
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

eFly · Eastern
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370 Chs

Chapter 197: Great Compassionate Divine Lord

As soon as Wuhuan Shuijun appeared, the noisy voices in the dojo immediately ceased.

The atmosphere became solemn.

The lady in palace attire obediently returned to her seat.

Looking at the other ghosts and monsters in the field, they also stopped talking and gazed at Wuhuan Shuijun with a hint of awe in their eyes.

This scene made Su Yi raise an eyebrow. It seemed that this Wuhuan Shuijun had quite a commanding presence.

"Immortal, would you like to take this opportunity to inquire about your friend?" Tao Qingshan transmitted his voice.

Su Yi shook his head slightly.

He did want to see why Wuhuan Shuijun had convened this Dongtian Conference.

The flames burned brightly, illuminating the entire dojo.

Wuhuan Shuijun, wearing a silver python robe, swept his gaze across the audience and smiled as he spoke:

"Today, I am honored by your presence. However, I believe you all are curious as to why I have organized this Dongtian Conference."

Many ghosts in the audience couldn't help but nod, showing curiosity.

"Now, I shall dispel your doubts."

Wuhuan Shuijun's expression turned serious as he pointed to the black nine-foot altar behind him and said, "Do you all know what this is?"

"It seems to be an altar used for sacrifices," a ghost couldn't help but speak.


Wuhuan Shuijun nodded, "Do you all know why I have been able to firmly occupy the blessed land of the Nine Curves City all these years?"

"Naturally, it is because Lord Water possesses great powers and extraordinary insight," the old yellow weasel flattered with a smile.

"Hahaha, that is true. However, I will not hide it from you all. If it weren't for the power bestowed by this altar, I wouldn't have the authority I possess today."

Wuhuan Shuijun burst into laughter.

Suddenly, the audience erupted in a commotion. They had never expected that Wuhuan Shuijun would publicly reveal such a secret.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but turn their gazes towards the black altar.

A ghost asked, "May I ask, Water Lord, what is so extraordinary about this altar?"

Wuhuan Shuijun's expression turned solemn. He turned to the black altar, bowed respectfully, and then turned back, his voice solemn as he spoke:

"With this altar, I am able to communicate with a 'divine ghost' who possesses unimaginable abilities and obtain the power bestowed upon me by this divine ghost! Almost all of my cultivation comes from the blessings of this divine ghost!"

As he spoke, a fervent adoration appeared in Wuhuan Shuijun's eyes.

The whole venue fell silent, followed by an uproar.

The demons and monsters' eyes lit up, filled with excitement and surprise.

Only Su Yi and Ning Xiyan remained the calmest.

Since they had already guessed some clues when they saw the altar, they were not surprised by this.

"Water Lord, is what you said true?" the lady in palace attire exclaimed excitedly.

Wuhuan Shuijun pressed his hands in the air until everyone stopped talking, then he solemnly said:

"I would never lie in front of this altar. This 'Divine Lord of Great Compassion' is a revered figure residing in the mysterious and sacred realm, possessing power and wisdom comparable to the legendary deities!"

Great Compassionate Divine Lord!

Sacred realm!

Comparable to deities!

The ghosts and monsters present became even more agitated, showing expressions of fanaticism, curiosity, and excitement.

Even Tao Qingshan was dumbfounded, shocked by such news.

A ghost couldn't help but ask, "Water Lord, are we fortunate enough to witness the greatness of this Divine Lord?"

"The existence of the Divine Lord is not something that anyone can casually encounter. However, I can offer all of you a rare opportunity!"

Wuhuan Shuijun said in a deep voice, "The reason I convened this Dongtian Conference is also by the will of the Divine Lord. The Divine Lord has stated that he wishes to gather a group of followers from this mortal realm. And I am the 'Divine Envoy' personally appointed by the Divine Lord to oversee this matter."

Gathering followers!

Some ghosts and monsters had already understood and became excited, shouting, "We are willing to serve the Divine Lord!"

Wuhuan Shuijun said in a solemn voice, "Please calm down, everyone. Let me finish speaking. To become a believer, one must be absolutely loyal to the Divine Lord and offer certain sacrifices every three months. The more satisfied the Divine Lord is with the sacrifices, the more abundant the blessings received. For example, the cultivation methods I currently practice and the secret formations I have mastered are all bestowed by the Divine Lord."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of some demons and ghosts turned red, greatly tempted.

Su Yi finally understood. The grand formation beneath the Jiuqu River's eighteen bends was actually the work of the "Great Compassionate Divine Lord."

And Wuhuan Shuijun, at best, was just a role responsible for carrying out tasks.

A ghost asked, "May I ask, Water Lord, what kind of sacrifices does the Divine Lord require?"

"Any spiritual creature in the world can serve as a sacrifice, and the higher the rank, the better," Wuhuan Shuijun said. "Of course, occasionally the Divine Lord will issue orders, and we will collect sacrifices according to those orders."

Su Yi couldn't help but smile. A Divine Lord with vast powers, and yet interested in mundane spiritual creatures?

Based on this alone, he deduced that this so-called "Great Compassionate Divine Lord" was likely a rather mediocre figure.

Of course, it was more than enough to fool Wuhuan Shuijun and his gang with sacrificial offerings.

The atmosphere in the field was completely boiling.

Seeing this, Wuhuan Shuijun no longer hesitated and shouted loudly, "If all of you are willing to serve the Divine Lord, I will conduct the sacrifices later, allowing you to witness the unsurpassed abilities of the Divine Lord!"


"We are willing!"

...The clamorous shouts resounded one after another, and the ghosts and monsters were extremely excited and overjoyed.

Wuhuan Shuijun chuckled, "Everyone, when it's time for the sacrifice, you must not hesitate. You must show your sincerity!"

The buzzing atmosphere in the field became slightly subdued, and a monster asked, "Water Lord, how should we demonstrate our sincerity?"

Wuhuan Shuijun said, "It's simple. Each of you is a prominent figure within the Gunzhou region, either possessing certain secret arts or unique spiritual creatures. During the sacrifice, offer the most valuable things to the Divine Lord."

The entire field fell silent, not a sound could be heard.

The ghosts and monsters looked at each other, hesitating.

A hint of disdain flickered in Wuhuan Shuijun's eyes as he coldly said, "Remember what I said earlier. The greater the value of the sacrifice, the more blessings you will receive. If you can't even do this, how could you expect to receive the Divine Lord's blessings and protection?"

"Water Lord, you don't need to say more. As long as I can serve the Divine Lord, I'll do whatever you ask!" the old Yellow Weasel exclaimed, being the first to respond.

"Yes, I, Ha Shi San, am willing too!" the bald-headed Ha Shi San shouted loudly.

Soon, the majority of the ghosts and monsters in the field agreed.

However, there were also those who remained silent.

Such as Tao Qingshan and Teng Yong.

Moreover, someone immediately exposed their silence.

"Tao Mountain Lord, why aren't you speaking?" Ha Shi San questioned loudly. "Could it be that knowing you have to offer sacrifices, you're unwilling?"

Many eyes turned to look at Tao Qingshan.

Tao Qingshan's cheek twitched violently, wishing he could kill that wart-covered toad.

"Tao Mountain Lord, this is a great opportunity. Wuhuan hopes you will consider it carefully. You have the Sea-Swallowing King standing behind you and have received guidance from an immortal. But can these compare to the blessings bestowed by the Divine Lord?" Wuhuan Shuijun said with a sly smile. "Of course, I won't force you. However, I'm certain that once the sacrifice begins and you witness all the fellow cultivators present receiving blessings one by one, Tao Mountain Lord will be moved to agree."

After speaking, he no longer looked at Tao Qingshan and suddenly waved his hand, "Prepare for the sacrifice!"


A group of hideous demons carried a massive water jar into the courtyard, arriving in front of the black altar.


In the next moment, these demons lifted the water jar and poured the crimson blood, flowing like a waterfall, onto the black altar.


The nine-foot-tall black altar seemed to come alive, emitting a dark and mysterious glow, greedily absorbing the poured blood.

"This is freshly slaughtered virgin blood, exuding a pure and sweet aroma. Judging by the amount, there must be at least forty to fifty lives sacrificed," the lady in palace attire's eyes brightened, revealing a covetous expression.

Many of the demons also revealed their greed.

"This is damn despicable!" Ning Xihua's clear eyes filled with a chill.

Su Yi looked on with indifference, but deep inside, he felt extreme disgust as well.

Until the large jar of blood was emptied, the black nine-foot altar faintly emitted a strange red light.

Wuhuan Shuijun's voice was heavy, "Prepare for the live sacrifice!"

Immediately, two hideous demons escorted a woman bound in chains into the courtyard.

When Su Yi saw this woman, his eyes slightly narrowed.

He saw her snow-white hair scattered, her body covered in bloodstains. On her exquisitely beautiful and cold face, there was an expressionless look, and her eyes were empty, as if devoid of a soul.

Zhu Guqing!

At this moment, a trace of killing intent emerged between Ning Xihua's innocent brows. She was one of the nine elders of the Tianyuan Academy, yet she had fallen into the hands of these ghostly creatures as a "sacrifice"!

Tao Qingshan and Teng Yong froze, sensing keenly that an extremely terrifying and icy killing intent emanated from Ning Xihua's body, ready to be unleashed. It was like a sword hanging over their heads, making their souls tremble.

"It is said that this woman was a grandmaster who was captured by the Water Lord a few days ago. She looks truly beautiful, but she ended up as a live sacrifice... such a waste."

"Why do I find her familiar? Isn't she Elder Zhu Guqing from Tianyuan Academy?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down. No matter who she is, any living person who comes to the Nine-Bend City has no way out."

"Let's see if we can keep some limbs and body parts later. It's the flesh and blood of a grandmaster. It must taste incredibly good."

...Whispers spread throughout the field, and the demons and monsters showed excitement and anticipation.

Meanwhile, Wuhuan Shuijun suddenly produced a snow-white bone knife in his hand. He looked at Zhu Guqing with a pitying gaze and sighed softly, "Beautiful lady, are you sure you want to die in place of that little girl?"