table. I deserve what happened to my hand. This servant had learned her lesson." the servant maid bowed her head on the floor as she admitted her mistake. Her heart is beating faster and louder as the seconds goes by.

"That's good, as long as you learned your lesson well." Ye Shin looked at the figure of the servant kneeling on the floor before she noticed the food prepared on the table. "Thank you for serving breakfast!" She calmly added and walked towards the food.

The young emperor did not know what to react. At first, he felt great annoyance but now that he saw the lady went to grab a food on the table, he felt like laughing! Emperor He Mo then dismissed the two servant maid and the attendant before he joined Ye Shin on the table. The strange man also grabbed a food without waiting for their invitation to eat with them.

While they are quietly satisfying their appetite, the elder from the Empire of Ma decided to speak with them.

"Child, I transmigrated last night when you fainted. Your body must now feel like something heavy is lifted up and gone." The voice of the soul that is now inside the body of Ye Shin startled the young emperor.

"So that is what happened! I did felt strange when I woke up earlier." the emperor said as he glanced at Ye Shin who is still eating her food.

"Boy, you must thank this lady sitting beside you! If her cultivation is not high, she would not be able to bear the other soul in your body! But because she is very capable, the transmigration of the soul in your body last night and the success of Bi Parity is all because if her." the strange man also interrupted while chewing his food loudly.

Emperor He Mo finally understands why the lady had fallen into a deep sleep when he woke up earlier. She must have spent her energy during the transmigration and balancing the other soul's existence in her body! He secretly stared at her direction but the lady did not say a word and she just continued eating the meal in front of her.

o==[]::::::::::::::::> The words carved below this sword is for every treasured and valued readers of this story.

~♥~The Great Wall of Appreciation~♥~


_Five Stars Story Review_

The few but real friends of mine stopped by and dropped a 5 stars in the review board as well as their thoughts about the story despite their busy schedule. ♥

Thank you to: alliahvernadiza, Mitch_Martin, Mike_Sala

Spirit Stone Votes Yesterday!

Special mention to these readers for also throwing spirit stones consistently (some). Your consistence motivates me to make more great chapters!









And also to all the silent readers, either you guys are shy or just busy! haha I can't see your names but thank you for checking in and following the story!

♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

The certainty about friendship:

We are blessed when our friends are all real, no fakeness or double faced. Then we experience a blessing when a stranger becomes a real friend.

inflictcreators' thoughts