
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

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370 Chs

Chapter 367: The 24th Blossoming Petal Breeze

When the Crimson Light Eagle carrying that graceful figure arrived, Su Yi had just woken up.

Last night was another night of hard work, but Su Yi's spirits were exceptionally good.

This was the wonder of dual cultivation.

Men and women cultivating together, experiencing the profound blending of essence, energy, and spirit in a romantic and sentimental manner, thereby solidifying and elevating each other's cultivation.

This was completely different from the sinister methods of the evil paths, which only focused on gathering yin or yang energy.

What pleased Su Yi was that, through dual cultivation, Tea Jin had already cultivated a strong and solid foundation in the Precelestial Martial Ancestor Realm.

Moreover, through their dual cultivation, her essence, energy, and spirit had undergone subtle changes, making her aura and appearance even more graceful.

It was as if she had become several years younger.

As the saying goes, a fine wine becomes more mellow with age, just like a beautiful woman.

When Su Yi walked out of the Mingquan Pavilion, he saw Ning Xihua talking to a woman dressed in a plain and worn hemp robe.

The woman's long hair was casually tied into a bun with a ribbon, but it still looked messy. Her skin was pale yellow, her face thin, and she had a rusty and mottled long sword slung diagonally at her waist, with a gray vine wrapped around the scabbard as thin as a little finger.

If it weren't for her lack of an Adam's apple and the significant development of her chest, Su Yi would have almost mistaken her for a slovenly man.

"Fellow Daoist, this is the Great Elder of the Great Zhou Ten Directions Pavilion. She has come specifically to escort you to the Great Qin Dynasty," Ning Xihua said with a smile as she introduced Su Yi.

Su Yi was taken aback. Was this the extraordinary and peerless Great Elder, the one who was as beautiful as a celestial fairy, as mentioned by the Honorable Monk Hongji?

"I am Hua Xinfeng. Nice to meet you, Young Master Su," the woman in the hemp robe approached and spoke softly, with an air of elegance and composure.

It was then that Su Yi noticed that although her appearance was somewhat plain, her pair of eyes were exquisite and profound, like translucent obsidian. The shimmering light within them was as clear and beautiful as a spring lake, truly mesmerizing.

Of course, having such watery and spirited eyes on a pale and thin face inevitably evoked a sense of regret.

Su Yi said, "A hundred and fifty days of cold rainy festival, the 24th Blossoming Petal Breeze. That's a very nice name."

Ning Xihua's expression was strange. Praising someone's name, was it because she found the person's appearance too ordinary? Su Daoist, you are quite straightforward...

Hua Xinfeng also paused for a moment, her eyes clear as water, and smiled, "Young Master exaggerates. If you are ready, we can set off now."

"Good," Su Yi nodded.

On that clear morning, Su Yi and Hua Xinfeng sat together on the back of the Crimson Light Eagle and soared through the sky.

The vast sea of clouds lay ahead.

As the Crimson Light Eagle flew, its fiery red wings spread out for several zhang, providing a stable and comfortable seat.

"Do you have any plans for this mission, Young Master?" Hua Xinfeng crossed her legs, her jade hands clasping her knees as she sat at an angle, her profound eyes gazing at Su Yi.

At this moment, Su Yi, dressed in a green robe, casually drank from a green-skinned gourd. With his handsome features and an air of aloofness, he seemed completely unaffected.

Hua Xinfeng observed him attentively, as if trying to see through all the secrets on Su Yi's body.

If it were someone else being looked at like this, they would have long felt uncomfortable. But Su Yi seemed completely unaware and replied, "Exploring opportunities like this is full of variables, so it's best to take it step by step."

Hua Xinfeng nodded in agreement and said, "Young Master's words are absolutely correct. However, on this journey to the depths of the Chaotic Spirit Sea, there are numerous experts, most of whom are Yuan Dao cultivators. There are also formidable characters, similar to evil sect leaders or possessors, among them. In such a situation, I believe that we should adopt some strategies during our actions."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Please go ahead and explain."

Hua Xinfeng blinked her bright eyes and a faint curve appeared at the corner of her lips as she said, "A fierce tiger, upon seeing a pig, cannot resist the hunger and pounces to kill it."

She smiled and asked Su Yi, "Young Master, what if this pig is actually a disguised divine dragon?"

Su Yi took a sip of his wine and said, "It's a dead end."

Hua Xinfeng replied, "Exactly. In my opinion, during this mission, Young Master is most suitable for playing the role of a pig."


The wine in Su Yi's mouth sprayed out, and he looked at the woman with pale and thin complexion, asking, "Is this intentional?"

Hua Xinfeng laughed and said, "It was just an example, Young Master. Please don't mind. Besides, with your intelligence, how could you not understand the meaning behind my words?"

As she smiled, her lips lightly parted, revealing shallow dimples on her cheeks and a pair of sparkling white tiger teeth, adding a playful charm to her appearance.

Su Yi naturally wouldn't argue with a woman and said, "Are you suggesting that I should act like a pig to eat a tiger?"

Hua Xinfeng replied, "Exactly. Young Master has once slain a group of terrestrial immortals in the sky above the Jade Capital City and defeated the top sword cultivator of the Great Wei Dynasty, Autumn Hengkong, in front of the Great Wei Lunar Sect. Your reputation is already widely known throughout the Great Qin Empire."

"In such circumstances, if Young Master were to travel under your true identity, it would surely cause a lot of disturbances. Everyone would regard you as a major enemy, making you a target of public criticism. Exploring opportunities in such a situation would inevitably bring about many variables."

"But if we were to assume a different identity and act low-key, it would be completely different."

Hua Xinfeng's eyes brightened as she continued enthusiastically, "Firstly, no one would be wary of us and consider us as major competitors in seizing opportunities. Secondly, if any ignorant individual were to come and provoke us... for Young Master, what difference would it make from having prey delivered to your doorstep?"

Su Yi said, "Why do I feel like you're eagerly anticipating someone coming to provoke us?"

Hua Xinfeng chuckled, seemingly tickled by that question, and said, "Among our opponents this time, there are quite a few possessors and similar characters. Not to mention other terrestrial immortals, each of them is quite wealthy. If we can seize the opportunity to harvest some spoils of war, wouldn't that be wonderful?"

"In that case, even if we don't discover any opportunities, we can at least ensure that we won't return empty-handed."

Her eyes and the corners of her mouth were filled with anticipation, showcasing the expression of excitement.

Su Yi glanced deeply at the Grand Elder of the Dazhou Ten Directions Pavilion and said, "Now I finally understand why Monk Hongji is so afraid of you."

"Why is that?" Hua Xinfeng asked, puzzled.

"Because you are too cunning," Su Yi sighed.

Suddenly, he remembered a close friend from his past life, 'Xing Zhen Dao Jun'. He was refined, amiable, upright, dedicated to eradicating evil and protecting the innocent. He had a broad mind, caring for the world and helping those in need. He was hailed as the beacon of righteousness by the people.

But in the eyes of those ancient monsters who had been tricked by him, this fellow was a cunning, despicable, and sly charlatan.

When robbing those old demon heads, this guy would always say with a sigh, "Friend, your sins are too heavy. You must surrender all your treasures to atone, or else you will face utter destruction."

If they obediently handed over their treasures, it would be fine.

But if they refused, they would truly face utter destruction.

However, it was commendable that Xing Zhen Dao Jun only targeted those unforgivable evil sect leaders.

At present, Hua Xinfeng's style was somewhat similar to Xing Zhen Dao Jun, but Xing Zhen Dao Jun was even more shameless and cunning, capable of completely manipulating even some influential demonic figures.

Upon hearing Su Yi's sigh, Hua Xinfeng burst into laughter. Her deep and bright eyes narrowed with amusement, unabashedly proud, as she said, "Thank you for your praise, Young Master."

In short, Hua Xinfeng was truly different from other women. She had a thick skin and was quite cunning.

It was no wonder that Monk Hongji mentioned her with such caution...

"Well, what do you think of my suggestion, Young Master?" Hua Xinfeng asked.

Su Yi asked directly, "How will the spoils be divided?"

Hua Xinfeng was instantly stunned. She had thought that based on Su Yi's past display of pride and character, he would strongly reject and disdain such matters.

Never did she expect that he would directly discuss the division of spoils with her...

"You really didn't disappoint me, Young Master," Hua Xinfeng exclaimed with a sense of camaraderie. She continued, "How about this? I'll be responsible for providing information and intelligence, while you take action. We'll split all the spoils sixty-forty. How does that sound?"

Su Yi calmly replied, "Opportunities can be split sixty-forty, but spoils must be divided ninety-ten. You should be aware that your so-called information and intelligence have limited value in the face of true strength."

Hua Xinfeng pondered for a moment and readily agreed, saying, "Alright, this is the first time I'm cooperating with you, Young Master. The Ten Directions Pavilion will definitely show sincerity. Let's proceed this way."

With the matter settled, she seemed quite pleased. She took out a jug of wine from her sleeve, raised it to her lips, and drank boldly, even more spirited than a man.

Su Yi greatly appreciated her temperament.

Unfortunately, her appearance was somewhat too ordinary, which detracted from her overall charm.


Two days later.

In the city of Dongfu, within the Great Qin Dynasty.

In the distance, a red-glowing Roc landed several miles away from the city gate.

"Go back," Hua Xinfeng patted the Roc, and it spread its wings before soaring into the sky.

"Young Master, ahead is the city of Dongfu, located near the Eastern Sea of the Great Qin Dynasty. It is one of the most prosperous places within the borders of the Great Qin. Departing from this city and traveling three hundred miles into the depths of the Eastern Sea will lead us to the outskirts of the Chaotic Spirit Sea," Hua Xinfeng pointed towards the silhouette of a massive city in the distance, saying, "Let's enter the city first, gather some information, and then continue our journey. How does that sound?"

"You can make the arrangements," Su Yi casually replied, showing his indifference towards these trivial matters.

Immediately, the two of them headed towards the city of Dongfu.

In the distance, they could see the city stretching and undulating like a colossal creature, dominating the land and sky. The city exuded a bustling atmosphere and a torrent of mundane affairs, with the lively noise reaching their ears from afar.


As they approached the city gate, Su Yi suddenly looked up at the sky.

He saw a massive treasure ship, around fifty zhang long, emitting a shimmering radiance. It resembled a gigantic mountain as it moved through the clouds from a far distance.

The treasure ship was adorned with pavilions, palaces, and exquisite structures, with faint figures moving within.

Near the city gate, a wave of astonishment and exclamations arose.

A treasure ship soaring through the sky like this would undoubtedly attract attention in the mortal world.

Even Su Yi was somewhat surprised.

Because this was the first time since his reincarnation that he had seen such a magical treasure ship.

This meant that the one who controlled the ship must be a cultivator who had stepped onto the path of Yuan Dao. Otherwise, it would be impossible to command such a precious treasure.