
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

eFly · Eastern
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370 Chs

Chapter 305: Two Diplomatic Missions, Glorious Era

Seeing Hong Canshang's arrival, Su Hongli remained seated without moving.

He had a calm expression with a hint of distance as he said, "Please have a seat."

Hong Canshang didn't mind and slightly bowed to the Daoist beside Su Hongli, saying, "Friend, it's been a long time."

The Daoist in the robe nodded and smiled, "The esteemed National Teacher's charisma surpasses the past. Congratulations are in order."

Hong Canshang casually found a seat and pondered, "I came late at night for two things. I'll speak and leave."

Su Hongli said, "Please speak openly."

With his faint golden eyes, Hong Canshang looked at Su Hongli and said, "The first thing is that in a few days, Su Yi will arrive in Yujing City. His Majesty instructed me to ask about the Su family's stance on this matter."

Without hesitation, Su Hongli responded, "This is a family matter of the Su family. I, Su Hongli, will personally resolve it. By then, His Majesty will see for himself."

Hong Canshang furrowed his brows slightly but then nodded, saying, "The second thing is that envoys from the Great Qin and Great Wei will visit our Great Zhou. It is expected that they will arrive in Yujing City in seven days."

Su Hongli raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are these two visiting envoy teams different in some way?"

Hong Canshang replied, "Indeed, they are quite special, or rather, unprecedented."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Currently, we only know that the envoy team from Great Wei is led by Elder Yun Zhongqi of the Moon Wheel Sect."

"The envoy team from Great Qin is led by 'Jihe,' the Chief Elder of the Arhat Hall in the Shanglin Monastery."

Su Hongli's eyes narrowed slightly as he murmured, "Indeed, they are remarkable."

Whether it was Elder Yun Zhongqi of the Moon Wheel Sect or Jihe, the Chief Elder of the Arhat Hall in the Shanglin Monastery, they were both renowned immortal figures who had been famous for many years!

It was unusual that both countries sent envoy teams, and each team was led by an immortal figure. Such a situation was almost unheard of in the past.

The Daoist who had been silent suddenly spoke, "Could it be that they have come for Su Yi?"

Hong Canshang said, "It is very possible. According to the information obtained by the Imperial Palace's 'Shadow Dragon Guard' spies, Su Yi once killed Elder Liu Hongqi, an outer disciple of the Moon Wheel Sect, in Gunzhou City. The maid, Chajin, who was by his side, is also a true disciple of the Moon Wheel Sect."

"And a few days ago, Su Yi entered the Precious Shrine Demon Mountain and was suspected to have clashed with Elder Jinghe and others from the Shanglin Monastery's Descending Dragon Hall."

"According to the information received from the Tenfold Pavilion, Jinghe and the others have already perished in the Precious Shrine Demon Mountain. This matter is likely related to Su Yi."

At this point, Hong Canshang looked at Su Hongli again and said, "This also means that the envoy teams from Great Wei and Great Qin may also be targeting Su Yi because of the opportunities he possesses."

Facing Hong Canshang's gaze, Su Hongli said, "What trouble this scoundrel has caused has nothing to do with me. Are they daring enough to hold me, Su Hongli, accountable for his actions?"

Hong Canshang shook his head and said, "No, I suspect that the cultivators from Great Wei and Great Qin also suspect that there is something wrong with Su Yi. They may have come for the fortunes hidden within him!"


Su Hongli couldn't help but reveal a mocking expression. "Speaking of fortunes, those powerful individuals who have been trying to intercept that scoundrel recently, aren't they also chasing after these so-called 'fortunes'? But who truly knows what kind of fortunes are hidden within that scoundrel?"

Hong Canshang's gaze grew deep as he said, "With your abilities, Su brother, can't you see the secrets within Su Yi?"

Su Hongli calmly replied, "I know what you're suspecting, and I understand that you have valid reasons to suspect that the scoundrel is similar to you. But I can tell you that he is not."

Hong Canshang fell silent immediately.

After a while, he stood up and said, "I've said what I needed to. I'll take my leave."

He turned and left.

Su Hongli remained seated, with no intention of seeing him off.

The Daoist in the robe stood up and personally saw him off.

As they walked out of the hall, Hong Canshang suddenly asked, "Friend, what do you think?"

The Daoist in the robe smiled faintly and said, "There's no need to rush, esteemed National Teacher. It's currently the tenth day of the fourth month. Perhaps on the fourth day of the fifth month, all the mysteries will be revealed."

"The fourth day of the fifth month..."

Hong Canshang silently pondered for a moment and clasped his fists. "Farewell."

He left with long strides.

The Daoist in the robe turned back to the hall, feeling a tinge of emotion. "It can be foreseen that the following period of time in Yujing City will be lively."

Su Hongli said indifferently, "Compared to all this excitement, I am more concerned about when the long-awaited 'glorious era' that is bound to come will arrive."

"A glorious era... destined to be a chaotic era..."

The Daoist in the robe sighed, "Do you remember what Ge Changling once said? When the glorious era arrives, everything that has been sealed and suppressed in the upper echelons of the Cyan Continent will inevitably resurface."

In Su Hongli's mind, the words quietly echoed:

"The power beneath the seal will break through the soil."

"Everything that was once suppressed will be shattered."

"The grandeur and bloodshed of the past will return."

"Before the fog lifts, all abnormalities are omens!"

After a while, Su Hongli spoke calmly, "I look forward to it."


Under the same night sky.

The Xiao family of Lanling.

Su Yi lazily lay in a courtyard, recovering from the effects of alcohol.

Earlier, he had been drinking heavily with prominent figures from the Xiao family, such as Xiao Tianque and Xiao Hengqiu. He had no idea how many jars he had consumed, to the point where his head felt a bit hazy.

"If only Qingjin were here."

Su Yi thought to himself.

After some consideration, he tapped the Soul-Nourishing Gourd and said, "Qingwan."

Qingwan, dressed in red garments, appeared out of thin air. She blinked her watery, bright eyes and timidly asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Massage my shoulders," Su Yi said.

Qingwan let out an "oh" and quickly approached, extending her delicate, fair hand to press it on Su Yi's shoulder with just the right amount of force.

Su Yi comfortably narrowed his eyes and absentmindedly asked, "How is your cultivation progressing with the 'Ten Realms Asura Scripture' that I taught you?"

"Master, I'm just one step away from transforming into a spirit ghost!" Qingwan replied.

As she spoke, her bright eyes sparkled, showing some joy.

"Don't rush. The path of ghost cultivation is much more dangerous and filled with tribulations than other paths. The stronger your foundation, the farther you can go," Su Yi casually remarked.

Becoming a spirit ghost was no different from a martial artist embarking on the path of elemental cultivation!

At that time, Qingwan would be a true cultivator, just on the path of ghost cultivation.

However, becoming a spirit ghost required undergoing a dangerous "transformation" tribulation. Ordinary ghosts would never have a chance to overcome it.

Compared to living creatures, such existences as ghosts were more likely to face heavenly punishment when seeking enlightenment and the Dao.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yi added, "When you undergo the 'transformation' tribulation, I will be there to protect you."

"Thank you, Master!"

Qingwan instantly smiled with delight, her eyes forming crescent moons. She worked even harder to massage Su Yi's shoulders, occasionally using her small, white fists to gently pound his back.

"Since you started cultivating, have you recovered any memories?" Su Yi asked again.

Qingwan's eyes grew vacant, and she shook her head. "No."

"It seems that you'll have to embark on the cultivation path before you can retrieve your memories. But it's alright. I already know that the soul jade you reside in most likely comes from another world," Su Yi said. "Once the sealing power deep within the Bloodthorn Demon Mountain completely dissipates, many cultivators from your world will inevitably come. When that time comes, I'll capture some of them and inquire about your origins."

Qingwan nodded and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Master, Qingwan is actually content with the current cultivation life, carefree and without any worries. It's quite nice, not having to think about anything or have any troubles..."

Su Yi chuckled. "That's because you're by my side. If it were any other cultivator, they would have long regarded you as a 'treasure' to be refined."

Qingwan stuck out her tongue and timidly said, "Master, Qingwan won't leave you unless... unless you don't want Qingwan anymore..."

Her voice grew softer towards the end.

"How could I not want you? When we step into the Spirit Dao, I will still need you to cultivate alongside me and build our foundations together," Su Yi said, stretching lazily.

Dual cultivation...

Qingwan's delicate face, with a hint of baby fat, instantly turned as red as a big apple. She shyly lowered her head, realizing that Master... had been thinking about this matter all along...

"Mr. Su, there is a big monk waiting outside, wishing to pay his respects to you," sounded Zijin's voice from outside the courtyard.

Su Yi patted Qingwan's soft hand that was resting on his shoulder. "You can go back first."

"Ah... Okay."

Qingwan, feeling electrified, quickly withdrew her hands and swiftly disappeared into the Soul-Nourishing Gourd.

Just a touch of hands, and she reacted so strongly?

Su Yi shook his head and then turned towards the courtyard. "Miss Zijin, please let the person in."

Not long after, the courtyard gate was pushed open from the outside, and an extremely corpulent monk, almost squeezing through the door frame, walked in.

He was wearing an old monk's robe, unbuttoned to reveal his belly, with a greasy and shiny face.

When he saw Su Yi lying in the wicker chair, he hurriedly approached, smiling and saluting with folded hands. "Monk Hongji pays respects to Young Master Su!"

Su Yi looked at the monk, whose fat face was trembling slightly as he smiled, and asked, "What brings you here?"

Monk Hongji quickly replied, "To be honest, I am here on behalf of the Ten Realms Pavilion. Firstly, to present a treasure to Young Master and secondly, to discuss some matters."

As he spoke, he took out a treasure pouch and handed it over with both hands. "Young Master Su, inside is the twenty-five-grade spiritual stone that you deserve. Please accept it."

Su Yi was surprised and said, "Isn't the Ten Realms Pavilion always using messenger birds and people to communicate? Why did you personally come this time?"

Monk Hongji smiled and explained, "Young Master Su is an extraordinary person, not someone we can casually handle. Our actions are also a way to show our sincerity to Young Master and hope that you won't hold any grudges or misunderstand our Ten Realms Pavilion."

Su Yi was indeed very surprised. He had never expected that the Ten Realms Pavilion, which was known for its mystery and had influence spread across the territories of Da Zhou, Da Wei, and Da Qin, would be so polite.

Just like the attitude of Monk Hongji, it was not just respect but even a warm and slightly anxious feeling...

After some thought, Su Yi said, "So, what is the purpose of your visit this time?"