
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

eFly · Eastern
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370 Chs

Chapter 306: Karmic Connection, Confidentiality, Possession Seeker

Monk Hongji took a deep breath, his expression becoming serious as he said, "Young Master Su, I wonder if you are interested in joining the Ten Realms Pavilion?"

Without waiting for Su Yi's answer, he quickly added with a smile, "If you join, you can directly assume the position of an elder, overseeing the affairs of a whole country. In addition, you will receive a monthly allowance of one hundred fourth-grade spiritual stones and fifty strains of fourth-grade spiritual herbs..."

He went on and on, offering a multitude of benefits.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such generous conditions are enough to entice even the immortals of the land.

More importantly, by serving as an elder of the Ten Realms Pavilion, one can exchange their own contributions for the highest-level confidential information designated by the Ten Realms Pavilion!

However, Su Yi remained indifferent and unaffected. He calmly asked in response, "Why do you suddenly want to invite me to join the Ten Realms Pavilion?"

Monk Hongji felt awkward and replied, "To be frank, I am also here on orders... Um, this was the decision of my superiors. The leader of our Ten Realms Pavilion is the chief elder within the Da Zhou region, ranking first among the seven elders."

"The idea of the chief elder of the Ten Realms Pavilion?" Su Yi felt surprised.

Monk Hongji explained, "It is the chief elder within the Da Zhou region. In different countries, the Ten Realms Pavilion has seven elders stationed in each."

Su Yi nodded and said, "I thought the position of an elder was something rare. It turns out that every country has so many."

Monk Hongji's expression froze for a moment. If someone else had said such a thing, he would have dismissed them long ago and walked away in disdain.

In this world, who would dare to not hold the elders of the Ten Realms Pavilion in high regard?

Even the immortals of the land would have to show respect!

But facing Su Yi, he dared not get angry and could only force a bitter smile. "Young Master Su, the position of an elder in the Ten Realms Pavilion is not as unbearable as you think. Let me give you an example. If I were to go to the city of Yujing, even the heads of those aristocratic families would treat me respectfully. Even when meeting the current Emperor of Zhou, I would be regarded as an esteemed guest..."

Su Yi waved his hand, interrupting him. "There's no need to say any more. Even if you promised me unimaginable wealth, I wouldn't be interested. It's not that I despise it, but I, Su Yi, have always been accustomed to idleness and cannot tolerate being commanded and dispatched by others."

Monk Hongji was momentarily stunned but seemed relieved as he sighed, "Indeed, I knew that someone as extraordinary as Young Master Su would not accept."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Young Master Su, the Chief Elder also mentioned that if you refuse, he would like to ask if you would be willing to establish a karmic connection with the Ten Realms Pavilion."

"Karmic connection?"

This time, Su Yi showed a hint of interest. "Go ahead, tell me more about it."

Monk Hongji cleared his throat and solemnly said, "Our Ten Realms Pavilion is willing to establish a long-term cooperation with Young Master Su. If you wish to gather information, as long as our Ten Realms Pavilion has the intelligence, we will present it to you without taking a single penny."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "If our Ten Realms Pavilion needs assistance, we hope that Young Master Su can lend a hand when convenient, of course, you have the right to refuse."

"In short, whether to help or not entirely depends on Young Master's mood. Our Ten Realms Pavilion will never force you. If Young Master agrees to assist, our Ten Realms Pavilion will present generous rewards as a token of gratitude!"

Hearing this, Su Yi pondered and said, "It sounds quite appealing."

"That's why it's called establishing a karmic connection," Monk Hongji chuckled. "The Chief Elder said that when facing someone as remarkable as Young Master Su, we must be open and sincere, making every effort to establish this karmic connection."

Su Yi also smiled, "Interesting. This Chief Elder seems to be quite an intriguing person."

Monk Hongji cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "To be honest, the Chief Elder is indeed a beautiful woman in the prime of her life, and she is also an extraordinary beauty with outstanding grace and intelligence, like a celestial being from heaven! Young Master Su, you may not know, but the Chief Elder's beauty is enough to captivate a city, to overturn the mortal realm..."

As he talked about this, the fat and greasy monk unexpectedly became enthusiastic, rambling on.

Su Yi was taken aback.

Is she really that exceptional?

Subconsciously, he looked around and pondered, "Is there a Skylark nearby?"

Monk Hongji's expression froze as he rubbed his hands awkwardly. "Um... Young Master Su has sharp eyes!"

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh.

This monk clearly feared the Chief Elder to the extent that he dared not make any rash moves or utter a single word out of line.

"Um..." Monk Hongji pondered for a moment and then rummaged in his sleeve, taking out a stack of jade tokens.

He handed the jade tokens to Su Yi with both hands and said, "Young Master Su, I brought some confidential information related to you this time. You will understand once you take a look."

Su Yi took the jade tokens.

These jade tokens were of excellent quality, made of exquisite jade that was easy to engrave with information.

"On the seventh day of the fourth month, envoys from the Great Qin and Great Wei countries arrived in the imperial capital of Da Zhou. The leaders of the envoys are the Chief Elder of the Rohan Hall of the Shanglin Monastery in Great Qin, named Jihe, and the Supreme Elder of the Moon Wheel Sect in Great Wei, named Yunzhongqi. Both of them are well-known cultivators in the Nascent Soul realm."

"In addition, there are individuals with special identities in both envoy groups..."

Just this first piece of information caught Su Yi's attention, and he asked, "Are these two envoy groups here for me?"

Monk Hongji hurriedly said, "Young Master Su, you may not know, but your reputation has long spread among cultivators in the Great Qin and Great Wei countries. Coupled with the conflicts you had with the Moon Wheel Sect and the Shanglin Monastery in the past..."

Su Yi instantly understood and asked, "Are they here for revenge?"

Monk Hongji winked and said, "No, they are more likely here for the opportunities that lie within you."

"Opportunities?" Su Yi chuckled, no longer interested, and took out the second jade slip to read.

"Elder San of the Tianyin Sect, third disciple under Liumu True Sovereign, arrived within Da Zhou on the ninth day of the fourth month to meet with Wang Zhuo, the Palace Master of the Tianxing Academy."

"That night, Elder San departed and headed north, suspected to be going to the imperial capital."

Upon reading this, Su Yi couldn't help but be surprised. They found him so quickly?

He still remembered that rainy night at the Longqiao Relay Station on the fourth day of the fourth month when he defeated Wang Zhuo and annihilated the divine soul belonging to Liumu True Sovereign that was hidden within the black cat's body.

And now, in just five or six days, the so-called Liumu True Sovereign sent a disciple to Da Zhou. It was evident that they intended to settle the score with him.

"Do you know about this 'Tianyin Sect'?" Su Yi asked.

He had heard Wang Zhuo mention that although the Tianyin Sect was distributed within Great Qin, it was likely a cultivation force originating from the Great Xia Kingdom.

And this Liumu True Sovereign seemed to be a powerful spiritual cultivator who emerged from the Great Xia Kingdom!

"We know, but we know very little," Monk Hongji's expression turned serious. "This force originates from the Great Xia Kingdom, and as you are aware, the Great Xia Kingdom is the undisputed overlord of the Azure Continent, with great national strength and a gathering of powerful cultivators. In comparison, whether it's Da Zhou, Da Wei, or Great Qin, they are all small countries with a significant difference in foundation."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "The Tianyin Sect is a cultivation force within the Great Xia Kingdom. We, at the Ten Realms Pavilion, only know that there is a powerful spiritual cultivator presiding over this force, possessing numerous ancient cultivation inheritances, making it extremely mysterious and formidable."

"As for this Liumu True Sovereign, she is a woman who appeared within Great Qin about twenty years ago and has been exploring those strange and abnormal places, particularly showing great interest in matters related to other realms."

Sighing, Monk Hongji said, "Unfortunately, no matter how much we investigate, we have yet to uncover the true identity of Liumu True Sovereign. Currently, all we know is that she has three true disciples under her, each of them extraordinary figures who have stepped onto the path of Nascent Soul cultivation."

"Someone like this Ranzhongyang is in the Nascent Soul realm."

Hearing this, Su Yi said, "So you mean to say that you still don't know that Liumu True Sovereign is actually a powerful spiritual cultivator?"

Monk Hongji stiffened, his voice trembling, "Is that really the case?"

Soon, he realized his slip of tongue and awkwardly said, "Please don't be offended, Young Master Su. We suspected that she was a spiritual cultivator before, but we were never able to confirm it. After all, who could have imagined that such a terrifying existence would appear in Great Qin?"

Are spiritual cultivators really so terrifying?

Su Yi smiled and didn't say much, continuing to read the information on the third jade slip.

"On the ninth day of the fourth month, Feng Liu, the Vice Sect Master of the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect, appeared in the imperial capital to meet with Grand Tutor Hong..."

Upon seeing this message, Su Yi raised an eyebrow and said, "Is Feng Liu also here for me?"

Monk Hongji quickly explained, "Young Master, don't you remember? A few days ago, deep within the Baosha Demon Mountain, you personally killed Lv Dongliu, Li Cang, and Liao Yunliu, who were originally sent by Feng Liu."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Speaking of Feng Liu, he is a highly peculiar figure. Many years ago, he was just an unknown teacher, completely ignorant of cultivation and not even a martial artist."

"But it is said that during one of his trips to the mountains, he obtained a great opportunity. In less than half a year, he became a Grandmaster and three months later, joined the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect to cultivate."

"Since then, his cultivation has skyrocketed, and his status has risen. Now, in just ten years, he has become the Vice Sect Master of the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect, possessing formidable cultivation in the Nascent Soul realm."

Speaking of this, a strange expression appeared on Monk Hongji's chubby face. "We at the Ten Realms Pavilion have investigated the information related to Feng Liu, and what we discovered is that the great opportunity he obtained back then came from one of the Eight Great Demon Mountains, the 'Green Vine Demon Mountain'!"

The strangeness on his face deepened. "Due to this, we at the Ten Realms Pavilion highly suspect that Feng Liu might be..."

He suddenly stopped talking.

This matter is also a core secret within the Ten Realms Pavilion. After all, it involves the Vice Sect Master of the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect, and the Ten Realms Pavilion would not easily disclose such information.

However, Su Yi chuckled and said, "You're just trying to hide the obvious. You suspect that Feng Liu might be a possessed individual, right?"

Monk Hongji quickly waved his hand and said, "Young Master Su, I did not say that. I will never admit it, no matter who asks in the future!"

Su Yi didn't dwell on this topic and continued to read the final jade slip.

When he saw its contents, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

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