
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

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370 Chs

Chapter 199: Where is Ling Xue?

The blood-red thunder and lightning emitted a terrifying and eerie destructive aura, dazzling to the eyes. In that instant, Ning Xiuhua sensed the danger and waved her sleeve, conjuring a copper mirror adorned with intricate cloud patterns.


The copper mirror shattered into fragments that scattered in the air. Ning Xiuhua swiftly evaded them, her youthful face showing a rare sign of seriousness. The fact that her extraordinary spiritual artifact, the copper mirror, was easily destroyed left her with the immediate realization that the power of the array surrounding the arena was no weaker than a strike from a Yuan Dao cultivator.

"It managed to block it..."

Even Wuhuan Shuijun was taken aback, finally realizing the terrifying strength of Ning Xiuhua. Without hesitation, he unleashed a frenzy of attacks.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

He shouted repeatedly, his silver snake-embroidered robe billowing as he swung his blood-colored flag. Around the arena, the nine bronze doorways resounded with a thunderous roar. Each one awakened strange totems, launching eerie and terrifying assaults.

There were blood-red thunderbolts roaring down like dazzling blades from the sky, a downpour of blood raining heavily, and the illusory silhouettes of sun, moon, and stars transforming into blood-colored rays that streaked across the sky...

"How terrifying!"

Shouts of shock reverberated throughout the arena. Countless demonic creatures were astonished and chilled by this scene, witnessing the power of the array akin to witnessing a divine being unleashing its might.

In that instant, Ning Xiuhua furrowed her delicate eyebrows, realizing that trouble was brewing.


From within her sleeve, a streak of green light shot out, swiftly condensing into a uniquely shaped green short spear.

Three feet long and as thick as a child's arm, it was covered with a layer of obscure and twisted cloud patterns resembling flames. The spearhead gleamed like a sharp and translucent green crescent moon.

Qingyan Cangyue Spear!

When held in Ning Xiuhua's hand, the short spear emitted a melodious hum, bursting forth with illusory green flames one after another. It was dazzlingly bright, exuding a staggering aura of destruction.

Her imposing presence soared to a whole new level!


Ning Xiuhua brandished the short spear, and the green blade cleaved through the air, causing flames to surge. In an instant, it shattered the incoming blood-red thunderbolt. Amidst the splattering rays, her petite figure flickered but did not retreat as she had done moments ago.

However, despite her resilience, her expression remained grave.

The power of the array surrounding the arena was in full operation, releasing thunder, torrential rain, hurricanes, blood-colored light... It seemed to fill the entire sky, assaulting relentlessly.

That level of power was enough to easily annihilate any grandmaster in the mundane world. Even a Precelestial Martial Master would find it difficult to withstand such a torrential onslaught!

Although Ning Xiuhua was confident, she did not dare to directly confront it.

Her figure flickered, constantly moving within the arena, like a swift and ethereal stream of light that was inconceivably fast. Each time, she narrowly avoided the perilous attacks by a hair's breadth.

When there was no other choice, she would wield her short spear to strike down the unavoidable attacks.

And as they saw her trapped, an ear-piercing laughter and cheers erupted in the arena.

"This woman is in for a world of pain, hahaha!"

"I don't care if I have to risk my life, I'll snatch a piece of meat from her to eat."

"This array of Water Lord is too powerful. I even suspect that even if a land deity were to come, they wouldn't be able to escape death! Is this the blessing obtained by offering sacrifices to Lord Shen?"

Some demonic creatures were even more excited, their eyes shining as they started to plan how to obtain the "blessing" of the Great Compassion Divine Lord when the sacrificial ceremony took place.

However, compared to them, Wuhuan Shuijun's expression turned ugly, filled with doubt.

This array was called the 'Nine Palaces Blood Slaughter,' harnessing the power of the Great Cang River and the mountain ranges of Qianxuan Ridge. With the natural terrain of nine twists and eighteen bends as its formation, once it was activated, it could easily kill even a land deity!

For over a hundred years, Wuhuan Shuijun had ruled over Jiucu City, and with this array, he had been invincible, never encountering any threats.

But he never expected that, even with his array operating at full power, he couldn't kill that seemingly innocent girl!

"No matter who it is, they all have to die!"

A flash of ruthlessness flickered in Wuhuan Shuijun's eyes. He suddenly spat out a mist of blood-colored malevolence towards the flag in his hand, weakening his own aura by three points.

From that moment on, the might of the Nine Palaces Blood Slaughter Array suddenly intensified!


The powers of wind, thunder, earth, fire, the sun, the moon, and the stars—all the dazzling forces of the array—rushed like a burst dam, threatening to engulf Ning Xiuhua's figure.

"Not good!"

Ning Xiuhua's clear eyes contracted suddenly, realizing that she could no longer evade. If she didn't use her trump card, she would most likely be trapped and killed by this array.


Just the thought of using her hidden trump card, which she had kept concealed for many years, in such a filthy place left her feeling somewhat unpleasant.

"No matter how powerful I used to be, now I'm just an ordinary person in the Four Realms of Martial Arts," Ning Xiuhua sighed softly in her heart.

A resolute determination flashed through her beautiful and profound eyes.

Let these despicable creatures witness the true methods of a divine being!

Silently, a small fish-shaped crimson sword appeared in the palm of her right hand. The sword was translucent and slender like a bamboo chopstick, with the words "Crimson Carp" engraved on the hilt in ancient seal script.

"Palace Master, don't worry about me, hurry and go!"

In the distance, Zhuguqing, bound by layers of chains, also sensed the danger that Ning Xiuhua was in and shouted loudly.

"Ridiculous! No one is getting away today!"

Wuhuan Shuijun snorted coldly, his eyes filled with madness.

The tremendous power consumed by activating the array would take several years to replenish, which filled him with deep resentment.

Ning Xiuhua no longer hesitated. She took a deep breath and quietly activated the crimson fish-shaped small sword in her hand, preparing to use it.

Just at that moment...

A voice sounded, "This little sword is quite impressive. It would be a waste to use it here."

The voice was casual, tinged with surprise.

Ning Xiuhua abruptly turned her head and saw Su Yi, dressed in a green robe, standing beside her, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.


Ning Xiuhua was taken aback.


The overwhelming torrent of power had already swept over, cutting off her words.

"Leave it to me."

As Su Yi spoke, he gently waved his Xuan Yu Sword in his hand.

It was as if an invisible giant hand appeared, instantly grasping the violent and boundless torrent of power, causing it to stagnate halfway.



Amidst a thunderous explosion, that overwhelming power burst open in an instant, turning into a torrent of blood-colored light rain that dispersed in all directions.

Within the shower of light rain, the figures of Su Yi and Ning Xiuhua became clear.

The entire arena fell into silence, as quiet as a graveyard.

The demonic creatures that were previously laughing and shouting were now frozen, their mouths wide open and their eyes wide with astonishment.

What just happened!?

"Could it be that this young man broke the previous array's attack?"

Some of the demons, upon seeing Su Yi appearing beside Ning Xiuhua, vaguely understood but couldn't believe it.

Ning Xiuhua herself was also stunned, wondering how this guy managed to do it!

"Su... Su Yi..."

In the distance, Zhuguqing stood there dumbfounded, shocked by this scene.

She had been filled with anxiety, fearing for Palace Master Ning Xiuhua's safety.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, all the danger vanished!

And Su Yi's figure appeared by Ning Xiuhua's side.

How could Zhuguqing not understand? It was Su Yi who turned the tide at the critical moment!

Caught off guard, Wuhuan Shuijun's mind also went blank. His face froze, completely unable to comprehend how such a change could occur.


Wuhuan Shuijun, panicking in his heart, shouted loudly and instinctively swung the blood-colored banner in his hand.

But the "Nine Palace Blood Slaughter Formation" surrounding the arena didn't react at all.

The demonic creatures were all stunned, wondering what was happening.

In the silent atmosphere, only the word "die" spoken by Wuhuan Shuijun lingered in the air, but it carried a strange sense of embarrassment.


Refusing to believe his ill fate, Wuhuan Shuijun exerted all his strength and once again waved the blood-colored banner.

The nine bronze gates surrounding the arena remained silent, and the nearby demonic creatures also fell silent. The air became increasingly filled with an awkward and eerie sensation.

At this moment, Wuhuan Shuijun's gesture of waving the banner resembled a monkey playing a toy drum, appearing comical and ridiculous.

Even Ning Xiuhua couldn't help but sneer inwardly. Couldn't this guy see that the control of the array had already shifted, and Su Yi was the one in charge?

"How could this be..."

Wuhuan Shuijun's face was filled with shock and anger, unable to accept everything that was happening.

"The deployment technique of this formation is too crude. Your esteemed divine lord clearly didn't teach you the true skills," Su Yi spoke calmly.

"Divine lord..."

Wuhuan Shuijun was momentarily stunned, as if reminded of something, and suddenly grabbed Zhuguqing beside him.

Evidently, he intended to sacrifice Zhuguqing and tap into the power from the divine lord of Great Compassion.

But just as he reached out his hand, a scarlet thunderbolt appeared out of thin air, slicing through his right arm.

Wuhuan Shuijun winced in pain, his face filled with disbelief. "You... How could you control the Nine Palace Blood Slaughter Formation!?"

At the same time, the demonic creatures surrounding the arena were also horrified and their expressions changed, fully realizing that the situation was not good.

At present, the nine bronze gates sealed off the area, effectively trapping all those who came to participate in the feast. There was no escape!

"I said I would level this place..." Su Yi glanced at the Xuan Yu Sword in his hand and casually remarked, "The most effortless way to do so is by utilizing this formation."

"Level this place..." Wuhuan Shuijun widened his eyes and angrily exclaimed, "This place was built under the orders of the esteemed divine lord. By doing this, you will surely incur the divine punishment from the divine lord!"

With a light wave of the Xuan Yu Sword in his hand...


Another blood-colored thunderbolt descended. Although Wuhuan Shuijun's cultivation was comparable to that of a Triple Grandmaster, he couldn't withstand the might of the formidable formation.

Then, it happened...


He was struck by the thunderbolt, his entire body enveloped in black smoke. His form became fragmented and blurred, as if he would crumble into pieces and collapse at any moment. He lay paralyzed on the ground, convulsing and twitching.

Witnessing this scene, all the demonic creatures around were dumbfounded, their faces pale, and their souls in utter disarray.

Su Yi paid no further attention to the heavily injured and dying Wuhuan Shuijun. He took a step forward and arrived in front of Zhuguqing, raising his sword and severing the chains binding her.

"Where is Lingxue?" Su Yi asked.