
Swordsmanship's Number One Immortal

I am the eternal swordsman, the number one immortal among the heavens.

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370 Chs

Chapter 122: Fragrant

Yuan Residence, Qiancao Hall.

Yuan Wutong sat upright at his desk, flipping through an ancient book titled "Stories of Gold and Stone."

He wore a loose white robe, his figure thin and scholarly, exuding an air of being a peaceful teacher.

The entire Yuan family knew that their clan leader had a fondness for reading. Whenever he had free time, he would be accompanied by books.

Over the years, he had spent countless amounts of money collecting books.

While other families had study rooms, Yuan Wutong had his own personal library!

A distant sound of footsteps could be heard, but Yuan Wutong didn't even lift his head as he casually remarked, "It must be Xiao Xi coming."

"How did Father know?" Yuan Luo Xi was taken aback.

Yuan Wutong put down the book in his hand and smiled helplessly, saying, "In our family, only you, this little girl, would dare to barge in while I'm reading."

Yuan Luo Xi stammered and felt a little embarrassed.

"Speak up, what's the matter?" Yuan Wutong smiled and stood up, personally moving a chair for his most beloved daughter. Then he picked up the teapot and poured a cup for himself and his daughter.

"Father, please wait until I finish speaking before you sit," Yuan Luo Xi shook her head.

Yuan Wutong pondered for a moment and said, "You look so troubled. Could it be that you've encountered a difficult problem?"

"Yes," Yuan Luo Xi took a deep breath and said, "Father, there's something I need to confess to you."

However, Yuan Wutong waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't say it yet, let me guess first, alright?"

Yuan Luo Xi pursed her lips and said annoyed, "It's already such a serious matter, and Father, you're still playing games with me."

Yuan Wutong burst into laughter and said, "Even in the most urgent matters, the sky won't fall. Moreover, if my guess is correct, the matter you want to talk about tonight should be related to a young man named Su Yi, right?"

His gaze was calm and vast, like a serene ocean. Faced with such eyes, Yuan Luo Xi felt as if all her secrets had been laid bare.

She couldn't help but be astonished and exclaimed, "How did you know?"

"Little girl, your father is the head of the Yuan family. When it comes to knowing things related to you, it's as easy as turning over one's hand," Yuan Wutong returned to his chair, sipping tea, and said, "Besides, when I found out that you secretly left home some time ago and went to Guangling City, did you really think I, as your father, wouldn't worry? I almost went to find you myself."

He shook his head, but his eyes were filled with indulgent affection.

Yuan Luo Xi stared blankly and asked, "Father... how much do you actually know?"

"Not too much, not too little," Yuan Wutong replied leisurely, saying, "For example, you went to Guimu Ridge and had a small conflict with this Su Yi. Then, when you returned to Yunhe County, you traveled together with Su Yi and Huang Qianjun. Hmm... It has only been two days since you came back home, and you secretly went to Hulugou Alley to find Su Yi. Your elder brother caught you in the act..."

After finishing, he couldn't help but laugh.

However, Yuan Luo Xi was dumbfounded. Her beautiful face showed various emotions, and after a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Father, you're really good at pretending. I haven't seen a trace of suspicion from you these days! I thought I had you fooled!"

Yuan Wutong sighed lightly and said, "I just wanted to see what happened to my precious daughter. You used to love staying by my side the most when you came back home, but since you went to Guangling City, it seems like your soul has been stolen by someone."

Yuan Luo Xi blushed and retorted, "No, I haven't!"

Then, she suddenly remembered the purpose of her visit tonight and said, "Father, do you know why I came to see you tonight?"

"I have a vague idea," Yuan Wutong's smile disappeared, his eyebrows furrowed, and he said, "I have already gained some understanding of Su Yi's background. He must have many secrets, otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for him to possess the strength to kill six elite Qi Gathering Realm experts in just a year."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Also, I just received news that tonight, this young man unleashed a massacre at Fengyuan Pavilion, killing many former fellow disciples. This will undoubtedly lead to great trouble and provoke the retaliation of Qinghe Sword Manor."

Saying this, he looked at Yuan Luo Xi and said, "So, if my guess is correct, you came to ask me to intervene and help this Su Yi, am I right?"

Yuan Luo Xi's heart churned. She hadn't expected her father to already possess so much information!

After a moment, she looked up with hope in her eyes and asked, "Father, are you willing to help? Or rather, even if I don't ask for your help, can you promise me?"

Yuan Wutong felt a bit strange in his heart, his eyes showing a strange look as he said, "Tsk, it seems like my little Xi has indeed had her soul stolen."

Yuan Luo Xi was annoyed and said, "Father, don't interrupt. Let's focus on the matter at hand!"

Yuan Wutong smiled and said, "Don't worry, when Cheng Wuyong arrives, I will ask him some questions and then give you an answer."

Just as he said that, a distant sound of footsteps could be heard again.

Cheng Wuyong and Yuan Luyu had arrived together.

Yuan Wutong couldn't help but sneer, "Ha, Cheng Wuyong, you're not honest. You even brought my son here as a mediator."

Cheng Wuyong quickly smiled and said, "Clan Chief, please calm down. I just thought that with Young Master Er here, he could help me prove some things."

Yuan Wutong replied angrily, "Go on then. I want to see how you can help Xiaoxi persuade me."

Cheng Wuyong thought for a moment and solemnly said, "Clan Chief, I will only mention three things."

Immediately, he recounted his actions in Guimu Ridge, his experiences on the boat, and the "guidance" given to him by Su Yi.

After hearing it all, Yuan Wutong fell into silence.

A young man who had annihilated six Yin corpses in a rainy night, beheaded a grandmaster on a boat, and casually offered "guidance" to Cheng Wuyong, a Qi Gathering Great Perfection expert!

It was like listening to a mythical story.

If someone else had said this, Yuan Wutong would have dismissed it as madness and ignored it.

But when these words came from Cheng Wuyong, he couldn't help but take it seriously.

After a while, Yuan Wutong looked at Yuan Luoxi and said, "Xiaoxi, do you have anything to say?"

Yuan Luoxi's face was full of seriousness as she said, "Father, Mr. Su is like a transcendent immortal in my heart, and he doesn't need our Yuan family's help. But knowing that he is in trouble, how can I not help?"

Yuan Wutong nodded and looked at Yuan Loya, saying, "And you, do you have anything to say?"

Yuan Loya felt a bit embarrassed and said, "Father, you probably don't know, but I once had a fight with Young Master Su, and the result... Anyway, among the younger generation in Yunhe County, I have never been convinced by anyone except Young Master Su!"

After listening, Yuan Wutong laughed and said, "Interesting, truly interesting. An abandoned disciple of the Qinghe Sword Mansion, yet within just a year, he has acquired transcendent immortal-like abilities. It truly amazes me. I wish I could meet him now."

Yuan Luoxi exclaimed happily, "Father, does that mean you're agreeing to help?"

Yuan Wutong helplessly said, "If I don't agree, wouldn't it seem like I, as the clan chief, am inferior to your judgment?"

With a relieved expression, he continued, "Xiaoxi, you have indeed grown up. You understand the meaning of gratitude and have your own ideas and responsibilities. You are much better than your brother, who only knows how to fight and kill."

Yuan Luoxi smiled and cheered.

Yuan Loya, on the other hand, looked gloomy. Praising his sister was one thing, but why did it have to come with negating me? Father's bias towards my sister is truly undisguised...

Cheng Wuyong hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Clan Chief, if our Yuan family takes action, it is highly likely that we will confront the Prefectural Mansion and the Qinghe Sword Mansion, the two major forces. At that time, everyone in the Yuan family will be affected. You should consider it carefully."

Yuan Wutong responded calmly, "Have you considered that our Yuan family might seize this opportunity and take a step further?"

Cheng Wuyong's heart shook, realizing that the Clan Chief had already seen the pros and cons of this matter.

Suddenly, Yuan Wutong became curious and asked, "Elder Cheng, where is the calligraphy that Su Yi gave you? Bring it for me to see."

Cheng Wuyong hesitated and reluctantly took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Yuan Wutong, saying, "Clan Chief, you can take a look, but you can't claim it as your own. I still need it to prove my path to the Martial Ancestor realm."

"Look at your limited vision. Do you think I'm the kind of person who takes advantage of others?" Yuan Wutong coldly snorted.

As he spoke, he opened the scroll.

Then, his eyes brightened, his back straightened unconsciously, and a trace of astonishment appeared between his eyebrows, as if he was captivated by what he saw.

He had a hobby of reading books and collecting calligraphy from famous figures throughout history. How could he not appreciate the charm in those lines?

After a long time, seeing that Yuan Wutong was still staring at the calligraphy, Cheng Wuyong couldn't help but remind him, "Clan Chief, shouldn't you return it to me now?"

Yuan Wutong, as if waking from a dream, put away the scroll, took a long breath, and exclaimed, "With just a few characters, it exudes unparalleled arrogance and overlooks the world's grandeur! What's even more profound is that each stroke carries the essence of martial arts. Careful contemplation has left me amazed and greatly benefited. Such a person truly deserves the title of a transcendent immortal!"

Yuan Luoxi and Yuan Loya exchanged glances and couldn't help but laugh.

It seemed that what truly touched their father's heart was this ink masterpiece from Mr. Su!

"Clan Chief, the calligraphy should be returned to me," Cheng Wuyong couldn't help but remind again.

Yuan Wutong chuckled and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I'll keep this calligraphy for now. Whenever you want to see it, just come to me."

Cheng Wuyong became anxious and said, "Clan Chief, earlier you said you weren't that kind of person who takes advantage of others. You can't go back on your word, can you?"

"Hmm? Did I say that?" Yuan Wutong pretended to be puzzled. "Besides, I'm not withholding it from you. I'm just helping to keep it safe. Why are you so impatient?"

Seeing that Cheng Wuyong was about to say something else, Yuan Wutong held the calligraphy and stood up, saying, "It's getting late. I need to rest, and you should all go back too."

Cheng Wuyong: "..."

Yuan Luoxi and Yuan Loya were both taken aback.

They hadn't expected their father, such a prominent figure, to act like a rogue over a piece of calligraphy. It was truly rare.

What was this?

Unexpectedly delightful?

"Sigh, I shouldn't have taken it out in the first place!"

Cheng Wuyong sighed deeply and then consoled himself, "But at least the Clan Chief has finally agreed to help Mr. Su. It's just a piece of calligraphy... it's worth it. After all, the Clan Chief said I can come to see it anytime..."

Although he said that, there was a faint pain in his heart.